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Hierarchical Neural Networks for Image Interpretation (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)
Hierarchical Neural Networks for Image Interpretation (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)

It is my pleasure and privilege to write the foreword for this book, whose results I have been following and awaiting for the last few years. This monograph represents the outcome of an ambitious project oriented towards advancing our knowledge of the way the human visual system processes images, and about the way it combines high...

Architecting Dependable Systems (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)
Architecting Dependable Systems (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)
As software systems become more and more ubiquitous, the issues of dependability become more and more critical. Given that solutions to these issues must be planned at the beginning of the design process, it is appropriate that these issues be addressed at the architectural level. This book is inspired by the ICSE 2002 Workshop on Architecting...
Radiological Imaging of the Digestive Tract in Infants and Children (Medical Radiology)
Radiological Imaging of the Digestive Tract in Infants and Children (Medical Radiology)

This comprehensive, up-to-date and extensively illustrated volume offers a multimodality approach to gastrointestinal imaging in children and infants. The role of each of the currently available imaging techniques is considered carefully, and diagnostic dilemmas are discussed and illustrated. Against the background of rapid recent advances in...

Survivors of Childhood and Adolescent Cancer: A Multidisciplinary Approach (Pediatric Oncology)
Survivors of Childhood and Adolescent Cancer: A Multidisciplinary Approach (Pediatric Oncology)

It was not long ago that clinicians would say,“study ed at the 1975 meeting revealed. Among them was the late complications of cancer treatments we give to one based on data collected by the Late Effects Study children? You must be joking! We can start worrying Group, an international consortium that consisted about that when we start...


Neuroblastoma is a medical enigma. As a childhood neoplasm arising from neural crest cells, it is characterized by diverse clinical behaviors ranging from spontaneous remission to rapid tumor progression and death. Although clinical outcome can be predicted to a large extent by the stage of disease and the age at diagnosis, an in-depth...

Prostate Cancer (Recent Results in Cancer Research, Vol. 175)
Prostate Cancer (Recent Results in Cancer Research, Vol. 175)

This comprehensive and easy-to-read monograph is an authoritative update on clinical prostate cancer. It has been prepared by an international, multidisciplinary team at the invitation of the International Prostate Health Council think tank. A particular strength of the book is its presentation of the therapeutic options for patients with...

Cellular Automata: 7th International Conference on Cellular Automata for Research and Industry, ACRI 2006, Perpignan, France, September 20-23, 2006,   Proceedings
Cellular Automata: 7th International Conference on Cellular Automata for Research and Industry, ACRI 2006, Perpignan, France, September 20-23, 2006, Proceedings
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Cellular Automata for Research and Industry, ACRI 2006, held in Perpignan, France in September 2006.

The 53 revised full papers and 19 revised poster papers presented together with 6 invited lectures were carefully reviewed and selected from around 100...

The Sentinel Lymph Node Concept
The Sentinel Lymph Node Concept
Br J Surg (2005) 92 (4) p. 495: "This is a book not only for surgeons but also for other specialists for whom regional tumour growth has implications for treatment. The whole spectrum...is fully covered in 33 chapters. I can wholeheartedly recommend this book to those whose practice requires the diagnosis and treatment of locoregional...
Adrenal Glands: Diagnostic Aspects and Surgical Therapy
Adrenal Glands: Diagnostic Aspects and Surgical Therapy

- Over 200 exquisite illustrations, ranging from intraoperative photographs, line drawings, diagnostic images, pathology slides, tables and graphs are available to make each case discussed comprehensible and easy to follow. 

- Traditional and novel therapeutic recommendations are introduced and the latest developments in...

Logics in Artificial Intelligence: European Workshop, JELIA 2000 Malaga, Spain, September 29 - October 2, 2000 Proceedings
Logics in Artificial Intelligence: European Workshop, JELIA 2000 Malaga, Spain, September 29 - October 2, 2000 Proceedings
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the European Workshop on Logics in Artificial Intelligence, JELIA 2000, held in Malaga, Spain in September/October 2000. The 24 revised full papers presented together with three invited papers were carefully reviewed and selected out of 60 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on...
Reconstructive Urethral Surgery
Reconstructive Urethral Surgery

This textbook seeks to determine the current state-of-the-art of reconstructive urethral surgery and to identify new trends in this subspecialty of reconstructive urology. To this end, inter- tionally known experts and opinion leaders in the field were invited to Hamburg, Germany to discuss and demonstrate today’s commonly used surgical...

Algorithms and Computation: 11th International Conference, ISAAC 2000, Taipei, Taiwan
Algorithms and Computation: 11th International Conference, ISAAC 2000, Taipei, Taiwan
The papers in this volume were selected for presentation at the Eleventh Annual International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation (ISAAC 2000), held on 18{20 December, 2000 at the Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan. Previous meetings were held in Tokyo (1990), Taipei (1991), Nagoya (1992),...
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