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Create Your Dream Garden: Tips and Techniques to Make Your Garden Bloom (52 Brilliant Ideas)
Create Your Dream Garden: Tips and Techniques to Make Your Garden Bloom (52 Brilliant Ideas)

Each chapter of this book is designed to provide you with an inspirational idea that you can read quickly and put into practice straight away.

"Don't worry. This isn't a garden makeover book that'll convince you to put decking over every plant you see nor will it teach you how to spot your Symphoricarpos albus from...

Brucella: Molecular and Cellular Biology
Brucella: Molecular and Cellular Biology

The book opens with chapters that focus on the development of molecular diagnostic tools and these are followed by chapters on genetic evolution and its relationship to pathogenicity. Other topics include Brucella comparative genomics and proteomics, analysis of the structure, biosynthesis and biology of glucans and...

Dictionary of Computing
Dictionary of Computing
This dictionary provides the user with a comprehensive range of the vocabulary used in the field of computing. It covers all aspects of computing, including hardware, software, peripherals, networks and programming, as well as many applications in which computers are used, such as the Internet or desktop publishing. It also describes the latest...
Algorithms in Bioinformatics
Algorithms in Bioinformatics

The present volume is dedicated to aspects of algorithmic work in bioinformat ics and computational biology with an emphasis on string algorithms that play a central role in the analysis of biological sequences. The papers included are a selection of articles corresponding to talks given at one of two meetings spon sored by The Royal...

Tricks of the Mind
Tricks of the Mind
Derren Brown's television and stage performances have entranced and dumbfounded millions.His baffling illusions and stunning set pieces– such as the Séance, Russian Roulette and the Heist – have set new standards of what's possible, as well as causing more than their fair share of controversy.Now, for the first time, he reveals...
Protection of Electrical Networks
Protection of Electrical Networks
This book, designed for engineers, technicians, designers and operators working with electrical networks, contains theoretical and practical information on the design and set-up of protection systems.

Protection of Electrical Networks first discusses network structures and grounding systems together with problems that can occur in
Models in Spatial Analysis (ISTE)
Models in Spatial Analysis (ISTE)
This book offers a relatively large overview of modeling families which exist in spatial analysis and of the different mindsets that went into them. Models presented are related to space organization principles, localization logic, the form of spatial interactions1 and their role in space dynamics. The expertise of the authors is...
Digital Signal and Image Processing Using MATLAB (ISTE)
Digital Signal and Image Processing Using MATLAB (ISTE)

Simulation is an essential tool in any field related to engineering techniques, whether it is used lor teaching purposes or in research and development. When teaching technical subjects, lab works play an important role, as im portant as exercise sessions in helping students assimilate theory. The recent introduction of simulation...

Channel Coding in Communication Networks: From Theory to Turbo Codes
Channel Coding in Communication Networks: From Theory to Turbo Codes
The very title of this book is borrowed from the information theory vocabulary, and, quite naturally, it is an outline of this theory that will serve as an introduction. The subject of information theory is the scientific study of communications. To this end it defines a quantitative measurement of the communicated content, i.e. information, and...
Mechanical Vibrations: Active and Passive Control
Mechanical Vibrations: Active and Passive Control

For all rotational machines, the analysis of dynamic stresses and the resulting vibrations is an important subject. When it comes to helicopters and piston engines, this analysis becomes crucial. From the design of parts working under stress to the reduction of the vibration levels, the success of a project lies mainly in the hands of the...

Wavelets and Their Applications (Digital Signal and Image Processing series)
Wavelets and Their Applications (Digital Signal and Image Processing series)
Showing how wavelets combine signal in image processing, mathematics, physics, and electrical engineering, this introduction to wavelet technology helps engineers master the basic techniques for using wavelets in such applications as image compression, turbulence, human vision, radar, and earthquake prediction. Among the topics covered are the...
Software Specification Methods
Software Specification Methods
This book is an introduction to a set of software specification methods. Its targeted audience are readers who do not wish to read pages of definitions in order to understand the basics of a method. The same case study is used to introduce each method, following a rigorously uniform presentation format. Special care has been devoted to ensure that...
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