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The Traveling Salesman: Computational Solutions for TSP Applications (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)
The Traveling Salesman: Computational Solutions for TSP Applications (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)

More than fifteen years ago, I was faced with the following problem in an assignment for a class in computer science. A brewery had to deliver beer to five stores, and the task was to write a computer program for determining the shortest route for the truck driver to visit all stores and return to the brewery. All my attemps to find a...

Treewidth: Computations and Approximations (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)
Treewidth: Computations and Approximations (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)

This treatise investigates a number of problems related to treewidth and pathwidth of graphs. The main objective is to obtain good bounds on the complexity of determining the treewidth and pathwidth for various classes of graphs.

Originating from the author's Ph.D. thesis, this monograph presents original own work....

Numerical Integration: on Advanced Computer Systems (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)
Numerical Integration: on Advanced Computer Systems (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)
This monograph is a comprehensive treatment of the theoretical and computational aspects of numerical integration.
The authors give a unique overview of the topic by bringing into line many recent research results not yet presented coherently; the extensive bibliography lists 268 items. Particular emphasis is given to the potential
Field-Programmable Logic: Architectures, Synthesis and Applications: 4th International Workshop on Field-Programmable Logic and Applications
Field-Programmable Logic: Architectures, Synthesis and Applications: 4th International Workshop on Field-Programmable Logic and Applications

This book contains papers first presented at the 4th International Workshop on Field- Programmable Logic and Applications (FPL'94), held in Prague, Czech Republic, September 7 - 9, 1994.

The FPL'94 workshop was organized by the Czech Technical University and the University of Kaiserslautern, in co-operation with IEEE...

Distributed Programming Paradigms with Cryptography Applications
Distributed Programming Paradigms with Cryptography Applications
This monograph describes a programming methodology based upon programming paradigms and generic programs and demonstates how distributed application programs can be developed by simple substitution of data structures and sequential procedures. The author introduces generic programs for two paradigms and shows how to derive new distributed programs...
Solving Problems in Scientific Computing Using Maple and Matlab
Solving Problems in Scientific Computing Using Maple and Matlab
Modern computing tools like Maple (symbolic computation) and MATLAB (a numeric computation and visualisation program) make it possible to easily solve realistic nontrivial problems in scientific computing. In education, traditionally, complicated problems were avoided, since the amount of work for obtaining the solutions was not feasible for...
Closed Object Boundaries from Scattered Points (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)
Closed Object Boundaries from Scattered Points (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)

This Ph.D. dissertation presents the result of research carried out between 1985 and 1992, first at Leiden University as a scientific assistant researcher, and later at CWI (Centre for Mathematics and Computer Science), Amsterdam, as a researcher on the NFI IIICAD project, funded by NWO (Dutch Organization for Scientific Research)...

Efficient Graph Rewriting and Its Implementation (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)
Efficient Graph Rewriting and Its Implementation (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)

Graph rewriting systems have come of age. In autumn 1994, the 25th anniversary of the first publication in this area was celebrated at the 5th Workshop on Graph Grammars and their Applications to Computer Science. In the interim, the subject has evolved. The current situation can be described by a three-stage model. At the very low...

Metaclasses and Their Application: Data Model Tailoring and Database Integration (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)
Metaclasses and Their Application: Data Model Tailoring and Database Integration (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)

Conventional object-oriented data models are "closed". Although they allow users to define application-specific classes, they usually come with a fixed set of modeling primitives. This constitutes a major problem as different application domains have different requirements on a data model. For example, database integration...

Neural Networks: A Systematic Introduction
Neural Networks: A Systematic Introduction
One of the well-springs of mathematical inspiration has been the continuing attempt to formalize human thought. From the syllogisms of the Greeks, through all of logic and probability theory, cognitive models have led to beautiful mathematics and wide ranging application. But mental processes have proven to be more complex than any of the formal...
Active Visual Inference of Surface Shape (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)
Active Visual Inference of Surface Shape (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)
This monograph is devoted to the problem of inferring geometric information about arbitrarily curved surfaces from visual cues; this is a central problem in computer vision with immediate relevance for robot manipulation and navigation. The author develops computational theories and techniques relating visual information arising from viewer...
Genetic Algorithms + Data Structures = Evolution Programs
Genetic Algorithms + Data Structures = Evolution Programs

Genetic algorithms are founded upon the principle of evolution, i.e., survival of the fittest. Hence evolution programming techniques, based on genetic algorithms, are applicable to many hard optimization problems, such as optimization of functions with linear and nonlinear constraints, the traveling salesman problem, and problems of...

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