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Deep Brain Stimulation: A New Frontier in Psychiatry
Deep Brain Stimulation: A New Frontier in Psychiatry

Deep Brain Stimulation: A New Frontier in Psychiatry provides an overview of current developments and the future possibilities of deep brain stimulation for patients with therapy-refractory psychiatric disorders. The side-by-side presentation of clinical applications and animal research provides a truly translational approach. Also...

Linear Algebra and Geometry
Linear Algebra and Geometry

This book is the result of a series of lectures on linear algebra and the geometry of multidimensional spaces given in the 1950s through 1970s by Igor R. Shafarevich at the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Moscow State University.

Notes for some of these lectures were preserved in the faculty library, and these were used...
Operations Research: A Model-Based Approach (Springer Texts in Business and Economics)
Operations Research: A Model-Based Approach (Springer Texts in Business and Economics)

The book covers the standard models and techniques used in decision making in organizations. The main emphasis of the book is on modeling business-related scenarios and the generation of decision alternatives. Fully solved examples from many areas are used to illustrate the main concepts without getting bogged down in technical details. The...

Quantum Physics: The Bottom-Up Approach: From the Simple Two-Level System to Irreducible Representations (Graduate Texts in Physics)
Quantum Physics: The Bottom-Up Approach: From the Simple Two-Level System to Irreducible Representations (Graduate Texts in Physics)

This concise tutorial provides the bachelor student and the practitioner with a short text on quantum physics that allows them to understand a wealth of quantum phenomena based on a compact, well readable, yet still concise and accurate description of nonrelativistic quantum theory. This “quadrature of the circle” is achieved by...

Reaction-Diffusion Automata: Phenomenology, Localisations, Computation (Emergence, Complexity and Computation)
Reaction-Diffusion Automata: Phenomenology, Localisations, Computation (Emergence, Complexity and Computation)

Reaction-diffusion and excitable media are amongst most intriguing substrates. Despite apparent simplicity of the physical processes involved the media exhibit a wide range of amazing patterns: from target and spiral waves to travelling localisations and stationary breathing patterns. These media are at the heart of most natural processes,...

Data Matching: Concepts and Techniques for Record Linkage, Entity Resolution, and Duplicate Detection (Data-Centric Systems and Applications)
Data Matching: Concepts and Techniques for Record Linkage, Entity Resolution, and Duplicate Detection (Data-Centric Systems and Applications)

Data matching (also known as record or data linkage, entity resolution, object identification, or field matching) is the task of identifying, matching and merging records that correspond to the same entities from several databases or even within one database. Based on research in various domains including applied statistics, health...

Radiation Protection in Nuclear Medicine
Radiation Protection in Nuclear Medicine

This book explains clearly and in detail all aspects of radiation protection in nuclear medicine, including measurement quantities and units, detectors and dosimeters, and radiation biology. Discussion of radiation doses to patients and to embryos, fetuses, and children forms a central part of the book. Phantom models, biokinetic models,...

Controlled Natural Language: Second International Workshop, CNL 2010, Marettimo Island, Italy, September 13-15, 2010. Revised Papers (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)
Controlled Natural Language: Second International Workshop, CNL 2010, Marettimo Island, Italy, September 13-15, 2010. Revised Papers (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Controlled Natural Language, C.N.L. 2010, held in Marettimo Island, Italy, in September 2010. The 9 revised papers presented in this volume, together with 1 tutorial, were carefully reviewed and selected from 17 initial submissions. They broadly cover the...

Analytically Tractable Stochastic Stock Price Models (Springer Finance)
Analytically Tractable Stochastic Stock Price Models (Springer Finance)

Asymptotic analysis of stochastic stock price models is the central topic of the present volume. Special examples of such models are stochastic volatility models, that have been developed as an answer to certain imperfections in a celebrated Black-Scholes model of option pricing. In a stock price model with stochastic volatility, the random...

Complex Human Dynamics: From Mind to Societies (Understanding Complex Systems)
Complex Human Dynamics: From Mind to Societies (Understanding Complex Systems)

This book, edited and authored by a closely collaborating network of social scientists and psychologists, recasts typical research topics in these fields into the language of nonlinear, dynamic and complex systems. The aim is to provide scientists with different backgrounds - physics, applied mathematics and computer sciences - with the...

Minerals of the mercury ore deposit Idria
Minerals of the mercury ore deposit Idria

The present work is the first comprehensive study of mineralogy of the world's second largest mercury mine Idria. In the first chapter the readers are acquainted with the history of mining and its relation to mineralogy. Mineralogy is explained in terms of geological processes that were active during the formation of the ore deposit....

Classification of Services in the Digital Economy
Classification of Services in the Digital Economy

The classification of services in the digital economy proves critical for doing business, but it appears to be a particularly complex regulatory matter that is based upon a manifold set of issues. In the context of the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS), when the services classification scheme was drafted in the early 1990s,...

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