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Wireless Algorithms, Systems, and Applications: 6th International Conference, WASA 2011, Chengdu
Wireless Algorithms, Systems, and Applications: 6th International Conference, WASA 2011, Chengdu

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 6th Annual International Conference on Wireless Algorithms, Systems, and Applications, WASA 2011, held in Chengdu, China, in August 2011. The 26 revised full papers and 13 invited papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from numerous submissions. The papers address all...

Informationserschließung und Automatisches Indexieren: Ein Lehr- und Arbeitsbuch (X.media.press) (German Edition)
Informationserschließung und Automatisches Indexieren: Ein Lehr- und Arbeitsbuch (X.media.press) (German Edition)

Kenntnisse der Modellierung dokumentenbezogener Metadaten vermitteln die Autoren in dem Band vor allem durch praxisnahe Aufgabenstellungen – begleitet von theoretischen Erläuterungen und ergänzenden Übungen. Leser lernen, wie Datenbanken aufgebaut und mit Suchumgebungen ausgestattet werden. Dabei dienen Bilddokumente und...

Baustatik in Beispielen (German Edition)
Baustatik in Beispielen (German Edition)

Ingenieurwissenschaftliche Zusammenhänge erschließen sich häufig erst bei der Bearbeitung konkreter Aufgaben. Genau an dieser Stelle setzt das Buch an: Es präsentiert die wesentlichen Gebiete der Statik von Stabtragwerken anhand von detailliert ausgearbeiteten Beispielen. Die Aufgaben können sowohl „von...

Advances in Databases and Information Systems: 15th International Conference, ADBIS 2011, Vienna
Advances in Databases and Information Systems: 15th International Conference, ADBIS 2011, Vienna

The main objective of the ADBIS series of conferences is to provide a highly visible forum for the dissemination of research accomplishments and to promote interactions and collaborations among the database and information systems research communities from Central and Eastern European countries and with the rest of the world. The ADBIS...

Advances in Computer Science, Intelligent Systems and Environment: Vol.3 (Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing)
Advances in Computer Science, Intelligent Systems and Environment: Vol.3 (Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing)

CSISE2011 is an integrated conference concentrating its focus upon Computer Science,Intelligent System and Environment. In the proceeding, you can learn much more knowledge about Computer Science, Intelligent System and Environment of researchers all around the world. The international conference will provide a forum for engineers,...

Environmental Issues in Automotive Industry (EcoProduction)
Environmental Issues in Automotive Industry (EcoProduction)

The automotive industry is one of the most environmental aware manufacturing sectors.  Product take-back regulations influence design of the vehicles, production technologies but also the configuration of automotive reverse supply chains. The business practice comes every year closer to the closed loop supply chain concept which...

Computer Vision Systems: 8th International Conference, ICVS 2011, Sophia Antipolis, France, September 20-22, 2011, Proceedings
Computer Vision Systems: 8th International Conference, ICVS 2011, Sophia Antipolis, France, September 20-22, 2011, Proceedings
Computer Vision is the science and technology of machines that see. The dominant scientific conferences in computer vision, such as ICCV, CVPR and ECCV, concentrate on theories and models for obtaining information from images and image sequences. The intensely competitive nature of these conferences leaves little room to...
Web Information Systems and Mining: International Conference, WISM 2011, Taiyuan
Web Information Systems and Mining: International Conference, WISM 2011, Taiyuan
The 2011 International Conference on Web Information Systems and Mining (WISM 2011) was held during September 24–25, 2011 in Taiyuan, China. WISM 2011 received 472 submissions from 20 countries and regions. After rigorous reviews, 112 high-quality papers were selected for publication in the WISM 2011 proceedings. The...
Web Information Systems and Mining: International Conference, WISM 2011, Taiyuan, China
Web Information Systems and Mining: International Conference, WISM 2011, Taiyuan, China

The 2011 International Conference on Web Information Systems and Mining

(WISM 2011) was held during September 24–25, 2011 in Taiyuan, China. WISM 2011 received 472 submissions from 20 countries and regions. After rigorous reviews, 112 high-quality papers were selected for publication in the WISM...
Computer Vision/Computer Graphics Collaboration Techniques: 5th International Conference, MIRAGE 2011, Rocquencourt, France, October 10-11, 2011.
Computer Vision/Computer Graphics Collaboration Techniques: 5th International Conference, MIRAGE 2011, Rocquencourt, France, October 10-11, 2011.
This volume collects the papers accepted for presentation at MIRAGE 2011. The MIRAGE conference is recognized internationally with presentations coming from 19 countries despite the large worldwide economical crisis. Submissions from Asia dropped compared with two years ago, and were fewer, than those from Europe. France proved...
Modular Neural Networks and Type-2 Fuzzy Systems for Pattern Recognition (Studies in Computational Intelligence)
Modular Neural Networks and Type-2 Fuzzy Systems for Pattern Recognition (Studies in Computational Intelligence)

We describe in this book, hybrid intelligent systems using type-2 fuzzy logic and modular neural networks for pattern recognition applications. Hybrid intelligent systems combine several intelligent computing paradigms, including fuzzy logic, neural networks, and bio-inspired optimization algorithms, which can be used to produce...

Advances in Digital Forensics VII: 7th IFIP WG 11.9 International Conference on Digital Forensics, Orlando, FL, USA
Advances in Digital Forensics VII: 7th IFIP WG 11.9 International Conference on Digital Forensics, Orlando, FL, USA
Digital forensics deals with the acquisition, preservation, examination, analysis and presentation of electronic evidence. Networked computing, wireless communications and portable electronic devices have expanded the role of digital forensics beyond traditional computer crime investigations. Practically every type of crime now...
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