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Physical Biology of Proteins and Peptides: Theory, Experiment, and Simulation
Physical Biology of Proteins and Peptides: Theory, Experiment, and Simulation

This book covers the latest developments in the physical biology of proteins and peptides. Key insights into microscopic and macroscopic approaches to describe biologically relevant macromolecules and their interactions are provided. This book also covers a wide range of tools, including theoretical methods as statistical mechanics, normal...

Carbon Dioxide and Organometallics (Topics in Organometallic Chemistry)
Carbon Dioxide and Organometallics (Topics in Organometallic Chemistry)

The series Topics in Organometallic Chemistry presents critical overviews of research results in organometallic chemistry. As our understanding of organometallic structure, properties and mechanisms increases, new ways are opened for the design of organometallic compounds and reactions tailored to the needs of such diverse areas as organic...

Advanced Microscopy in Mycology (Fungal Biology)
Advanced Microscopy in Mycology (Fungal Biology)

The aim of this volume is to describe the latest advances in microscopic methods, including integrated techniques, as applied to mycology. Each chapter will provide a brief overview of a particular microscopic method with associated advantages and limitations, the research questions that can be appropriately addressed using these microscopic...

Synthetic Biology
Synthetic Biology

This book provides a comprehensive, up-to-date overview of the  opportunities and challenges of the complex field of synthetic biology, which combines various scientific disciplines. The emerging field of synthetic biology employs biotechnological approaches to  recreate and enhance basic biological structures, intracellular...

Modern Techniques and Solvents for the Extraction of Microbial Oils (SpringerBriefs in Molecular Science)
Modern Techniques and Solvents for the Extraction of Microbial Oils (SpringerBriefs in Molecular Science)

A valuable reference presenting many processes that facilitate lipid extraction from micro-organisms. Amongst the techniques included are Folch, Bligh and Dyer methods, and the Soxhlet technique as well as intensified green processes (ultrasound, microwave, supercritical fluid extraction, agro-solvent, accelerated solvent extraction,...

Social Network-Based Recommender Systems
Social Network-Based Recommender Systems

This book introduces novel techniques and algorithms necessary to support the formation of social networks. Concepts such as link prediction, graph patterns, recommendation systems based on user reputation, strategic partner selection, collaborative systems and network formation based on ‘social brokers’ are presented. Chapters...

Spectroscopy and Optical Diagnostics for Gases
Spectroscopy and Optical Diagnostics for Gases

This text provides an introduction to the science that governs the interaction of light and matter (in the gas phase). It provides readers with the basic knowledge to exploit the light-matter interaction to develop quantitative tools for gas analysis (i.e. optical diagnostics) and understand and interpret the results of spectroscopic...

Computing and Philosophy: Selected Papers from IACAP 2014 (Synthese Library)
Computing and Philosophy: Selected Papers from IACAP 2014 (Synthese Library)

This volume offers very selected papers from the 2014 conference of the “International Association for Computing and Philosophy” (IACAP) - a conference tradition of 28 years. The theme of the papers is the two-way relation between computing technologies and philosophical questions: Computing technologies both raise new...

More Math Into LaTeX
More Math Into LaTeX

For over two decades, this comprehensive manual has been the standard introduction and complete reference for writing articles and books containing mathematical formulas. If the reader requires a streamlined approach to learning LaTeX for composing everyday documents, Grätzer’s © 2014 Practical LaTeX may also be a good...

Physics of Tsunamis
Physics of Tsunamis

This second edition reflects significant progress in tsunami research, monitoring and mitigation within the last decade. Primarily meant to summarize the state-of-the-art knowledge on physics of tsunamis, it describes up-to-date models of tsunamis generated by a submarine earthquake, landslide, volcanic eruption, meteorite impact, and moving...

Map Construction Algorithms
Map Construction Algorithms

The book provides an overview of the state-of-the-art of map construction algorithms, which use tracking data in the form of trajectories to generate vector maps. The most common trajectory type is GPS-based trajectories. It introduces three emerging algorithmic categories, outlines their general algorithmic ideas, and discusses three...

Chemical and Pharmacological Perspective of Artemisia amygdalina (SpringerBriefs in Pharmacology and Toxicology)
Chemical and Pharmacological Perspective of Artemisia amygdalina (SpringerBriefs in Pharmacology and Toxicology)

This book reviews the chemical and biological properties of Artemisia amygdalina Decne, a critically endangered and endemic plant species in the the high-altitude Kashmir Himalayas, which has a high pharmacological potential. It describes the bioactivity-guided isolation of its chemical compounds, their characterization using...

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