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Practical Management of Systemic Sclerosis in Clinical Practice
Practical Management of Systemic Sclerosis in Clinical Practice
This book provides a practical guide for managing a variety of problems encountered by the clinician in managing patients with systemic sclerosis. Chapters take a problem-orientated approach to help the reader cut through potential barriers that can arise when working with different medical specialities. Management strategies for a broad...
Researchers at Risk: Precarity, Jeopardy and Uncertainty in Academia (Palgrave Studies in Education Research Methods)
Researchers at Risk: Precarity, Jeopardy and Uncertainty in Academia (Palgrave Studies in Education Research Methods)
This book explores the phenomenon of researchers at risk: that is, the experiences of scholars whose research topics require them to engage with diverse kind of dangers, uncertainties or vulnerabilities. This risk may derive from working with variously marginalised individuals or groups, or from being members of such groups themselves. At other...
Robust and Secured Digital Audio Watermarking: Using a DWT-SVD-DSSS Hybrid Approach (SpringerBriefs in Speech Technology)
Robust and Secured Digital Audio Watermarking: Using a DWT-SVD-DSSS Hybrid Approach (SpringerBriefs in Speech Technology)
This book discusses digital audio watermarking copyright assurance. The author first outlines the topic of watermarking data that can be used for copyright assurance that incorporates text messages, copyright audio, handwritten text, logo and cell phone numbers. The objective of this book is to propose a new algorithm that can embed and extract...
Recent Econometric Techniques for Macroeconomic and Financial Data (Dynamic Modeling and Econometrics in Economics and Finance, 27)
Recent Econometric Techniques for Macroeconomic and Financial Data (Dynamic Modeling and Econometrics in Economics and Finance, 27)

The book provides a comprehensive overview of the latest econometric methods for studying the dynamics of macroeconomic and financial time series. It examines alternative methodological approaches and concepts, including quantile spectra and co-spectra, and explores topics such as non-linear and non-stationary behavior, stochastic...

Racial Disproportionality and Disparities in the Child Welfare System (Child Maltreatment, 11)
Racial Disproportionality and Disparities in the Child Welfare System (Child Maltreatment, 11)
This volume examines existing research documenting racial disproportionality and disparities in child welfare systems, the underlying factors that contribute to these phenomena and the harms that result at both the individual and community levels. It reviews multiple forms of interventions designed to prevent and reduce disproportionality,...
Theories of Crime Through Popular Culture
Theories of Crime Through Popular Culture

This textbook brings criminology theories to life through a wide range of popular works in film, television and video games including 13 Reasons Why, Game of Thrones, The Office, and Super Mario Bros, from a variety of contributors. It serves as an engaging and creative...

Introduction to Antibody Engineering (Learning Materials in Biosciences)
Introduction to Antibody Engineering (Learning Materials in Biosciences)

This highly readable textbook serves as a concise and engaging primer to the emerging field of antibody engineering and its various applications. It introduces readers to the basic science and molecular structure of antibodies, and explores how to characterize and engineer them. Readers will find an overview of the latest methods in...

Caves and Karst of the Upper Midwest, USA: Minnesota, Iowa, Illinois, Wisconsin (Cave and Karst Systems of the World)
Caves and Karst of the Upper Midwest, USA: Minnesota, Iowa, Illinois, Wisconsin (Cave and Karst Systems of the World)

This book discusses the karst and pseudokarst of the Upper Midwest, USA, consisting of the states of Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, and Illinois?the first regional synthesis in 40 years. Starting with an overview of the regional geology of what is largely glaciated fluviokarst and paleokarst developed on Paleozoic carbonates, but...

Pelvic Ring Fractures
Pelvic Ring Fractures

This book provides in-depth coverage of all aspects of pelvic ring fractures and their management. The opening chapters supply essential information on surgical anatomy, biomechanics, classification, clinical evaluation, radiological diagnostics, and emergency and acute management. The various operative techniques, including...

Foreign Investor Misconduct in International Investment Law (European Yearbook of International Economic Law, 11)
Foreign Investor Misconduct in International Investment Law (European Yearbook of International Economic Law, 11)

This book examines the issue of foreign investor misconduct in modern international investment law, focusing on the approach that international investment law as it currently operates has developed towards foreign investor misconduct. The term ‘misconduct’ is not a legal notion, but is used to describe a certain...

Renegotiating Film Genres in East Asian Cinemas and Beyond (East Asian Popular Culture)
Renegotiating Film Genres in East Asian Cinemas and Beyond (East Asian Popular Culture)
This book brings together nine original chapters to examine genre agency in East Asian cinema within the transnational context. It addresses several urgent and pertinent issues such as the distribution and exhibition practices of East Asian genre films, intra-regional creative flow of screen culture, and genre’s creative response to...
International Labour Organization and Global Social Governance
International Labour Organization and Global Social Governance
This open access book explores the role of the ILO (International Labour Organization) in building global social governance from multiple and mutually complementary perspectives. It explores the impact of this UN´s oldest agency, founded in 1919, on the transforming world of work in a global setting, providing insights...
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