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Structured Finance: Techniques, Products and Market (Springer Finance)
Structured Finance: Techniques, Products and Market (Springer Finance)

In recent years, financial engineering has developed new ways of financing deals based primarily on the capacity of the operations to generate sufficient cash for the repayment of loans or bonds. The business of structured finance has then become an interesting business area for non-financial companies, investment and commercial banks and...

Fuzzy Systems Engineering: Theory and Practice (Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing)
Fuzzy Systems Engineering: Theory and Practice (Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing)

This book is devoted to reporting innovative and significant progress in fuzzy system engineering. Given the maturation of fuzzy logic, this book is dedicated to exploring the recent breakthroughs in fuzziness and soft computing in favour of intelligent system engineering. This monograph presents novel developments of the fuzzy theory as well as...

Practice of Intramedullary Locked Nails: New Developments in Techniques and Applications
Practice of Intramedullary Locked Nails: New Developments in Techniques and Applications

The third volume of the "Practice of Intramedullary Locked Nails" places a special focus on recent advancements in understanding the biology of fracture healing of long bones, the emerging technologies that further enhance the minimally invasive nature of closed treatment of fractures, and the availability of various surgical...

Interfacing with C++: Programming Real-World Applications
Interfacing with C++: Programming Real-World Applications
This book is for people who are interested in learning and exploring electronic interfacing as well as C++ programming in a practicable and enjoyable way. Readers will learn to program a PC to do real-world things – not simply number crunching and graphics. They will also master how to write programs that interact with real-world devices...
Rule-Based Evolutionary Online Learning Systems: A Principled Approach to LCS Analysis and Design
Rule-Based Evolutionary Online Learning Systems: A Principled Approach to LCS Analysis and Design
This book offers a comprehensive introduction to learning classifier systems (LCS) – or more generally, rule-based evolutionary online learning systems. LCSs learn interactively – much like a neural network – but with an increased adaptivity and flexibility. This book provides the necessary background knowledge on problem types,...
Resource Allocation in Project Management
Resource Allocation in Project Management
The book is devoted to structural issues, algorithms, and applications of resource allocation problems in project management. Special emphasis is given to a unifying framework within which a large variety of project scheduling problems can be treated. Those problems involve general temporal constraints among project activities, different types of...
Maxillofacial Imaging
Maxillofacial Imaging

Maxillofacial imaging has evolved dramatically over the past two decades with development of new cross-sectional imaging techniques. Traditional maxillofacial imaging was based on plain films and dental imaging. However, today’s advanced imaging techniques with CT and MRI have only been partially implemented for maxillofacial questions....

Cytokines as Potential Therapeutic Targets for Inflammatory Skin Diseases (Ernst Schering Foundation Symposium Proceedings)
Cytokines as Potential Therapeutic Targets for Inflammatory Skin Diseases (Ernst Schering Foundation Symposium Proceedings)

Cytokines and cytokine receptors remain an area of great interest for the development of targeted therapies for cutaneous inflammatory diseases. Anti-TNF therapeutics have proven to be effective in the treatment of psoriasis, and clinical investigations have now begun for other cytokine-directed therapies, such as those targeting IFN-g,...

Handbook on Architectures of Information Systems (International Handbooks on Information Systems)
Handbook on Architectures of Information Systems (International Handbooks on Information Systems)
This book is the first volume of a running series under the title International Handbooks on Information Systems. The series is edited by Peter Bernus, Jacek Blazewicz, Günter Schmidt and Mike Shaw. One objective is to give state of the art surveys on selected topics of information systems theory and applications. To this end, a distinguished...
Microdynamics Simulation (Lecture Notes in Earth Sciences)
Microdynamics Simulation (Lecture Notes in Earth Sciences)
This volume deals with the simulation of metamorphic and tectonic microstrucutres in rocks with a special emphasis on the modeling package 'Elle'. The first part provides a review of the problems and opportunities in the modeling of microstructures, followed by an introduction to various numerical modelling techniques. In the second part examples...
Multi-slice and Dual-source CT in Cardiac Imaging: Principles - Protocols - Indications - Outlook
Multi-slice and Dual-source CT in Cardiac Imaging: Principles - Protocols - Indications - Outlook

This book discusses the state-of-the-art developments in multi-slice CT for cardiac imaging as well as those that can be anticipated in the future. It is a comprehensive work covering all aspects of this technology from the technical fundamentals to clinical indications and protocol recommendations. This second edition draws on the most...

Model-Driven Software Development
Model-Driven Software Development
One of the basic principles of software engineering is abstraction, which mainly
refers to separation of the essential from the non-essential. In terms of software development,
the essential usually refers to the functionality to be implemented and
the non-essential to aspects such as the technical platform on which the software...
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