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Asp Configuration Handbook
Asp Configuration Handbook
The Complete Guide to Migrating an ISP to an ASP ISPs are now faced with a narrowing margin brought on by fierce competition, with little available differentiation in their offerings. In order to reverse this decline in profitability, ISPs have begun to expand services beyond bandwidth and connectivity, by adding remote hosting services such as...
Hack Proofing Your Ecommerce Site
Hack Proofing Your Ecommerce Site
Hack Proofing Your E-Commerce Site was written in response to requests from readers of our first book, Hack Proofing Your Network: Internet Tradecraft. Many of you asked us for more detail on how to protect e-commerce sites, given the unique risk and exposure such...
Configuring ISA Server 2000
Configuring ISA Server 2000
Today's tools for connectivity are more sophisticated and flexible than ever. As a result, there are more variables involved in setting them up and making them all work together. Mission Critical ISA Server 2000 is designed to provide practical guidance to administrators at businesses that are going online. It teaches readers how to use the...
Hack Proofing Your Web Applications
Hack Proofing Your Web Applications
As a developer, the best possible way to focus on security is to begin to think like a hacker. Examine the methods that hackers use to break into and attack Web sites and use that knowledge to prevent attacks. You already test your code for functionality; one step further is to test it for security—attempt to break into it by finding some...
Hack Proofing Linux : A Guide to Open Source Security
Hack Proofing Linux : A Guide to Open Source Security
Hack Proofing Linux: A Guide to Open Source Security is designed to help you deploy a Linux system on the Internet in a variety of security roles.This book provides practical instructions and pointers concerning the open source security tools that we use every day.

First, we show you how to obtain
Bluetooth Application Developer's Guide
Bluetooth Application Developer's Guide
Every so often, a new technology comes along that, by its very nature, will change the world.The automobile, the television, and the Internet are obvious examples of technologies whose impact upon the entire population has been so far-reaching that it is truly beyond measure. Bluetooth is not one of these technologies. Despite the massive amount of...
Hack Proofing Sun Solaris 8
Hack Proofing Sun Solaris 8
Two of Sun Solaris's prime attractions are its reliability and the high availability of servers running it. These advantages can be, however, negated by carelessness. Forget to apply a patch, or neglect to synchronize your servers' system clocks, and someone who's paying more attention will exploit the holes you've left in your system. The authors...
Designing a Wireless Network
Designing a Wireless Network
Wireless network design presents the IT professional with unique obstacles. Your network requires the seamless and secure distribution of information, in spite of competing communication protocols, incompatible hardware platforms, and narrow bandwidths. This book is an introduction to developing efficient means of wireless transport in order to...
Webmaster's Guide to the Wireless Internet
Webmaster's Guide to the Wireless Internet
Webmaster’s Guide to the Wireless Internet is intended to give you, the Webmaster, the skills and knowledge that you will need to add wireless Internet capability to your existing Web site, to build new wireless applications, and to help you understand the issues, both global and domestic, that exist...
VB.net Developer's Guide
VB.net Developer's Guide
The Complete Guide to Developing Applications with VB.NET

The introduction of VB.NET has sent many Visual Basic gurus back to the drawing board! VB.NET introduces a new set of standards, protocols, and syntax that previous users of Visual Basic will need to learn to regain their guru status and be positioned to create enterprise-critical...

C#.net Web Developer's Guide
C#.net Web Developer's Guide
This volume teaches Web developers to build solutions for the Microsoft .NET platform. Web developers will learn to use C# components to build services and applications available across the Internet.

The focus of The C#.NET Web Developer’s Guide is on providing you with code examples that will help you leverage the
ASP.net Web Developer's Guide (With CD-ROM)
ASP.net Web Developer's Guide (With CD-ROM)
Aimed at the working ASP developer who wants to move to Microsoft .NET, ASP.NET Unleashed: Web Developers Guide offers an excellent example-based programming tutorial. With its strong practical focus, this title offers an excellent choice for learning ASP.NET quickly.

Most every computer book uses examples illustrating programming...

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