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Tribal Politics in the Borderland of Egypt and Libya (Palgrave Series in African Borderlands Studies)
Tribal Politics in the Borderland of Egypt and Libya (Palgrave Series in African Borderlands Studies)
This book explores the tribal politics of the Awlad ‘Ali Bedouin in the borderland of Egypt and Libya. These tribal politics are part of heterarchy in which sovereignty is shared between tribes, states and other groups and, within this dynamic setting, the local politicians of the Awlad ‘Ali are essential producers of order beyond...
Systems Modeling: Methodologies and Tools (EAI/Springer Innovations in Communication and Computing)
Systems Modeling: Methodologies and Tools (EAI/Springer Innovations in Communication and Computing)

This book covers ideas, methods, algorithms, and tools for the in-depth study of the performance and reliability of dependable fault-tolerant systems. The chapters identify the current challenges that designers and practitioners must confront to ensure the reliability, availability, and performance of systems, with special focus on...

Operations, Logistics and Supply Chain Management (Lecture Notes in Logistics)
Operations, Logistics and Supply Chain Management (Lecture Notes in Logistics)
This book provides an overview of important trends and developments in logistics and supply chain research, making them available to practitioners, while also serving as a point of reference for academicians. Operations and logistics are cornerstones of modern supply chains that in turn are essential for global business and...
Coping with Caveats in Coalition Warfare: An Empirical Research Program
Coping with Caveats in Coalition Warfare: An Empirical Research Program
This book develops a framework for analysis, and a set of research strategies, to better understand the conditions and mechanisms involved in the considerable use of caveats by states contributing militarily to coalition operations. In the professional language of military servicemen, security analysts and decision-makers, “caveats”...
Customized Implementation of European Union Food Safety Policy: United in Diversity? (International Series on Public Policy)
Customized Implementation of European Union Food Safety Policy: United in Diversity? (International Series on Public Policy)
“As a Journal Editor for over twenty-five years, I have read a lot about the European Union. I am often asked, 'what are the major gaps in EU research?' My answer is always 'implementation'. Eva Thomann's book makes a major contribution to EU implementation studies. She brings really fresh thinking to...
Refugee Protection and Civil Society in Europe
Refugee Protection and Civil Society in Europe

This volume analyses civil society as an important factor in the European refugee regime. Based on empirical research, the chapters explore different aspects, structures and forms of civil society engagement during and after 2015. Various institutional, collective and individual activities are...

Shaping the EU Global Strategy: Partners and Perceptions (The European Union in International Affairs)
Shaping the EU Global Strategy: Partners and Perceptions (The European Union in International Affairs)
This book explores the images and perceptions of the EU in the eyes of their Strategic Partners. Spanning four continents, these ten important global actors – the BRICS together with the USA, Canada, Japan, South Korea and Mexico – are of profound significance to the EU in economics, politics, security and global governance. In 2015,...
Public Administration in Europe: The Contribution of EGPA (Governance and Public Management)
Public Administration in Europe: The Contribution of EGPA (Governance and Public Management)
This book considers the ways in which public administration (PA) has been studied in Europe over the last forty years, and examines in particular the contribution of EGPA, the European Group for Public Administration, both to the growth of a truly pan-European PA, and to the future of PA in Europe. The book provides a lively reflection on the...
Nanocarbons for Energy Conversion: Supramolecular Approaches (Nanostructure Science and Technology)
Nanocarbons for Energy Conversion: Supramolecular Approaches (Nanostructure Science and Technology)
This book focuses on nanocarbons (carbon nanotubes, graphene, nanoporous carbon, and carbon black) and related materials for energy conversion, including fuel cells (predominately proton exchange membrane fuel cells [PEMFC]), Li-ion batteries, and supercapacitors. Written by a group of internationally recognized researchers, it offers an...
Perinatal Psychopharmacology
Perinatal Psychopharmacology
This book focuses on recent advances in research and practical recommendations regarding the use of psychotropic drugs during pregnancy and lactation, two important social and psychological life events for women. In addition to the social context, including the addition of a new family member, many women experience the occurrence or...
Bioarchaeologists Speak Out (Bioarchaeology and Social Theory)
Bioarchaeologists Speak Out (Bioarchaeology and Social Theory)

Bioarchaeologists who study human remains in ancient, historic and contemporary settings are securely anchored within anthropology as anthropologists, yet they have not taken on the pundits the way other subdisciplines within anthropology have. Popular science authors frequently and selectively use bioarchaeological data on...

IAEG/AEG Annual Meeting Proceedings, San Francisco, California, 2018 - Volume 4: Dams, Tunnels, Groundwater Resources, Climate Change
IAEG/AEG Annual Meeting Proceedings, San Francisco, California, 2018 - Volume 4: Dams, Tunnels, Groundwater Resources, Climate Change

This book is one out of six IAEG XIII Congress and AEG 61st Annual Meeting proceeding volumes, and deals with topics related to dams, tunnels, groundwater resources, and climate change.

The theme of the IAEG/AEG Meeting, held in San Francisco from September 17-21, 2018, is Engineering Geology for a...

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