 What is What in the Nanoworld: A Handbook on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
The third, partly revised and enlarged edition of this introductory reference summarizes the terms and definitions, most important phenomena, and regulations occurring in the physics, chemistry, technology, and application of nanostructures. A representative collection of fundamental terms and definitions from quantum physics and chemistry,... |  |  Computational Physics: Problem Solving with Python
The use of computation and simulation has become an essential part of the scientific process. Being able to transform a theory into an algorithm requires significant theoretical insight, detailed physical and mathematical understanding, and a working level of competency in programming.
This upper-division text provides an ... |  |  Handbook of Machine and Computer Vision: The Guide for Developers and Users
The second edition of this accepted reference work has been updated to reflect the rapid developments in the field and now covers both 2D and 3D imaging.
Written by expert practitioners from leading companies operating in machine vision, this one-stop handbook guides readers through all aspects of image acquisition and image... |
 The SAP R/3 Guide to EDI and InterfacesContents include Interface Technologies in R/3, concepts of IDocs, predefined IDocs, developing IDocs solutions, timing and triggering interface processing, Internet, automated distribution with ALE, automated business with workflow set up, and more.
With this book find out why:
- EDI projects with R/3 would often cost
... |  |  Radio: Eine Einführung (German Edition)
Das Buch ist als Einführung konzipiert, die einen umfassenden und interdisziplinären Überblick zum Phänomen Radio bietet. Radio ist das älteste der elektronischen Medien, vermag in der Nutzungsdauer mit dem Fernsehen zu konkurrieren, gleichwohl kommt es über die Rolle eines ´Nebenher´-Mediums selten... |  |  Schriftspracherwerb (German Edition)
Wie Kinder lesen und schreiben lernen ist bis heute Gegenstand von Kontroversen, die sich in unterschiedlichen Methoden der Gestaltung des Anfangsunterrichts widerspiegeln. Fibellehrgänge, Spracherfahrungsansatz und das Konzept 'Lesen durch Schreiben' sind die meist verbreiteten Konzepte, die systematisch dargestellt aber auch... |
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