 The qmail Handbook
- Provides thorough instruction for installing, configuring, and optimizing qmail
- Includes coverage of secure networking, troubleshooting issues, and mailing list administration
- Covers what system administrators want to know by concentrating on qmail issues relevant to daily operation
... |  |  XML Programming Using the Microsoft XML Parser
XML Programming Using the Microsoft XML Parser is written for programmers interested in XML development using Microsoft technologies. Coupling valuable discussion of the Microsoft XML parser, Windows platform, and XML development software with the numerous core XML technologies, including XSLT, XPATH, SAX, DOM, XML Schema, and SOAP,... |  |  Robot Building for Beginners
Learning robotics by yourself isnt easy, but it helps when the encouragement comes from an expert whos spent years in the field. Not only does author David Cook assist you in understanding the component parts of robot development, but he also presents valuable techniques that prepare you to make new discoveries on your... |
 The .NET Languages: A Quick Translation Guide
The .NET Languages: A Quick Translation Guide answers two questions posed by the introduction of the .NET Framework: "How do I quickly upgrade my skills to this new language?" and "How do I understand the code that another developer has written?"
Author Brian Bischof offers a complete... |  |  Wireless Java : Developing with Java 2, Micro Edition
- Master J2ME and its Mobile Information Device Profile (MIDP)
- Learn how to program MIDlets, Java's answer to building wireless distributed applications
- Gain the skills needed to use one of the most popular programming languages in next-generation applications
Despite Java’s... |  |  Visual Basic for Testers
The goal of Visual Basic for Testers is to teach you how to use Visual Basic to increase your level of sophistication as a tester. You'll learn how to use VB to write an automated testing project and what to look for in a well-written VB program. Author Mary Sweeney will help you gain the experience necessary both... |
 Data Mining & Statistical Analysis Using SQL
This book is not just another theoretical text about statistics or data mining. No, instead it is aimed for database administrators who want to use SQL or bolster their understanding of statistics to support data mining and customer relationship management analytics.
Each chapter is self-contained, with examples tailored to real... |  |  Visual Basic and Visual Basic .NET for Scientists and Engineers
Visual Basic and Visual Basic .NET for Scientists and Engineers begins with an overview of the Visual Basic and Visual Basic .NET IDEs, their important characteristics, and how the development environments can be manipulated to suit developers' needs. After a solid discussion of VB and VB .NET forms, controls, and namespaces,... |  |  Architecting Web Services
- Presents a technology-agnostic approach that focuses on building Web services-based applications around established open standards
- Provides plenty of examples, illustrations, and code to help the reader not only understand Web services but start implementing them right away
Architecting Web... |
 Pocket PC Database Development with eMbedded Visual Basic
The Pocket PC is the fastest growing platform for building handheld-based enterprise applications. Free from the memory limitations and underpowered processors of other handheld platforms, Pocket Access and eMbedded Visual Basic are providing the Pocket PC with the same one-two punch that Microsoft Access and Visual Basic gave Windows... |  |  Managing Enterprise Systems with the Windows Script Host
- Covers common administration tasks for Exchange 5.5, Exchange 2000, Internet Information Server (IIS) 4.0 and 5.0, and Windows NT 4.0, 2000, and XP
- Includes extensive examples using Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) to provide registry, network/system administrative, and security operations
... |  |  ADO.NET and ADO Examples and Best Practices for VB Programmers (Second Edition)
ADO.NET and ADO Examples and Best Practices for VB Programmers, Second Edition brings the popular first edition up to date with fresh insights and tips on COM-based ADOand adds a voluminous section on the new ADO.NET technology. Written specifically for COM-based ADO developers retooling for ADO.NET, this is a developer's book,... |
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