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Guide to Ambient Intelligence in the IoT Environment: Principles, Technologies and Applications (Computer Communications and Networks)
Guide to Ambient Intelligence in the IoT Environment: Principles, Technologies and Applications (Computer Communications and Networks)
Ambient intelligence (AmI) is an element of pervasive computing that brings smartness to living and business environments to make them more sensitive, adaptive, autonomous and personalized to human needs. It refers to intelligent interfaces that recognise human presence and preferences, and adjust smart environments to suit their...
Inside European Parliament Politics: Informality, Information and Intergroups (Palgrave Studies in European Political Sociology)
Inside European Parliament Politics: Informality, Information and Intergroups (Palgrave Studies in European Political Sociology)
The study of the informal dimension of EU politics is more important than ever in order to understand how the EU system works. This book presents an innovative and original study on informal cross-party, cross-committee groupings in the European Parliament, so-called Intergroups. Building on extensive fieldwork, including semi-structured...
Advanced Topics in Fuzzy Graph Theory (Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing (375))
Advanced Topics in Fuzzy Graph Theory (Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing (375))

This book builds on two recently published books by the same authors on fuzzy graph theory. Continuing in their tradition, it provides readers with an extensive set of tools for applying fuzzy mathematics and graph theory to social problems such as human trafficking and illegal immigration. Further, it especially focuses on advanced...

St. Louis School Desegregation: Patterns of Progress and Peril (Historical Studies in Education)
St. Louis School Desegregation: Patterns of Progress and Peril (Historical Studies in Education)

This book examines the history of the school desegregation movement in St. Louis, Missouri. Underlining the 2014 killing of Michael Brown as a catalyst for re-examination of school desegregation, Rias delves into the connection between contemporary school segregation and social justice, probing the ways that “soft...

Structural Changes and their Econometric Modeling (Studies in Computational Intelligence)
Structural Changes and their Econometric Modeling (Studies in Computational Intelligence)

This book focuses on structural changes and economic modeling. It presents papers describing how to model structural changes, as well as those introducing improvements to the existing before-structural-changes models, making it easier to later on combine these models with techniques describing structural changes. The book also...

Robust Optimal Planning and Operation of Electrical Energy Systems
Robust Optimal Planning and Operation of Electrical Energy Systems

This book discusses the recent developments in robust optimization (RO) and information gap design theory (IGDT) methods and their application for the optimal planning and operation of electric energy systems. Chapters cover both theoretical background and applications to address common uncertainty factors such as load variation,...

The Physical Geography of Brazil: Environment, Vegetation and Landscape (Geography of the Physical Environment)
The Physical Geography of Brazil: Environment, Vegetation and Landscape (Geography of the Physical Environment)

This book presents the Brazilian natural space and environment. It describes the main environmental aspects of Brazil in relation to geology, climate, geomorphology, vegetation, fauna, water resources and environmental issues. 

The book presents a beautifully illustrated overview of the physical geography of the...

Youth in Saudi Arabia
Youth in Saudi Arabia

This book uses the youth life stage as a window through which to view all domains of life in present-day Saudi Arabia: family life, education, the impact of new media, the labour market, religion and politics. The authors draw extensively on their interviews with 25-35 year olds, selected so as to represent the life...

Plant and Human Health, Volume 3: Pharmacology and Therapeutic Uses
Plant and Human Health, Volume 3: Pharmacology and Therapeutic Uses

Early anthropological evidence for plant use as medicine is 60,000 years old as reported from the Neanderthal grave in Iraq. The importance of plants as medicine is further supported by archeological evidence from Asia and the Middle East. Today, around 1.4 billion people in South Asia alone have no access to modern health care, and...

The Marxian Legacy: The Search for the New Left (Political Philosophy and Public Purpose)
The Marxian Legacy: The Search for the New Left (Political Philosophy and Public Purpose)
The Marxian Legacy, first published in 1977 and released in a second edition in 1988, was and remains distinct in its view of Marxian theory as 'critique, ' aware of its own origins and limitations and self-conscious about its own historical rootedness in changing social and political conditions. This new and...
German Political Thought and the Discourse of Platonism: Finding the Way Out of the Cave
German Political Thought and the Discourse of Platonism: Finding the Way Out of the Cave
Taking Plato’s allegory of the cave as its starting-point, this book demonstrates how later European thinkers can be read as a reaction and a response to key aspects of this allegory and its discourse of enchainment and liberation. Focusing on key thinkers in the tradition of European (and specifically German) political thought including...
Device Physics, Modeling, Technology, and Analysis for Silicon MESFET
Device Physics, Modeling, Technology, and Analysis for Silicon MESFET

This book provides detailed and accurate information on the history, structure, operation, benefits and advanced structures of silicon MESFET, along with modeling and analysis of the device.  The authors explain the detailed physics that are important in modeling of SOI-MESFETs, and present the derivations of compact model...

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