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Herrschaft - Staat - Mitbestimmung (German Edition)
Herrschaft - Staat - Mitbestimmung (German Edition)

Herrschaft - Staat - Mitbestimmung? ist eine theoretische und empirische Auseinandersetzung mit der Frage, was den modernen demokratischen Staat im Allgemeinen und die Bundesrepublik Deutschland in ihrer aktuellen Verfassung im Besonderen auszeichnet. Die These ist, dass sich moderne demokratische Staaten in einem Spannungsverhältnis von...

Retail Branding and Store Loyalty: Analysis in the Context of Reciprocity, Store Accessibility, and Retail Formats (Handel und Internationales Marketing Retailing and International Marketing)
Retail Branding and Store Loyalty: Analysis in the Context of Reciprocity, Store Accessibility, and Retail Formats (Handel und Internationales Marketing Retailing and International Marketing)

Marketers and retailers have to understand how to manage different consumer perception levels of retail brands, which have a major determining role on store loyalty across different complex contexts. Addressing these issues, Bettina Berg analyzes first whether corporate reputation and retail store equity have a reciprocal relationship in...

Data Quality for Decision Makers: A dialog between a board member and a DQ expert
Data Quality for Decision Makers: A dialog between a board member and a DQ expert

Currently many companies are confronted with the decision how to deal with the new data quality requirements of the regulatory authorities. Future data quality statements for enterprise key figures and their origins are being demanded. Applying methods of a data quality management system can produce these statements best. Guilherme Morbey...

Financial Distress and Corporate Turnaround: An Empirical Analysis of the Automotive Supplier Industry
Financial Distress and Corporate Turnaround: An Empirical Analysis of the Automotive Supplier Industry
Since its early days, business research has paid special attention to companies in distress situations. Its main focus has always been on the question of how distressed companies can successfully turn around. This issue is of major importance to academics as well as practitioners, but has only been partially answered so far. The...
Principles and Applications of Magnetic Particle Imaging (Aktuelle Forschung Medizintechnik - Latest Research in Medical Engineering)
Principles and Applications of Magnetic Particle Imaging (Aktuelle Forschung Medizintechnik - Latest Research in Medical Engineering)

Bernhard Gleich introduces Magnetic Particle Imaging (MPI) including all aspects that are necessary for a complete understanding. MPI is a new imaging modality invented by Bernhard Gleich and Jürgen Weizenecker. The method is capable of imaging the distribution of superparamagnetic iron oxide particles (SPIOs) with high sensitivity, high...

Hurdle Race Marketing: The Enlightenment - The Disillusionment - The Breakthrough
Hurdle Race Marketing: The Enlightenment - The Disillusionment - The Breakthrough

In an amusing way Klaus Backhaus endeavours to explain how much of what is sold in practice under the guise of a pronounced market orientation is nothing more than the telling of a fairy tale. And so the story takes its course. Despite a perceived market orientation the German engineering company “Deutsche Maschinenbau AG” is...

Optimizing Firm Performance: Alignment of Operational Success Drivers on the Basis of Empirical Data (Schriften zum europäischen Management)
Optimizing Firm Performance: Alignment of Operational Success Drivers on the Basis of Empirical Data (Schriften zum europäischen Management)

​Academic research has identified several operational drivers in manufacturing companies that have an effect on either the physical production of goods or its distribution: working capital requirements, manufacturing performance, supply chain performance and supply chain risk. Despite the fact that these four operational drivers have...

Deutschland und Amerika aus der Sicht Max Webers (Studien zum Weber-Paradigma) (German Edition)
Deutschland und Amerika aus der Sicht Max Webers (Studien zum Weber-Paradigma) (German Edition)

Sieht man genau hin, lassen sich große Unterschiede zwischen der deutschen und der amerikanischen Gesellschaft ausmachen. Viele davon sind unter der Oberfläche verborgen. Max Webers historisch-vergleichende Soziologie ist für eine kausale Erklärung dieser Unterschiede bestens gerüstet.  Max Weber interessierte...

On Good Management: The Corporate Lifecycle: An essay and interviews with Franz Fehrenbach, Jürgen Hambrecht, Wolfgang Reitzle and Alexander Rittweger
On Good Management: The Corporate Lifecycle: An essay and interviews with Franz Fehrenbach, Jürgen Hambrecht, Wolfgang Reitzle and Alexander Rittweger

Change or die! With this stark claim begins the journey through the corporate lifecycle. Why do so many companies fail? Why do managers struggle to recognize change early or hesitate to take vigorous action? Why – and how – must the traditional lifecycle concept be modernized if it is still to provide valid orientation?

Mobilität und Identität: Widerspruch in der modernen Gesellschaft (German Edition)
Mobilität und Identität: Widerspruch in der modernen Gesellschaft (German Edition)

​​Ein deutlicher gesellschaftlicher Wandel vollzieht sich in den letzten Jahren in der zunehmenden Mobilität der Menschen. Hat man sich von der Vorstellung eines Wohn- und Arbeitsortes in unmittelbarer Nähe bereits seit längerem verabschiedet, so werden die Distanzen immer größer. Tägliche Pendelzeiten...

Mobile Payment
Mobile Payment

Paying with mobile devices such as mobile phones or smart phones will expand worldwide in the coming years. This development provides opportunities for various industries (banking, telecommunications, credit card business, manufacturers, suppliers, retail) and for consumers.

The book comprehensively describes current status, trends...

Issues in Supply Chain Scheduling and Contracting
Issues in Supply Chain Scheduling and Contracting

Christian A. Ullrich investigates the optimization potential of integrated supply chain scheduling approaches. Considering a company-internal supply chain, the author´s first research question is whether the results of integrating machine scheduling and vehicle routing are significantly better than those of classic decomposition...

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