This volume contains the proceedings of the 15th International conference on
Financial Cryptography and Data Security, held at the Bay Gardens Beach
Resort, St. Lucia, February 28–March 4, 2011.
Financial cryptography and data security (FC) is a well-established international
forum for research, advanced development,...
The international workshop iNetSec 2011 – Open Problems in Network Security—
is dedicated to open problem and research directions on all aspects related to
network security. It is the main workshop of working group WG 11.4 of the
IFIP. This year, iNetSec was co-located with IFIP SEC 2011 in Lucerne on June
9 and...
Reinforcement learning encompasses both a science of adaptive behavior of rational beings in uncertain environments and a computational methodology for finding optimal behaviors for challenging problems in control, optimization and adaptive behavior of intelligent agents. As a field, reinforcement learning has progressed tremendously in the...
In three main divisions the book covers combinational circuits, latches, and asynchronous sequential circuits. Combinational circuits have no memorising ability, while sequential circuits have such an ability to various degrees. Latches are the simplest sequential circuits, ones with the shortest memory. The...
This book presents research on a kind of water use conflicts that is becoming more and more common and important: How to best manage moving water in times of increasing demand for electricity as well as environmental services. How should decisions be made between water use for electricity generation or for environmental and recreational...
The book examines the correlation between Intellectual Property Law – notably copyright – on the one hand and social and economic development on the other. The main focus of the initial overview is on historical, legal, economic and cultural aspects. Building on that, the work subsequently investigates how intellectual property...
The focus of this book is on bridging the gap between two extreme methods for developing software. On the one hand, there are texts and approaches that are so formal that they scare off all but the most dedicated theoretical computer scientists. On the other, there are some who believe that any measure of formality is a waste of time,...
The sheer computing power of modern information technology is changing the face of research not just in science, technology and mathematics, but in humanities and cultural studies too. Recent decades have seen a major shift both in attitudes and deployment of computers, which are now vital and highly effective tools in disciplines where they...
The monograph addresses a problem of stochastic analysis based on the uncertainty assessment by simulation and application of this method in ecology and steel industry under uncertainty. The first chapter defines the Monte Carlo (MC) method and random variables in stochastic models. Chapter two deals with the contamination transport in porous...
This book deals with all aspects of plasmonics, basics, applications and advanced developments. Plasmonics is an emerging field of research dedicated to the resonant interaction of light with metals. The light/matter interaction is strongly enhanced at a nanometer scale which sparks a keen interest of a wide scientific community and offers...
Climbing robot is a challenging research topic that has gained much attention from researchers. Most of the robots reported in the literature are designed to climb on manmade structures, but seldom robots are designed for climbing natural environment such as trees. Trees and manmade structures are very different in nature. It brings different...
The concept of intuitionistic fuzzy set (IFS) was originally introduced by Atanassov (1983) to extend the concept of the traditional fuzzy set. Each element in an IFS is expressed by an ordered pair which is called an intuitionistic fuzzy value (IFV) (or intuitionistic fuzzy number (IFN)), and each IFV is characterized by a membership degree,...