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Bioinformatics Technologies
Bioinformatics Technologies
Solving modern biological problems requires advanced computational methods. Bioinformatics evolved from the active interaction of two fast-developing disciplines, biology and information technology. The central issue of this emerging field is the transformation of often distributed and unstructured biological data into meaningful information....
Distributed Multimedia Information Retrieval: SIGIR 2003 Workshop on Distributed Information Retrieval
Distributed Multimedia Information Retrieval: SIGIR 2003 Workshop on Distributed Information Retrieval
During the last decade companies, governments, and research groups worldwide have directed significant effort towards the creation of sophisticated digital libraries across a variety of disciplines. As digital libraries proliferate, in a variety of media, and from a variety of sources, problems of resource selection and data...
Database Programming Languages: 9th International Workshop, DBPL 2003, Potsdam, Germany, September 6-8, 2003, Revised Papers
Database Programming Languages: 9th International Workshop, DBPL 2003, Potsdam, Germany, September 6-8, 2003, Revised Papers

This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Database Programming Languages, DBPL 2003, held in Potsdam, Germany in September 2003.

The 14 revised full papers presented together with an invited paper were carefully selected during two round of reviewing and revision from 22...

Computational Intelligence: Principles, Techniques and Applications
Computational Intelligence: Principles, Techniques and Applications
Computational Intelligence: Principles, Techniques and Applications presents both theories and applications of computational intelligence in a clear, precise and highly comprehensive style. The textbook addresses the fundamental aspects of fuzzy sets and logic, neural networks, evolutionary computing and belief networks. The...
Tips and Techniques in Laparoscopic Surgery
Tips and Techniques in Laparoscopic Surgery
The purpose of this work is a descriptive demonstration of laparoscopic techniques approached in a very practical way. Every intervention, summarized in six stages, is carefully illustrated with an operating cliché and a plan that shows the progress of the phases of the intervention.

The 17 operating
Agent-Based Hybrid Intelligent Systems
Agent-Based Hybrid Intelligent Systems
Many complex problems, such as financial investment planning, involve many different components or sub-tasks, each of which requires different types of processing. To solve such complex problems, a great diversity of intelligent techniques, including traditional hard computing techniques (e.g., expert systems) and soft computing techniques (e.g.,...
Categories for Software Engineering
Categories for Software Engineering

This book provides a gentle, software engineering oriented introduction to category theory. Assuming only a minimum of mathematical preparation, this book explores the use of categorical constructions from the point of view of the methods and techniques that have been proposed for the engineering of complex software systems: object-oriented...

Regulated Agent-Based Social Systems: First International Workshop, RASTA 2002, Bologna, Italy, July 16, 2002, Revised Selected and Invited Papers
Regulated Agent-Based Social Systems: First International Workshop, RASTA 2002, Bologna, Italy, July 16, 2002, Revised Selected and Invited Papers
This volume presents selected, extended and reviewed versions of the papers presented at the 1st International Workshop on Regulated Agent Systems: Theory and Applications (RASTA 2002), a workshop co-located with the 1st International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS 2002), which was held in Bologna, Italy, in...
Automated Deduction in Geometry: 4th International Workshop, ADG 2002, Hagenberg Castle, Austria, September 4-6, 2002
Automated Deduction in Geometry: 4th International Workshop, ADG 2002, Hagenberg Castle, Austria, September 4-6, 2002
Automated deduction in geometry has several roots that go back to developments in the 20th century. These fundamental methods in ADG are the quantifier elimination method of Tarski and Collins, the method of characteristic sets of Ritt and Wu, and the Gröbner basis method of Buchberger. Based on these algorithmic techniques various geometric...
Pervasive Linux: Basistechnologien, Softwareentwicklung, Werkzeuge (X.systems.press) (German Edition)
Pervasive Linux: Basistechnologien, Softwareentwicklung, Werkzeuge (X.systems.press) (German Edition)

Der Band bietet eine grundlegende Einführung in das Thema Linux für mobile Endgeräte wie z. B. PDAs (Personal Digital Assistants) oder Mobiltelefone. Der Autor erläutert zunächst die Spezifika sogenannter eingebetteter Systeme und erklärt dann, was beim Einsatz von Linux als Betriebssystem zu beachten ist....

Databases, Information Systems, and Peer-to-Peer Computing: First International Workshop, DBISP2P, Berlin Germany
Databases, Information Systems, and Peer-to-Peer Computing: First International Workshop, DBISP2P, Berlin Germany
This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-proceedings of the First International Workshop on Databases, Information Systems, and Peer-to-Peer Computing, DBISP2P 2003, held in Berlin, Germany in September 2003 as a satellite event of VLDB 2003.The 16 revised full papers presented together with the abstract of an invited contribution were...
Molecular Imaging: An Essential Tool in Preclinical Research, Diagnostic Imaging, and Therapy (Ernst Schering Foundation Symposium Proceedings)
Molecular Imaging: An Essential Tool in Preclinical Research, Diagnostic Imaging, and Therapy (Ernst Schering Foundation Symposium Proceedings)
"Molecular imaging" has been previously defined as "the in vivo characterization and measurement of biologic processes at the cellu lar and molecular level." This broad definition emerged during the last few years as a consequence of the convergence of molecular and cell biology with imaging science, including...
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