This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-workshop proceedings of the first AIME 2007 workshop From Knowledge to Global Care, K4CARE 2007, held in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, in July 2007, in conjunction with the 11th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, AIME 2007.
This book, written by international experts, is a detailed guide to the Eustachian tube, with emphasis on those aspects of most relevance to the practitioner. The opening chapters document the clinical anatomy and provide essential information on physiology, with explanation of the new model of tubal mechanics. Diagnosis and therapy for the...
The cosmic microwave background radiation is the afterglow of the big bang: a tenuous signal, more than 13 billion years old, which carries the answers to many of the questions about the nature of our Universe. It was serendipitously discovered in 1964, and thoroughly investigated in the last four decades by a large number of experiments. Two...
A paradigmatic perspective for modeling and control of physical systems has been used since a long time ago: The input/output approach. Although quite natural for our human experience, this perspective imposes a cause/effect framework to the system under study although such system may not have necessarily such cause/effect structure. Actually, from...
The main subject of this book is the fuzzy c-means proposed by Dunn and Bezdek and their variations including recent studies. A main reason why we concentrate on fuzzy c-means is that most methodology and application studies in fuzzy clustering use fuzzy c-means, and hence fuzzy c-means should be considered to be...
Polymericmaterials, both “inert” and degradable, constantly interact with the
surroundings. Because of this interaction changes take place in the polymer
matrix and small molecules are released to the environment. Reliable methods
for testing biodegradability and environmental interaction of renewable
resources and...
Hard spheres and related objects (hard disks and mixtures of hard systems) are paradigmatic systems: indeed, they have served as a basis for the theoretical and numerical development of a number of fields, such as general liquids and fluids, amorphous solids, liquid crystals, colloids and granular matter, to name but a few. The present volume...
This book describes beautiful optical and transport phenomena related to the electron and nuclear spins in semiconductors with emphasis on a clear presentation of the physics involved. Recent results on quantum wells and quantum dots are reviewed. The book is intended for students and researchers in the fields of semiconductor physics and...
Software testing is traditionally seen as a difficult and time consuming activity that is hard to embed in the software development process. This book provides a different view. It explains to stakeholders how testing can add value to software development and doing business, and provides the tester with practical information.
The rapidly growing amount of data, available from different technologies in the field of bio-sciences, high-energy physics, economy, climate analysis, and in several other scientific disciplines, requires a new generation of machine learning and statistical methods to deal with their complexity and heterogeneity. As data collections becomes...
This book includes selected papers of the First International Workshop on Model-Based Software and Data Integration 2008, held in Berlin, Germany, in April 2008 as a part of the Berlin Software Integration Week 2008.
The 9 revised full papers presented together with 3 invited lectures were carefully reviewed and selected from numerous...
This volume presents the most exciting results of the Mobile and Wireless Communication Summit, held 2007 in Budapest. It contains worked out contributions from all areas of wireless communications, physical layer, access methods, techniques and technologies, networks, applications and systems.