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Quantitative Approaches in Object-oriented Software Engineering
Quantitative Approaches in Object-oriented Software Engineering

Measures of software internal attributes have been extensively used to help software managers, customers and users to characterize, assess and improve the quality of software products. The introduction of object-oriented (OO) software provides powerful design mechanisms with which to do this, and new technologies—e.g., OO frameworks, OO...

Mobile Agents for Telecommunication Applications
Mobile Agents for Telecommunication Applications
Provides an overview of how the mobile code can be used in networking with the aim of developing further intelligent information retrieval, network and mobility management, and network services.

Proceedings of the Second International Workshop, MATA, on Mobile Agents for Telecommunication Applications, held in Paris, France,
Intelligent Agents for Telecommunication Environments (Innovative Technology Series)
Intelligent Agents for Telecommunication Environments (Innovative Technology Series)
Mobile agents are program instances (or processes) capable of moving within the network under their own control. They consist of three parts: code, data state, and execution state. Migration of mobile agents takes place between hosts. These hosts execute the agents and provide functionality to them. This functionality includes communication with...
Applications & Services in Wireless Networks (Innovative Technology Series)
Applications & Services in Wireless Networks (Innovative Technology Series)
The main challenge in providing mobile users with acceptable real-time multimedia
communication is to provide quality of service support in the context of i)
heterogeneous mobile communication networks, ii) a vast number of different
media formats and codecs, iii) a heterogeneous world of mobile terminals, and iv)
a large
Communicating Systems & Networks: Traffic & Performance (Innovative Technology Series)
Communicating Systems & Networks: Traffic & Performance (Innovative Technology Series)

This book originates from the desire to perpetuate expertise in the field of performance evaluation, particularly for telecommunication systems and networks. It is obviously impossible to translate into a single work all the facets of an activity which encompasses many systems and a great variety of domains such as standardization,...

Parallel I/O for Cluster Computing (Innovative Technology Series)
Parallel I/O for Cluster Computing (Innovative Technology Series)

Data sets in large applications such as databases and data-mining applications are often too large to fit into a computer’s internal memory. The resulting I/O (input/output) communications between internal memory and the slower external medium (such as disks) can present a major performance bottleneck.

Among the possible computer...

Modeling, Identification and Control of Robots (Kogan Page Science Paper Edition)
Modeling, Identification and Control of Robots (Kogan Page Science Paper Edition)
'..provides necessary tools to deal with various problems that can be encountered in the design, control synthesis and exploitation of robotic manipulators. It can also be recommended to students as a texbook.'
-European Mathematical Society

Written by two of Europe's leading robotics experts, this book provides the
Respiratory Emergencies (European Respiratory Monograph)
Respiratory Emergencies (European Respiratory Monograph)

  Access to free airways is the first consideration in emergency situations, such as at the

scene of an accident, and respiratory emergencies represent an important part of acute medicine in general. Respiratory problems also play a crucial part in critical care medicine and constitute an important share of the numerous
Content Management Systems (Tools of the Trade)
Content Management Systems (Tools of the Trade)

This book will guide you through the process of arriving at a content management solution, including the background knowledge you need to know, how to go about getting a solution, implementing the solution, and migrating existing content to it.

This book includes:

  • Three activities of content management: Asset...
Practical Intranet Development
Practical Intranet Development

You’d think that designing an intranet would be a web professional’s heaven. You know exactly what browsers and operating systems your audience are using. You can easily identify users for testing. What could be easier than that?

But then, few people ever get to see other companies’ intranets. How can you learn from...

Machine Learning and Data Mining
Machine Learning and Data Mining
The book describes the basics of machine learning principles and algorithms that are used in data mining and is intended for students of computer science, researchers who need to adapt various algorithms for particular data mining tasks, and for education of sophisticated users of machine learning and data mining tools.

Digital Signal Processing, Second Edition: Mathematical and Computational Methods, Software Development and Applications
Digital Signal Processing, Second Edition: Mathematical and Computational Methods, Software Development and Applications

This book forms the first part of a complete MSc course in an area that is fundamental to the continuing revolution in information technology and communication systems. Massively exhaustive, authoritative, comprehensive and reinforced with software, this is an introduction to modern methods in the developing field of Digital Signal Processing...

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