Housed by a 4 m diameter tunnel of 27 km circumference, with huge underground labs and numerous surface facilities, and set up with a precision of 0.1 mm per kilometer, the Large Electron-Positron Collider (LEP) was not only the largest but also one of the most sophisticated scientific research instruments ever created by Man. Located at CERN,...
Water is intertwined in the daily life of humans in countless ways. The importance of water as a driver for health, food security, and quality of life and as a pillar for economic development is unique. As water affects human lives, the mankind also effects the hydrological cycle, in all dimensions from the local to the global scale. Food...
This book investigates the adaptation of cognitive processes to limited resources. The central topics of this book are heuristics considered as results of the adaptation to resource limitations, through natural evolution in the case of humans, or through artificial construction in the case of computational systems; the construction and...
In today’s world, data must be sent around the world cheaply and securely, and that requires origin authentication, integrity protection, and confidentiality – the recipient of a message should be able to ascertain who sent the message, be sure that the message has not been changed en route, and be sure that the data arrives...
The World Soft Computing (WSC) conference is an annual international
online conference on applied and theoretical soft computing technology. This
WSC 2008 is the thirteenth conference in this series and it has been a great
We received a lot of excellent paper submissions which were peer-reviewed
by an international...
Bioremediation is a rapidly advancing field and the technology has been applied successfully to remediate many contaminated sites. The goal of every soil remediation method is to enhance the degradation, transformation, or detoxification of pollutants and to protect, maintain and sustain environmental quality.
"Scientists other than quantum physicists often fail to comprehend the enormity of the conceptual change wrought by quantum theory in our basic conception of the nature of matter," writes Henry Stapp. Stapp is a leading quantum physicist who has given particularly careful thought to the implications of the theory that lies at the heart...
Middleware is a critical foundation needed to leverage the development of a wide range of mobile and ubiquitous applications. Intrinsic challenges when building such middleware require the combination of expertise from areas like distributed systems, networking, software engineering, and application development.
Sixteen years ago, Franklin estimated that about 80% of data contain geo-referenced information. To date, the availability of geographic data and information is growing, together with the capacity of users to operate with IT tools and instruments. Spatial data infrastructures are growing and allow a wide number of users to rely on them. This growth...
With the increasing applications of intelligent robotic systems in various fields, the design and control of these systems have increasingly attracted interest from researchers. This edited book entitled Design and Control of Intelligent Robotic Systems in the book series of Studies in Computational Intelligence is a collection of some...
Biological systems are inherently stochastic and uncertain. Thus, research in bioinformatics, biomedical engineering and computational biology has to deal with a large amount of uncertainties.
Fuzzy logic has shown to be a powerful tool in capturing different uncertainties in engineering systems. In recent years, fuzzy logic based modeling and...
This Festschrift volume contains the proceedings of the conference Mathematical Methods in Computer Science, MMICS 2008, which was held during December 17-19, 2008, in Karlsruhe, Germany, in memory of Thomas Beth.
The themes of the conference reflected the many interests of Thomas Beth. Although, these interests might seem diverse, mathematical...