Attacks against computer systems can cause considerable economic or physical damage. High-quality development of security-critical systems is difficult, mainly because of the conflict between development costs and verifiable correctness.
Jürjens presents the UML extension UMLsec for secure systems development. It uses the standard UML...
This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed joint post-proceedings of the VLDB 2002 Workshop on Efficiency and Effectiveness of XML Tools and Techniques, EEXTT and the CAiSE 2002 Workshop on Data Integration over the Web, DIWeb.
The 10 revised full papers presented were carefully selected during two rounds of reviewing and revision. The...
This book does not tell a story. Instead, it is about stories. Or rather, in
technical terms, it is about scenarios. Scenarios of system behavior. It concentrates
on reactive systems, be they software or hardware, or combined
computer-embedded systems, including distributed and real-time systems.
Irritant dermatitis is a common condition, accounting for a significant proportion of occupational skin disease. The recent advent of non-invasive skin bioengineering technology has accelerated dermatology research in this field. This book comprises an exhaustive reference text on irritant contact dermatitis, covering all aspects of the...
The motivation behind the conception of this monograph was to advance scientific knowledge about the design and control of workflow processes. A workflow pr- ess (or workflow for short) is a specific type of business process, a way of or- nizing work and resources. Workflows are commonly found within large admin- trative organizations such as...
The fundamentals of "supramolecular chemistry" to the latest developments on the subject are covered by this book. It sets out to explain the topic in a relatively easy way. The basic concepts of molecular recognition chemistry are included. Molecules with fascinating shapes and functions such as fullerenes, carbon nanotubes,...
This book is about solving partial differential equations (PDEs) . Such equations
are used to model a wide range of phenomena in virtually all fields of science
and technology. In the last decade, the general availability of extremely
powerful computers has shifted the focus in computational mathematics from
simplified model problems...
We are proud to offer this unique textbook, the first in Radiology, The International Congress of Radiology, its class presenting state-of-the-art radiologic images of The Radiological Society of North America Assembly, the entire body correlated with underlying pathology. among others made us believe that radiologists, as well This book is...
In the late sixties, the definition of ALGOL 68 I 11 , for a long time called ALGOL X, reached some stability. It is at that period (1967) our team started the project of writing a compiler for that language. We had two goals in mind : (I) to make significant research in the field of compiler methodology, (2) to point out the special difficulties...
This paper describes a seven-pass compiler for Per Brlnch Hansen's Concurrent Pascal [1,2] programing language. Concurrent Pascal is an abstract programming language for conputer operating systems. The language extends sequential Pascal [7] with the process, nonitor, and class concepts for structured concurrent programing. A ironitor is a...
This monograph presents a comparison of methods for organizing very large amounts of stored data called a very large database to facilitate fast retrieval of desired information on direct access storage devices. In a very large data base involving retrieval and updating, the major factor of immediate concern is the average number of accesses...
This is a research monograph intended primarily for those researchers in
Theoretical Computer Science interested in the areas of logics of programs,
programming language semantics and program verification. It is also aimed at
mathematically-inclined researchers in Logic, Linguistics and Philosophy,
interested in a well-motivated...