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Hack Proofing ColdFusion
Hack Proofing ColdFusion

In preparation for the creation of this book I spent a weekend at my home in Massachusetts setting up one of my personal computers to be a testing server. My home is serviced by AT&T and we have a high-speed modem with a fixed IP number.This, combined with the installation of some new software, made for a very fun weekend of tweaking and...

Configuring and Troubleshooting Windows XP Professional
Configuring and Troubleshooting Windows XP Professional
The thing about Windows XP Professional is, users love it. It has a slick interface and it behaves far more intelligently and predictably than some of its predecessors. The new system of software registration aside, Windows XP surely is the most highly acclaimed Microsoft...
Cisco AVVID and IP Telephony Design and Implementation
Cisco AVVID and IP Telephony Design and Implementation
Cisco AVVID Design and Implementation is a complete reference for network administrators and engineers responsible for a complicated AVVID network. This book covers history, protocols, hardware, servers, switches, bridges, and routers, and discusses implementation issues, realities of cost, requirements, and network limitations. Engineers will...
Configuring IPv6 for Cisco IOS
Configuring IPv6 for Cisco IOS
Configuring IPv6 with Cisco IOS provides complete coverage of IPv6 strategies, configuration scenarios, and techniques to successfully deploy an IPv6 addressing and subnetting scheme on a network. The book also covers such topics as: increasing the IP address size from 32 bits to 128 bits; supporting more levels of addressing hierarchy; supporting...
Developing Web Services with Java APIs for XML (JAX Pack) with CDROM
Developing Web Services with Java APIs for XML (JAX Pack) with CDROM
It should come as no surprise to someone reading this foreword that two of the most
influential forces in information systems over the last few years have been Java and
XML. Java provides a stable, industrial-strength language that runs on a variety of
platforms, while XML offers a simple format for the exchange of information
Hacking a Terror Network: The Silent Threat of Covert Channels
Hacking a Terror Network: The Silent Threat of Covert Channels
From a counterterrorism perspective, discovering terrorist communication networks
and methods is extremely important.Terrorists have demonstrated the
capability to exchange messages that vary from archaic (using human couriers)
to technologically advanced using “virtual dead-drops.”The popular press is full
The Unified Process Construction Phase: Best Practices in Implementing the UP
The Unified Process Construction Phase: Best Practices in Implementing the UP
Is the Unified Process the be all and end all standard for developing object-oriented component-based software? This book is the second in a four volume series that presents a critical review of the Unified Process. The authors present a survey of the alt

This second volume of a four-book series focuses on the design and implementation
COM Programming by Example: Using MFC, ActiveX, ATL, ADO, and COM+ (with CD-ROM)
COM Programming by Example: Using MFC, ActiveX, ATL, ADO, and COM+ (with CD-ROM)
Use MFC, ActiveX, ATL, ADO and COM+ to develop COM applications Implement client/server applications with ease with this example-oriented approach to the details and implementation of COM technology in network applications. If there was ever a subject th

Implement client/server applications with
C Programming for Embedded Systems
C Programming for Embedded Systems
Eager to transfer your C language skills to the 8-bit microcontroller embedded environment? This book will get you up and running fast with clear explanations of the common architectural elements of most 8-bit microcontrollers and the embedded-specific de

Get up and running fast with this clear presentation of 8-bit MCU development
Web Accessibility for People with Disabilities (R & D Developer Series)
Web Accessibility for People with Disabilities (R & D Developer Series)
Key Benefits Comply with all legal mandates and standards Master HTML enhancements for accessibility Employ the best accessibility tools Make your Web site accessible to everyone! This definitive resource provides Internet and Web administrators and devel

Make your Web site accessible to everyone!
Math Toolkit for Real-Time Programming
Math Toolkit for Real-Time Programming
Do big math on small machines Write fast and accurate library functions Master analytical and numerical calculus Perform numerical integration to any order Implement z-transform formulas Need to learn the ins and outs of the fundamental math functions in

Master analytical and numerical calculus with
The Unified Process Inception Phase : Best Practices for Implementing the UP
The Unified Process Inception Phase : Best Practices for Implementing the UP
Is the Unified Process the be all and end all standard for developing object-oriented component-based software? This book is the third in a four volume series that presents a critical review of the Unified Process. The authors present a survey of the alte

Fill the gap between theory and practice! Implement a software process that goes
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