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PHP Fast & Easy Web Development, 2nd Edition
PHP Fast & Easy Web Development, 2nd Edition

Don’t spend your time wading through manuals to learn PHP. Spend it doing what you do best—creating Web pages! Get the skills you need to install PHP, create a database, and upload files to the Web. Combining easy-to-understand instructions with visual examples, PHP Fast & Easy Web Development, 2nd Edition offers a...

Macromedia Dreamweaver MX Fast & Easy Web Development
Macromedia Dreamweaver MX Fast & Easy Web Development
While the Web was still in its infancy, the technologies used to deliver it were
always changing. I remember a time when I had to hand-code every page in a Web
site. At that time, a Web site was just a couple of static pages. Still, dealing with raw
HTML tags was not very pleasant. A few WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get)...
Adobe Photoshop 7 Fast & Easy
Adobe Photoshop 7 Fast & Easy
While Adobe has made Photoshop increasingly easier for the beginner to create and customize professional-looking designs, users still require a guide to fully utulize Photoshop's many features. This book walks the reader through the sometimes intimidating and overwhelming feature set of Photoshop by presenting tasks in concise steps complemented...
Data Structures for Game Programmers (Premier Press Game Development)
Data Structures for Game Programmers (Premier Press Game Development)
"Data Structures for Game Programmers" replaces endless pages of boring text with exciting gaming technology and eye-catching graphics. The complex subject of data structures is made easy to understand and fun to learn. Start with an explanation of how the most popular data structures and algorithms work. Then you're on your way as you...
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Administrator's Guide
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Administrator's Guide

Install, configure, and manage Windows XP Professional with this comprehensive administrator’s guide! Congratulations! You have found the ultimate task-oriented guide to Microsoft Windows XP Professional. Whether you are maintaining one stand-alone computer or thousands of networked Windows XP Professional systems, this book is designed to...

Linux Security (Networking)
Linux Security (Networking)
This book provides you with comprehensive knowledge about Linux Security. The book is aimed at readers who are familiar with Linux concepts but now want to gain a solid foundation in Linux security features. It is assumed these readers already understand some Linux and networking concepts, such as network protocols, network servers, and so on. This...
Hidden Nature: The Startling Insights of Viktor Schauberger
Hidden Nature: The Startling Insights of Viktor Schauberger
Viktor Schauberger, 1885-1958, was a radical pioneer of the study of the subtle energies in nature and the importance of living water in all natural processes. From unusually detailed observations of the natural world, he pioneered a completely new understanding of how nature works. He foresaw, and tried to warn against global waste and costly...
Reading Between the Signs: A Cultural Guide for Sign Language Students and Interpreters
Reading Between the Signs: A Cultural Guide for Sign Language Students and Interpreters
Each of us carries around a type of “baggage” that cannot be checked at the airport. Because it is invisible, we may not even be aware of its existence. What does this set of hidden luggage contain? Our cultural inheritance of values, attitudes, and beliefs, which, although we may not want to admit it, still infl uences our daily...
Americans at Work: A Cultural Guide to the Can-Do People
Americans at Work: A Cultural Guide to the Can-Do People
Whether you work with Americans face-to-face, communicate with them via telephone or e-mail, or interact together in a virtual team, this book reveals the subtle and not-so-subtle aspects of American culture in the workplace.

Best-selling author Craig Storti provides historical perspectives and explanations of the six most important...

When In Rome, Or Rio, Or Riyadh...: Cultural Q&A's For Successful Business Behavior Around The World
When In Rome, Or Rio, Or Riyadh...: Cultural Q&A's For Successful Business Behavior Around The World
The author of this text coaches the business traveler on important cultural issues that can easily go awry: getting acquainted, making a good impression, eating and drinking together, discussing ethics and politics in the workplace, and much more.

For nearly twenty years, Gwyneth Olofsson has been helping people avoid the cultural gaffes
GenXpat: The Young Professional's Guide To Making A Successful Life Abroad
GenXpat: The Young Professional's Guide To Making A Successful Life Abroad
"The first book to deal specifically with the 'GenXpat' generation - the 25-39 age group that typically sets off for the expatriate life when career is their primary consideration. This is my kind of book - it's informative, practical, and you get a real sense that the author knows what she is talking about." Ian Burns of Blackwell's...
Reading Between the Signs: Intercultural Communication for Sign Language Interpreters 2nd Edition
Reading Between the Signs: Intercultural Communication for Sign Language Interpreters 2nd Edition
Ann Mindess examines a culture not widely understood - American deaf culture. Collectivist and high-context, it contrasts with mainstream individualistic, low-context American culture. Both cultures are examined and the interpreter's role and responsibilities are discussed.

This book provides us with a penetrating look at a subject that,
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