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Microsoft .NET for Programmers
Microsoft .NET for Programmers
Shows intermediate and advanced programmers how to deploy a single .NET application with multiple interfaces so that it can be accessed from the command line, through a Windows GUI, by means of a Web browser, or using a mobile device.

The purpose of this book is to explore the many parts that make up .NET, to assemble them into
Windows Forms Programming with C#
Windows Forms Programming with C#
The .NET Framework contains such a large selection of topics that it is impossible to cover all of them in a single book of any depth. This section introduces the focus of this book, and provides an overview of the contents and conventions used in the text. The end of this section describes the online forum available for any questions or comments...
J2EE and XML Development
J2EE and XML Development
Geared toward experienced developers, this reference demonstrates how Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE), and XML technologies can be used together to create more robust distributed applications and software systems. The use of XML technology to extend and enhance the capabilities of the J2EE platform is covered in detail. Discussed...
Java 2 Micro Edition
Java 2 Micro Edition
Java 2 Micro Edition (J2ME) is a technology defined by many specifications. These specifications help J2ME address the diverse needs of this wide spectrum of consumer products. This guide describes the architecture of J2ME and demonstrates the various specifications for programming Java applications. Through the use of a tutorial application...
Java 3D Programming
Java 3D Programming
Guiding programmers through the important design and implementation phases of developing a successful Java 3D application, this reference provides guidance on whether to use Java 3D, user interface design, geometry creation, scene manipulation, or final optimizations. Distilling twelve months of using the Java 3D API for commercial projects,...
LDAP Programming, Management, and Integration
LDAP Programming, Management, and Integration
Focusing on the practical application of the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol, this tutorial is geared toward IS professionals and software developers who are responsible for getting the maximum potential from their directories by integrating them with existing processes and applications. As the Internet standard for directory services, LDAP...
The JDK 1.4 Tutorial
The JDK 1.4 Tutorial
With the significant changes made to the new release of Java Development Kit (JDK), this book will act as tutorial for programmers who need to make use of he new features now. Each new or updated package or feature is given a theoretical introduction, including a discussion of the role of the package or feature within the larger Java platform....
Instant Messaging in Java: The Jabber Protocols
Instant Messaging in Java: The Jabber Protocols
Written as a mid-level programming guide, this book provides Java programmers with the information and tools needed to create their own Instant Messenger client and server software. This software can then be used to create personalized IM systems or integrate IM features into existing software. Focus is given to the open source Jabber XML-based IM...
Struts in Action: Building Web Applications with the Leading Java Framework
Struts in Action: Building Web Applications with the Leading Java Framework
A comprehensive introduction to the Struts framework that is complemented by practical case studies that implement applications with Struts, this book is intended for professional developers who want practical advice on how to get their applications working the “Struts way.” The hot topics in the construction of any Web site such...
JSTL in Action
JSTL in Action
Introducing Web page authors and programmers to the JSP Standard Tag Library (JSTL), this guide covers all features of the JSTL 1.0 standard. Whether users need to add dynamic content to a static Web page or are in need of providing back-end code, nonprogrammers are shown how to manipulate XML, access relational databases, format text,...
.NET Multithreading
.NET Multithreading
With an understanding of the .NET framework, stable and robust multithreaded applications can be developed with minimal effort. Covering the topics related to multithreaded development, this book not only focuses on how a task is performed but also on the more important question of why these tasks are performed. The strengths and weaknesses of each...
JMX in Action
JMX in Action
Covering the Java Management Extensions specification, this guide teaches programmers how JMX can provide robust management and monitoring capabilities for Java and non-Java resources including hardware. Going beyond covering the API, real-life examples and useful code are demonstrated in detail. In addition to describing the JMX...
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