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The Future of Software Engineering
The Future of Software Engineering

This book focuses on defining the achievements of software engineering in the past decades and showcasing visions for the future. It features a collection of articles by some of the most prominent researchers and technologists who have shaped the field: Barry Boehm, Manfred Broy, Patrick Cousot, Erich Gamma, Yuri Gurevich, Tony Hoare, Michael...

Computational Intelligence and Informatics: Principles and Practice (Studies in Computational Intelligence)
Computational Intelligence and Informatics: Principles and Practice (Studies in Computational Intelligence)

This volume contains a careful selection of papers that are based on and are extensions of corresponding lectures presented at the jubilee conference. The main subject area called Computational Intelligence includes diverse topics. Therefore, we offer snapshots rather than a full coverage of a small particular subject to the interested...

Verification and Validation in Systems Engineering: Assessing UML/SysML Design Models
Verification and Validation in Systems Engineering: Assessing UML/SysML Design Models

Verification and validation represents an important process used for the quality assessment of engineered systems and their compliance with the requirements established at the beginning of or during the development cycle.

Debbabi and his coauthors investigate methodologies and techniques that can be employed for the automatic...

Human-Computer Interaction: Second IFIP TC 13 Symposium, HCIS 2010
Human-Computer Interaction: Second IFIP TC 13 Symposium, HCIS 2010

The IFIP World Computer Congress (WCC) is one of the most important conferences in the area of computer science at the worldwide level and it has a federated structure, which takes into account the rapidly growing and expanding interests in this area. Informatics is rapidly changing and becoming more and more connected to a number of human...

Theoretical Computer Science: 6th IFIP WG 2.2 International Conference, TCS 2010, Held as a Part of WCC 2010, Brisbane, Australia, September 20-23, ... in Information and Communication Technology)
Theoretical Computer Science: 6th IFIP WG 2.2 International Conference, TCS 2010, Held as a Part of WCC 2010, Brisbane, Australia, September 20-23, ... in Information and Communication Technology)
Thisvolumecontainstheinvitedandregularpaperspresentedat TCS 2010,the 6thIFIP International Conference on Theoretical Computer Science, organised by IFIP Tech- cal Committee 1 (Foundations of Computer Science) and IFIP WG 2.2 (Formal - scriptions of Programming Concepts) in association with SIGACT and EATCS. TCS 2010 was part of the World...
Silicone Composite Insulators: Materials, Design, Applications (Power Systems)
Silicone Composite Insulators: Materials, Design, Applications (Power Systems)

Composite insulators have been in service in electric power networks successfully for more than 40 years, and now up to the highest operating voltages. The present book extensively covers such insulators with a special focus on today’s prevalent material, which is silicone rubber. It includes a detailed description of the electrical and...

Evolvable Systems: From Biology to Hardware: 9th International Conference, ICES 2010, York, UK, September 6-8, 2010, Proceedings
Evolvable Systems: From Biology to Hardware: 9th International Conference, ICES 2010, York, UK, September 6-8, 2010, Proceedings

Biology has inspired electronics from the very beginning: the machines that we now call computers are deeply rooted in biological metaphors. Pioneers such as Alan Turing and John von Neumann openly declared their aim of creating arti?cial machines that could mimic some of the behaviors exhibited by natural organisms. Unfortunately, technology...

Algorithms Unplugged
Algorithms Unplugged

Algorithms specify the way computers process information and how they execute tasks. Many recent technological innovations and achievements rely on algorithmic ideas – they facilitate new applications in science, medicine, production, logistics, traffic, communi¬cation and entertainment. Efficient algorithms not only enable your...

Performance Analysis and Optimization of Multi-Traffic on Communication Networks
Performance Analysis and Optimization of Multi-Traffic on Communication Networks

Promptly growing demand for telecommunication services and information interchange has led to the fact that communication became one of the most dynamical branches of an infrastructure of a modern society. The book introduces to the bases of classical MDP theory; problems of a finding optimal САС in models are investigated and...

Advances in Digital Forensics VI: Sixth IFIP WG 11.9 International Conference on Digital Forensics, Hong Kong, China
Advances in Digital Forensics VI: Sixth IFIP WG 11.9 International Conference on Digital Forensics, Hong Kong, China

Digital forensics deals with the acquisition, preservation, examination, analysis and presentation of electronic evidence. Networked computing, wireless communications and portable electronic devices have expanded the role of digital forensics beyond traditional computer crime investigations. Practically every type of crime now involves some...

Digital Signal Processing: An Introduction with MATLAB and Applications
Digital Signal Processing: An Introduction with MATLAB and Applications

In three parts, this book contributes to the advancement of engineering education and that serves as a general reference on digital signal processing. Part I presents the basics of analog and digital signals and systems in the time and frequency domain. It covers the core topics: convolution, transforms, filters, and random signal analysis....

The Mathematics of Knots: Theory and Application (Contributions in Mathematical and Computational Sciences)
The Mathematics of Knots: Theory and Application (Contributions in Mathematical and Computational Sciences)

The present volume grew out of the Heidelberg Knot Theory Semester, organized by the editors in winter 2008/09 at Heidelberg University. The contributed papers bring the reader up to date on the currently most actively pursued areas of mathematical knot theory and its applications in mathematical physics and cell biology. Both original...

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