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Mechanical Behaviour of Engineering Materials: Metals, Ceramics, Polymers, and Composites
Mechanical Behaviour of Engineering Materials: Metals, Ceramics, Polymers, and Composites
Components used in mechanical engineering usually have to bear high mechanical loads. It is, thus, of considerable importance for students of mechanical engineering and materials science to thoroughly study the mechanical behaviour of materials. There are different approaches to this subject: The engineer is mainly interested in design rules to...
Business Process Management: Concepts, Languages, Architectures
Business Process Management: Concepts, Languages, Architectures
Business process management is usually treated from two different perspectives: business administration and computer science. While business administration professionals tend to consider information technology as a subordinate aspect for experts to handle, by contrast computer scientists often consider business goals and organizational regulations...
Thermal Transport for Applications in Micro/Nanomachining (Microtechnology and MEMS)
Thermal Transport for Applications in Micro/Nanomachining (Microtechnology and MEMS)
Nanotechnology remains one of the most active and intriguing research and development areas. While the importance of novel devices and systems engineered at the nanoscale is steadily increasing, the success of future nanoscale applications will depend on the effective implementation of nanomachining and nanomanufacturing platforms. This book...
Advances in Multiple Sclerosis and Experimental Demyelinating Diseases (Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology)
Advances in Multiple Sclerosis and Experimental Demyelinating Diseases (Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology)
The past decade has witnessed significant advances in the understanding of the pathophysiology of MS and in the development of novel disease-modifying agents (DMA). The use of DMA in the treatment of patients with MS has drastically increased not only in the United States but throughout the rest of the world.

Learning from Data Streams: Processing Techniques in Sensor Networks
Learning from Data Streams: Processing Techniques in Sensor Networks
Sensor networks consist of distributed autonomous devices that cooperatively monitor an environment. Sensors are equipped with capacities to store information in memory, process this information and communicate with their neighbors. Processing data streams generated from wireless sensor networks has raised new research challenges over the last few...
Conceptual Structures: Knowledge Architectures for Smart Applications: 15th International Conference on Conceptual Structures, ICCS 2007, Sheffield
Conceptual Structures: Knowledge Architectures for Smart Applications: 15th International Conference on Conceptual Structures, ICCS 2007, Sheffield
Conceptual Graphs (CG, www.conceptualgraphs.org) provide a powerful knowledge representation and inference environment, whilst exhibiting the familiar objectoriented and database features of contemporary enterprise and web applications. CG capture nuances in natural language whilst being able to be implemented in computer...
Telomeres and Telomerase in Aging, Disease, and Cancer: Molecular Mechanisms of Adult Stem Cell Ageing
Telomeres and Telomerase in Aging, Disease, and Cancer: Molecular Mechanisms of Adult Stem Cell Ageing

Telomere shortening represents one of the basic aspects of ageing and telomere dysfunction could contribute to the accumulation of DNA damage during ageing. This book summarizes evidence and data indicating that telomere dysfunction influences human ageing, diseases and cancer. The book describes our current knowledge on checkpoints that...

Nonlinear Analysis and Synthesis Techniques for Aircraft Control (Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences)
Nonlinear Analysis and Synthesis Techniques for Aircraft Control (Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences)
Despite many significant advances in the theory of nonlinear control in recent years, the majority of control laws implemented in the European aerospace industry are still designed and analysed using predominantly linear techniques applied to linearised models of the aircrafts’ dynamics. Given the continuous increase in the complexity of...
Hormonal Control of Cell Cycle (Research and Perspectives in Endocrine Interactions)
Hormonal Control of Cell Cycle (Research and Perspectives in Endocrine Interactions)

This book covers topics that range from fundamental studies of DNA replication, chromosomal and nuclear function through growth factor control of endocrine tumor initiation and progression. The basic and translational insights gained from Hormonal Control of Cell Cycle will be of interest to those studying the biology of endocrine tumors as...

Transmission Electron Microscopy and Diffractometry of Materials
Transmission Electron Microscopy and Diffractometry of Materials
Experimental methods for diffraction and microscopy are pushing the front edge of nanoscience and materials science, and important new developments are covered in this third edition. For transmission electron microscopy, a remarkable recent development has been a practical corrector for the spherical aberration of the objective...
PNF in Practice: An Illustrated Guide
PNF in Practice: An Illustrated Guide

PNF (Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation) is an approach to therapeutic exercise which therapists all over the world have found effective for treating patients with a wide range of diagnoses. The approach presented in this richly illustrated guide is based on the concepts set out by Dr. Herman Kabat and taught by Margaret Knott.

Python Scripting for Computational Science (Texts in Computational Science and Engineering)
Python Scripting for Computational Science (Texts in Computational Science and Engineering)
The goal of this book is to teach computational scientists how to develop tailored, flexible, and human-efficient working environments built from small programs (scripts) written in the easy-to-learn, high-level language Python. The focus is on examples and applications of relevance to computational scientists: gluing existing applications and...
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