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The Economics of Information Security and Privacy
The Economics of Information Security and Privacy

In the late 1990s, researchers began to grasp that the roots of many information security failures can be better explained with the language of economics than by pointing to instances of technical flaws. This led to a thriving new interdisciplinary research field combining economic and engineering insights, measurement approaches and...

Reliability Engineering: Theory and Practice
Reliability Engineering: Theory and Practice

This book shows how to build in, evaluate, and demonstrate reliability and availability of components, equipment, systems. It presents the state-of-the-art of reliability engineering, both in theory and practice, and is based on the author's more than 30 years experience in this field, half in industry and half as Professor of Reliability...

Dressed Photons: Concepts of Light-Matter Fusion Technology (Nano-Optics and Nanophotonics)
Dressed Photons: Concepts of Light-Matter Fusion Technology (Nano-Optics and Nanophotonics)

Authored by the developer of dressed photon science and technology as well as nanophotonics, this book outlines concepts of the subject using a novel theoretical framework that differs from conventional wave optics. It provides a quantum theoretical description of optical near fields and related problems that puts matter excitation such as...

The Languages of Western Tonality (Computational Music Science)
The Languages of Western Tonality (Computational Music Science)

Tonal music, from a historical perspective, is far from homogenous; yet an enduring feature is a background "diatonic" system of exactly seven notes orderable cyclically by fifth. What is the source of the durability of the diatonic system, the octave of which is representable in terms of two particular integers, namely 12 and 7?...

Piracy at Sea (WMU Studies in Maritime Affairs)
Piracy at Sea (WMU Studies in Maritime Affairs)

​Over more than three decades starting in the 1990s, thousands of robberies, acts of piracy, and other violent attacks against merchant vessels have been reported in many of the world’s waters. The grave danger of piracy poses a direct threat not only to the security and efficiency of marine transportation, but more seriously, to...

Constant Mean Curvature Surfaces with Boundary (Springer Monographs in Mathematics)
Constant Mean Curvature Surfaces with Boundary (Springer Monographs in Mathematics)

The study of surfaces with constant mean curvature (CMC) is one of the main topics in classical differential geometry. Moreover, CMC surfaces are important mathematical models for the physics of interfaces in the absence of gravity, where they separate two different media or for capillary phenomena. Further, as most techniques used in the...

The Power of Algorithms: Inspiration and Examples in Everyday Life
The Power of Algorithms: Inspiration and Examples in Everyday Life

To examine, analyze, and manipulate a problem to the point of designing an algorithm for solving it is an exercise of fundamental value in many fields. With so many everyday activities governed by algorithmic principles, the power, precision, reliability and speed of execution demanded by users have transformed the design and...

Traffic and Granular Flow  '11
Traffic and Granular Flow '11

This book continues the biannual series of conference proceedings, which has become a classical reference resource in traffic and granular research alike. It addresses new developments at the interface between physics, engineering and computational science. Complex systems, where many simple agents, be they vehicles or particles, give rise to...

Cold-adapted Yeasts: Biodiversity, Adaptation Strategies and Biotechnological Significance
Cold-adapted Yeasts: Biodiversity, Adaptation Strategies and Biotechnological Significance

Yeasts are a versatile group of eukaryotic microorganisms, exhibiting heterogeneous nutritional profiles and an extraordinary ability to survive in a wide range of natural and man-associated ecosystems, including cold habitats. Cold-adapted yeasts inhabit numerous low-temperature environments where they are subjected to seasonal or permanent...

Theories of Programming and Formal Methods: Essays Dedicated to Jifeng He on the Occasion of His 70th Birthday (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)
Theories of Programming and Formal Methods: Essays Dedicated to Jifeng He on the Occasion of His 70th Birthday (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)

This Festschrift volume, dedicated to He Jifeng on the occasion of his 70th birthday in September 2013, includes 24 refereed papers by leading researchers, current and former colleagues, who congratulated at a celebratory symposium held in Shanghai, China, in the course of the 10th International Colloquium on Theoretical Aspects of Computing,...

Unifying Theories of Programming and Formal Engineering Methods: International Training School on Software Engineering, Held at ICTAC 2013, Shanghai, ... Lectures (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)
Unifying Theories of Programming and Formal Engineering Methods: International Training School on Software Engineering, Held at ICTAC 2013, Shanghai, ... Lectures (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)

This book presents 5 tutorial lectures by leading researchers given at the ICTAC 2013 Software Engineering School on Unifying Theories of Programming and Formal Engineering Methods, held in Shanghai, China in August 2013.The lectures are aimed at postgraduate students, researchers, academics, and industrial engineers. They cover topics such...

Fuzzy Cognitive Maps for Applied Sciences and Engineering: From Fundamentals to Extensions and Learning Algorithms
Fuzzy Cognitive Maps for Applied Sciences and Engineering: From Fundamentals to Extensions and Learning Algorithms

Fuzzy Cognitive Maps (FCM) constitute cognitive models in the form of fuzzy directed graphs consisting of two basic elements: the nodes, which basically correspond to “concepts” bearing different states of activation depending on the knowledge they represent, and the “edges” denoting the causal effects...

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