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Programming Linux Hacker Tools Uncovered: Exploits, Backdoors, Scanners, Sniffers, Brute-Forcers, Rootkits (Uncovered series)
Programming Linux Hacker Tools Uncovered: Exploits, Backdoors, Scanners, Sniffers, Brute-Forcers, Rootkits (Uncovered series)

Uncovering the development of the hacking toolset under Linux, this book teaches programmers the methodology behind hacker programming techniques so that they can think like an attacker when developing a defense. Analyses and cutting-edge programming are provided of aspects of each hacking item and its source code—including ping...

Strategies for eCommerce Success
Strategies for eCommerce Success
With electronic commerce growing so rapidly, businesses need to examine critical elements that could influence users' perceptions of business-to-business and business-to-consumer electronic commerce. This book presents a study of key components and concepts of e-commerce, evaluates the critical success factors for global e-commerce, the economics...
Successful Software Reengineering
Successful Software Reengineering
Software process reengineering has become highly visible over the past several years. Efforts are being undertaken by organizations of all types and sizes as they attempt to deal with the challenges of quality, complexity, and competitiveness. These efforts rely on the successful integration of many technical, organizational, and methodological...
Human Computer Interaction Development and Management
Human Computer Interaction Development and Management
This important resource contains the most recent research concerning the management and development of information systems, so that organizations can effectively manage information systems growth and development. Not only must hardware, software, data, information, and networks be managed-people must be managed. Humans must be trained to use...
Knowledge Mapping and Management
Knowledge Mapping and Management

Knowledge Management is fast becoming a hot topic of discussion and research. The capture, use, production and storage of knowledge is an issue of paramount importance for businesses, universities, public and private organizations. Because this is such an important topic, it is essential for researchers, academicians and managers to...

Virtual Education: Cases in Learning & Teaching Technologies
Virtual Education: Cases in Learning & Teaching Technologies
Early computer researchers sought ways to use the new invention for learning
and teaching purposes. Instructional computing at that time took place on mainframes
in the form of typing and reading text, but serious efforts were made to
further utilize the computer power to serve education. Examples include the Programmed
Managing IT in Government, Business & Communities
Managing IT in Government, Business & Communities
This guide presents the most current research and findings about the challenges governments around the world are now placing on small business IT entrepreneurs and how they are providing increased resources to support this emphasis. Described are how organizations and society rely heavily on virtual technologies for communication and how...
Managing Globally with Information Technology
Managing Globally with Information Technology

As the world economy becomes more interdependent and competition for business continues to be more globally oriented, it has become necessary to address the issues of IT management from a broader global focus. Information technology is not only the enabler of the global marketplace but also a potential solution base for achieving global...

Current Security Management & Ethical Issues of Information Technology
Current Security Management & Ethical Issues of Information Technology
This scholarly examination of the ethical issues in information technology management covers basic details such as improving user education and developing security requirements as well as more complicated and far-reaching problems.

Corporate and individual behaviors are increasingly publicized as reports of scandals around the world are...

UML and the Unified Process
UML and the Unified Process
This book provides a set of readings on the state-of-the-art and the state-of-thepractice
of the Unified Modeling Language (UML) and the Unified Process (UP).

UML is a language for specifying, visualizing, constructing and documenting
software- intensive systems. It is a unifier of proven software modeling languages that...
Business Strategies for Information Technology Management
Business Strategies for Information Technology Management
This business guide presents theoretical and empirical research on the business value of information technology (IT) and introduces strategic opportunities for using IT management to increase organizational performance. Implementation management is addressed with attention to customer relationship outsourcing, decision support systems, and...
Effective Databases for Text & Document Management
Effective Databases for Text & Document Management
The focus of this book is effective databases for text and document management inclusive of new and enhanced techniques, methods, theories and practices. The research contained in these chapters is of particular significance to researchers and practitioners alike because of the rapid pace at which the Internet and related technologies are changing...
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