Bisher wurde das IT Service-Management in der öffentlichen Verwaltung in Deutschland nur am Rande behandelt. In diesem Buch geben die Autoren einen umfassenden Einblick in die bisherigen Fortschritte bei der Implementierung von IT-Prozessen in öffentlichen Einrichtungen und arbeiten, basierend auf fünf Fallstudien,...
According to Wordnet, a rule is “a principle or condition that customarily
governs behavior” or “a prescribed guide for conduct or action.” Businesses, and
organizations in general, operate under a number of rules: rules about what services
to offer and to whom; rules about how much to charge for those services;...
Communities have built collections of information in a collaborative manner for
centuries. Around 250 years ago, more than 140 people wrote l’Encyclopedie in 28
volumes with 70,000 articles. More recently, Wikipedia has demonstrated how
collaborative efforts can be a powerful method of building a massive data storage. It
Information technologies are becoming pervasive and powerful to the point
that the privacy of citizens is now at risk. Indeed, more and more of our daily
transactions are conducted electronically and require us to transmit personal
information. Examples include using an electronic identity card to prove one’s
age in a...
The RSA conference was initiated in 1991 and is a major international event for cryptography and information security researchers as well as the industry related to these disciplines. It is an annual event that attracts hundreds of vendors and thousands of participants from industry and academia. Since 2001, the RSA conference has included...
It is our pleasure to welcome you to the third edition of the International Symposium
on Engineering Secure Software and Systems.
This unique event aims at bringing together researchers from software engineering
and security engineering, which might help to unite and further develop
the two communities in this and future...
It is an obvious fact now that the Internet is becoming part of our life. More and more
contents are delivered over the Internet. As the heterogeneity in the Internet increases,
content providers are considering adaptive content delivery to achieve better user
satisfaction. However, so far there are still no thorough study of how...
Mit der Globalisierung rückt die Logistik als Wettbewerbsfaktor für Produktionsunternehmen zunehmend in den Vordergrund. In dem Band wird erstmals ein ganzheitlicher, sozio-technischer Ansatz für das Auftragsmanagement in der industriellen Produktion vorgestellt, der die Wechselwirkungen zwischen Systemfunktionen, Nutzern und...
Continuing advances in the development of wireless and Internet technologies generate ever increasing interest in the diffusion, usage, and processing of georeferenced data of all types. Spatially-aware wireless and Internet devices also offer new ways of accessing and analyzing geo-spatial information in both realworld and virtual spaces....
Job titles like “Technical Architect” and “Chief Architect” nowadays abound in software industry, yet many people suspect that “architecture” is one of the most overused and least understood terms in professional software development.
Gorton’s book tries to resolve this dilemma. It...
All students interested in researching the Internet are living in very interesting and
exciting times. From the Internet’s beginning in the 1960s up to the present day,
the Internet has grown to become a vast platform where there are now 2 billion
users of this global infrastructure.1 Predictions are that this number will rise to...
The 2010 Asian Conference on Computer Vision took place in the southern hemisphere, in “The Land of the Long White Cloud” in Maori language, also known as New Zealand, in the beautiful town of Queenstown. If we try to segment the world we realize that New Zealand does not belong officially to any continent. Similarly, in computer...