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Bioactive Molecules in Food (Reference Series in Phytochemistry)
Bioactive Molecules in Food (Reference Series in Phytochemistry)

This reference work provides comprehensive information about the bioactive molecules presented in our daily food and their effect on the physical and mental state of our body. Although the concept of functional food is new, the consumption of selected food to attain a specific effect existed already in ancient civilizations, namely...

Coviability of Social and Ecological Systems: Reconnecting Mankind to the Biosphere in an Era of Global Change: Vol. 2: Coviability Questioned by a Diversity of Situations
Coviability of Social and Ecological Systems: Reconnecting Mankind to the Biosphere in an Era of Global Change: Vol. 2: Coviability Questioned by a Diversity of Situations

This second volume is the work of more than 55 authors from 15 different disciplines and includes complex systems science which studies the viability of components, and also the study of empirical situations. As readers will discover, the coviability of social and ecological systems is based on the contradiction between humanity,...

Contributions to Partial Differential Equations and Applications
Contributions to Partial Differential Equations and Applications

This book treats Modelling of CFD problems, Numerical tools for PDE, and Scientific Computing and Systems of ODE for Epidemiology, topics that are closely related to the scientific activities and interests of Prof. William Fitzgibbon, Prof. Yuri Kuznetsov, and Prof. O. Pironneau, whose outstanding achievements are recognised in...

The STEAM Revolution: Transdisciplinary Approaches to Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Humanities and Mathematics
The STEAM Revolution: Transdisciplinary Approaches to Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Humanities and Mathematics

This volume is dedicated to collaborative research across STEM disciplines, the arts and humanities. It includes six sections, framed from a global perspective and exhibits contributions from key experts in the field, emerging scholarly voices, and STEAM practitioners. The added value of STEAM projects in research is highlighted in...

Physical Health of Adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
Physical Health of Adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

This fully revised and expanded second edition brings together findings from research and clinical practice, with comprehensive coverage of the important aspects of physical health in persons with intellectual disability. Professionals involved in the medical and social care and support of persons with intellectual disability should...

Unsung Legacies of Educators and Events in African American Education
Unsung Legacies of Educators and Events in African American Education

This book describes the contributions of twenty-two educators and events that have shaped the field of education, often receiving little to no public recognition, including: Edmonia Godelle Highgate, Nannie Helen Burroughs, Selena Sloan Butler, Alonzo Aristotle Crim, Sabbath Schools, and African American Boarding Schools. These...

Service Life and Durability of Reinforced Concrete Structures: Selected Papers of the 8th International RILEM PhD Workshop held in Marne-la-Vallée, ... September 26-27, 2016 (RILEM Bookseries (17))
Service Life and Durability of Reinforced Concrete Structures: Selected Papers of the 8th International RILEM PhD Workshop held in Marne-la-Vallée, ... September 26-27, 2016 (RILEM Bookseries (17))

This volume contains the proceedings of the 8th International PhD Student Workshop on Service Life and Durability of Reinforced Concrete Structures that was held in Marne-la-Vallée, France, on September the 26th and 27th 2016.

Topics discussed in the book are related to durability performance of reinforced...

Recent Advances in Rock Magnetism, Environmental Magnetism and Paleomagnetism (Springer Geophysics)
Recent Advances in Rock Magnetism, Environmental Magnetism and Paleomagnetism (Springer Geophysics)
This book offers a collection of papers presented in the International Conference on Geomagnetism, Paleomagnetism and Rock Magnetism held in Kazan (Russia) in October 2017. Papers in this book are dedicated to the study of the geomagnetic field through most of the Earth's history as well as planetary and meteorite magnetism, and magnetic...
Handbook of Popular Culture and Biomedicine: Knowledge in the Life Sciences as Cultural Artefact
Handbook of Popular Culture and Biomedicine: Knowledge in the Life Sciences as Cultural Artefact

This handbook explores the ways biomedicine and pop culture interact while simultaneously introducing the reader with the tools and ideas behind this new field of enquiry. From comic books to health professionals, from the arts to genetics, from sci-fi to medical education, from TV series to ethics, it offers different...

The Interplay Between Political Theory and Movies: Bridging Two Worlds
The Interplay Between Political Theory and Movies: Bridging Two Worlds

This book presents essays and scientific contributions examining the link between popular media and politics. The essays focus on the question of how political and social change, concepts of power, and utopian elements are reflected in selected films and television series. The book applies a political science perspective, covering...

Electromagnetic Fields and Waves: Microwave and mmWave Engineering with Generalized Macroscopic Electrodynamics (Textbooks in Telecommunication Engineering)
Electromagnetic Fields and Waves: Microwave and mmWave Engineering with Generalized Macroscopic Electrodynamics (Textbooks in Telecommunication Engineering)
This textbook is intended for a course in electromagnetism for upper undergraduate and graduate students. The main concepts and laws of classical macroscopic electrodynamics and initial information about generalized laws of modern electromagnetics are discussed, explaining some paradoxes of the modern theory. The reader then gets acquainted...
Towards Digital Enlightenment: Essays on the Dark and Light Sides of the Digital Revolution
Towards Digital Enlightenment: Essays on the Dark and Light Sides of the Digital Revolution

This new collection of essays follows in the footsteps of the successful volume Thinking Ahead - Essays on Big Data, Digital Revolution, and Participatory Market Society, published at a time when our societies were on a path to technological totalitarianism, as exemplified by mass surveillance reported by Edward Snowden and...

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