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Stealing the Network: How to Own a Continent
Stealing the Network: How to Own a Continent
This book outlines a fictional plot to "own the box" by compromising an entire continent's network infrastructure. It combines a set of stories with real technology to show readers the danger that lurks in the shadows of the information security industry.

The first book in this series ...

Nessus Network Auditing (Jay Beale's Open Source Security)
Nessus Network Auditing (Jay Beale's Open Source Security)

Ever since its beginnings in early 1998, the Nessus Project has attracted security researchers from all walks of life. It continues this growth today. It has been adopted as a de facto standard by the security industry, many of whom rely on Nessus as the foundation to their security practices. Now, Nessus Project Founder Renaud Deraison and...

Zero Day Exploit: Countdown to Darkness (Cyber-Fiction S.)
Zero Day Exploit: Countdown to Darkness (Cyber-Fiction S.)
There exists a 0-day vulnerability in a particular line of SCADA Master products that are widely used in petrochemical facilities. Furthermore, since the telemetry between the Master and the RTUs (the units located at valves, gauges, etc.) is particularly fragile under attack, the attackers are able to take a two-tiered approach to the damage they...
Cyber Adversary Characterization: Auditing the Hacker Mind
Cyber Adversary Characterization: Auditing the Hacker Mind
A book about hacking is a book about everything.
First, the meaning of hacker.

The word “hacker” emerged in an engineering context and became popular
at The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), among other places, as a
way to talk about any ingenious, creative, or unconventional use of a machine...
The Best Damn Windows Server 2003 Book Period
The Best Damn Windows Server 2003 Book Period
In keeping with past trends, full migration to this latest Microsoft Server Operating System will begin in earnest 12 months after its release, in mid-to-late 2004. This book hits the market just as large enterprises begin the process of moving from Windows 2000 Server to Windows Server 2003. The title says everything you need to know about this...
Dr. Tom Shinder's Configuring ISA Server 2004
Dr. Tom Shinder's Configuring ISA Server 2004

This book is based in large part on our own trials and tribulations (as well as the occasional “Eureka!” moment) that we’ve experienced working with ISA Server 2004. In this book, we are talking to people much like ourselves—experienced Windows network administrators who want to secure their networks and speed up Web...

Aggressive Network Self-Defense
Aggressive Network Self-Defense
I'm Mad As Hell, and I'm Not Gonna Take it Anymore!
  • Analyze the technical, legal, and financial ramifications of revolutionary and controversial network strike-back and active defense techniques.
  • Follow the travails of eight system administrators who take cyber law into their own hands.
  • ...
CYA: Securing Exchange Server 2003 & Outlook Web Access
CYA: Securing Exchange Server 2003 & Outlook Web Access
Coverage includes: Exchange 2000 Administrative Rights, Mailbox Rights, Denial of Service and Exchange, Types of File Vulnerabilities, Vulnerability of Transmitted Data, Message Authenticity, Event Service and Event Sinks, Message Relay via SMTP, Preventing Exchange Security Problems, The W2K/IIS Platform Must Be Solid, Dedicate Servers to Specific...
CYA Securing IIS 6.0
CYA Securing IIS 6.0
Network System Administrators operate in a high-stress environment, where the competitive demands of the business often run counter to textbook “best practices”. Design and planning lead times can be nonexistent and deployed systems are subject to constant end-runs; but at the end of the day, you, as the Administrator, are held...
Google Hacking for Penetration Testers
Google Hacking for Penetration Testers
Google Hacking for Penetration Testers explores the explosive growth of a technique known as "Google Hacking." This simple tool can be bent by hackers and those with malicious intents to find hidden information, break into sites, and access supposedly secure information. Borrowing the techniques pioneered by malicious...
Wireless Hacking: Projects for Wi-Fi Enthusiasts
Wireless Hacking: Projects for Wi-Fi Enthusiasts

Welcome to the world of “wireless magic.” 802.11 (Wi-Fi) wireless LANs have exploded onto the scene with an excitement not seen since the introduction of the Internet itself. Getting rid of the wires means getting rid of the hassle.With Wi-Fi, you can roam through your favorite coffee shop, boardroom or living room, all the while...

Windows to Linux Migration Toolkit
Windows to Linux Migration Toolkit
This book will teach people how to migrate systems from Windows to Linux. It provides migration process planning, automated migration scripts, anti-virus / anti-spam solutions, and specific migration and deployment details for all relevant technologies. IT professionals who wish to maximize the value of their Windows to Linux migration services...
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