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Deploying Windows 2000 with Support Tools
Deploying Windows 2000 with Support Tools
Visually, Windows 2000 is similar to previous versions of Windows. Its extensive new functionality, the overriding goal of which is to reduce an organization's "total cost of ownership," however, makes the system administrator's life easier. This translates to quicker software installation, more efficient management, and easier...
Building Cisco Remote Access Networks
Building Cisco Remote Access Networks
Citrix MetaFrame can deliver Windows-based applications to any user, anywhere regardless of network connection, LAN protocol, or client operating system. Configuring Citrix MetaFrame for Windows 2000 Terminal Services is written for system administrators who are deploying Citrix MetaFrame in a Windows 2000 environment. It examines MetaFrame's...
Configuring Cisco AVVID: Architecture for Voice, Video, and Integrated Data
Configuring Cisco AVVID: Architecture for Voice, Video, and Integrated Data
AVVID (Architecture for Voice, Video, and Integrated Data) is a network architecture made up of hardware and software that transmits a company’s data such as e-mail, web traffic, file transfers, voice traffic, and video traffic over the same physical computer network. Imagine taking the three networks your...
Hack Proofing Your Network: Internet Tradecraft
Hack Proofing Your Network: Internet Tradecraft
This is a book about hacking. It’s not a novel about a set of elusive cyberpunks, it’s a do-it-yourself manual. Are we trying to tell you how to break into other people’s systems? No, we’re trying to help you make your own systems more secure by breaking into them yourself. Yes, this has the side effect that you might learn...
Mission Critical Windows 2000 Server Administration
Mission Critical Windows 2000 Server Administration
To put it in terms understandable to the many former English majors who now manage Windows networks: if Everyman were a system administrator, he'd run Windows 2000 Server. It supports pretty much any business requirement, yet it's user-friendly enough that anyone can learn to be an administrator with a bit of study. Mission Critical! Windows...
Managing Cisco Network Security
Managing Cisco Network Security
Providing good internetwork security and remaining current on new
hardware and software products is a never-ending task. Every network
security manager aims to achieve the best possible security because
the risks are real and the stakes are high. An enterprise must decide
what level of security is required, taking into account
Configuring Citrix Metaframe for Windows 2000 Terminal Services
Configuring Citrix Metaframe for Windows 2000 Terminal Services
Citrix MetaFrame can deliver Windows-based applications to any user, anywhere regardless of network connection, LAN protocol, or client operating system. Configuring Citrix MetaFrame for Windows 2000 Terminal Services is written for system administrators who are deploying Citrix MetaFrame in a Windows 2000 environment. It examines MetaFrame's...
Designing SQL Server 2000 Databases for .Net Enter
Designing SQL Server 2000 Databases for .Net Enter
As a consultant, the process of designing and developing technology-based solutions is
one that you get to know intimately, thanks to iteration. Having been involved in a dozen
or more projects in the past few years, I came to realize that a common component exists
at the center of every one of those solutions. That component is the
Mission Critical Internet Security
Mission Critical Internet Security
The best security for a network segment is isolation, but that's not an option if you want your users to enjoy Internet connectivity. Mission Critical Internet Security explores your options for protecting your network from attack across the Internet, emphasizing firewall solutions from Cisco, Symantec, Microsoft, and Check Point. This...
Administering Cisco QOS for IP Networks
Administering Cisco QOS for IP Networks
Administering Cisco QoS in IP Networks discusses IP Quality of Service (QoS) and how it applies to Enterprise and Service Provider environments. It reviews routing protocols and quality of service mechanisms available today on Cisco network devices (routers, switches, etc.).This guide provides examples and...
E-mail Virus Protection Handbook : Protect your E-mail from Viruses, Tojan Horses, and Mobile Code Attacks
E-mail Virus Protection Handbook : Protect your E-mail from Viruses, Tojan Horses, and Mobile Code Attacks
All of the big viruses of recent times (think "Melissa" and the "Love Bug") have used e-mail protocols to propagate themselves--often taking advantage of the address-book features of e-mail clients to identify their victims. The E-mail Virus Protection Handbook explores how you, as an administrator of an e-mail server...
Configuring Exchange 2000 Server
Configuring Exchange 2000 Server
Who should read this book? Anyone looking for clear, relevant answers on how to best utilize their existing Exchange 2000 environment.

Configuring Exchange Server 2000 is an intermediate to advanced book for both administrators and developers who are actively using
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