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Advanced Computer-Assisted Techniques in Drug Discovery (Methods and Principles in Medicinal Chemistry)
Advanced Computer-Assisted Techniques in Drug Discovery (Methods and Principles in Medicinal Chemistry)
The main objective of this series is to offer a practice-oriented survey of techniques currently used in Medicinal Chemistry. Following the volumes on Hansch analysis and related approaches (Vol. 1) and multivariate analyses (Vol. 2), the present handbook focuses on some new, emerging techniques in drug discovery; emphasis is...
Synthetic Metal Containing Polymers
Synthetic Metal Containing Polymers
The development of the field of synthetic metal-containing polymers - where metal atoms form an integral part of the main chain or side group structure of a polymer - aims to create new materials which combine the processability of organic polymers with the physical or chemical characteristics associated with the metallic element or complex. This...
Supramolecular Organometallic Chemistry
Supramolecular Organometallic Chemistry

Supramolecular chemistry has become not only a major field of chemistry, but is also a vivid interface between chemistry, biology, physics, and materials science. Although still a relatively young field, termini such as molecular recognition, host-guest chemistry, or self-assembly are now common knowledge even for chemistry students, and...

Sensors Applications, Volume 2
Sensors Applications, Volume 2
Taken as a whole, this series covers all major fields of application for commercial sensors, as well as their manufacturing techniques and major types. As such the series does not treat bulk sensors, but rather places strong emphasis on microsensors, microsystems and integrated electronic sensor packages. Each of the individual volumes is tailored...
Advances in Magnetism: From Molecules to Materials
Advances in Magnetism: From Molecules to Materials

In the past few years our understanding of magnetic behavior, once thought to be mature, has enjoyed a new impetus from contributions ranging from molecular chemistry, materials chemistry and sciences to solid-state physics. The book spans recent trends in magnetism for molecule - as well as inorganic-based materials, with emphasis on new...

Evolutionary Algorithms in Molecular Design (Methods and Principles in Medicinal Chemistry)
Evolutionary Algorithms in Molecular Design (Methods and Principles in Medicinal Chemistry)
Nature has solved its most complicated problem, the creation, variation, and improvement of living organisms, in a simple and efficient manner. Starting from primitive forms in earth history, mutation and crossover produced variations that had to struggle for their existence and to compete with their ancestors and genetically...
Handbook of Toxicogenomics: A Strategic View of Current Research and Applications
Handbook of Toxicogenomics: A Strategic View of Current Research and Applications

Toxicogenomics is a new, dynamic and very promising field that can help optimize toxicity analyses and streamline research into active substances. It is of interest not only for basic research and development, but also from a legal and ethical perspective. Here, experts from all the fields mentioned will find solid information provided by an...

Pharmacogenomics: The Search for Individualized Therapies
Pharmacogenomics: The Search for Individualized Therapies

This work represents the first comprehensive publication in the innovative field of pharmacogenomics, a field which is set to revolutionize pharmaceutical research. In addition to renowned editors, the list of contributors is a "who-is-who" in the field. Broad coverage of all aspects of pharmacogenomics with a full presentation of...

Organic Synthesis Workbook II (No.2)
Organic Synthesis Workbook II (No.2)

Regular practice makes perfect - and this is equally true of organic synthesis. Only the numerous and constantly new little tricks and tips make for elegant synthesis. Knowledge of synthesis methods, reactivities, reagents, protective groups and much more is best acquired - and retained - by way of detailed analysis and processing of complex...

A Chemist's Guide to Density Functional Theory
A Chemist's Guide to Density Functional Theory
"Chemists familiar with conventional quantum mechanics will applaud and benefit greatly from this particularly instructive, thorough and clearly written exposition of density functional theory: its basis, concepts, terms, implementation, and performance in diverse applications. Users of DFT for structure, energy, and molecular property...
Cellular Proteins and Their Fatty Acids in Health and Disease
Cellular Proteins and Their Fatty Acids in Health and Disease

In light of the increasing importance of these proteins and their ligands for our understanding of cellular growth, differentiation, and development, as well as of diseases such as obesity, insulin resistance, atherosclerosis, cancer, and inflammation, a team of internationally renowned editors and authors have compiled here the very first...

Quantum Medicinal Chemistry (Methods and Principles in Medicinal Chemistry, Vol. 17)
Quantum Medicinal Chemistry (Methods and Principles in Medicinal Chemistry, Vol. 17)
Everyone relies on the power of computers, including chemical and pharmaceutical laboratories. Increasingly faster and more exact simulation algorithms have made quantum chemistry a valuable tool in the search for bioactive substances. The much larger computational cost is more than compensated by a deeper understanding of...
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