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Cryptosporidium: parasite and disease
Cryptosporidium: parasite and disease

This new volume on Cryptosporidium and Cryptosporidiosis discusses all relevant aspects of the biology, molecular biology, host-parasite interaction, epidemiology as well as diagnosis and treatment of these widespread parasites. It represents a useful guide for physicians, microbiologists, veterinarians and water professionals seeking...

Mechanics and Model-Based Control of Advanced Engineering Systems
Mechanics and Model-Based Control of Advanced Engineering Systems

Mechanics and Model-Based Control of Advanced Engineering Systems collects 32 contributions presented at the International Workshop on Advanced Dynamics and Model Based Control of Structures and Machines, which took place in St. Petersburg, Russia in July 2012. The workshop continued a series of international workshops, which started with a...

Bilirubin: Jekyll and Hyde Pigment of Life: Pursuit of Its Structure Through Two World Wars to the New Millenium
Bilirubin: Jekyll and Hyde Pigment of Life: Pursuit of Its Structure Through Two World Wars to the New Millenium

The book covers the totality of bilirubin (and heme from which bilirubin is derived biogenetically) the structural relationship of bilirubin to its solution properties and metabolism and to phototherapy for the jaundiced newborn - a common medical procedure used nowadays for lowering serum bilirubin, which is neurotoxic.

Developmental Aspects of the Lymphatic Vascular System (Advances in Anatomy, Embryology and Cell Biology)
Developmental Aspects of the Lymphatic Vascular System (Advances in Anatomy, Embryology and Cell Biology)

The book focuses on the lymphatic vascular system from a developmental biologist’s point of view. It provides an overview on the many recent advances in understanding the development of lymphatic vessels, using advanced genetic models in conjunction with state of the art imaging. For each chapter a synopsis is provided,...

Solving Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations with Maple and Mathematica
Solving Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations with Maple and Mathematica

The emphasis of the book is given in how to construct different types of solutions (exact, approximate analytical, numerical, graphical) of numerous nonlinear PDEs correctly, easily, and quickly. The reader can learn a wide variety of techniques and solve numerous nonlinear PDEs included and many other differential equations, simplifying...

Drugs for Relapse Prevention of Alcoholism (Milestones in Drug Therapy)
Drugs for Relapse Prevention of Alcoholism (Milestones in Drug Therapy)
"The book was a delight to read and the editors must be congratulated on bringing together a diverse group of experts to describe both the pre-clinical and clinical aspects of this topical issue. (...) This book will more than fulfil the requirements of a clinician looking for information about the underlying neurobiology of...
Drugs Affecting Growth of Tumours (Milestones in Drug Therapy)
Drugs Affecting Growth of Tumours (Milestones in Drug Therapy)

This topical volume provides an overview of clinically relevant data on anticancer agents. It is not only intended medical doctors working with cancer patients, and for medical researchers and students. The different classes of anticancer drugs are described by international authorities on the various topics. Apart from new targets for...

Mathematics and Computer Science: Algorithms, Trees, Combinatorics and Probabilities (Trends in Mathematics)
Mathematics and Computer Science: Algorithms, Trees, Combinatorics and Probabilities (Trends in Mathematics)
This is the first book where mathematics and computer science are directly confronted and joined to tackle intricate problems in computer science with deep mathematical approaches. It contains a collection of refereed papers presented at the Colloquium on Mathematics and Computer Science held at the University of Versailles-St-Quentin on...
Mechanisms of Angiogenesis (Experientia Supplementum)
Mechanisms of Angiogenesis (Experientia Supplementum)

Is it advisable to go back from bedside to the bench? During the last decade, few topics encountered such a broad interest in bio- gy and medicine as angiogenesis. The amazing ability of the body to restore blood flow by induction of blood vessel growth as part of an adaptive process has alarmed physicians dealing with diseases in which...

Coronaviruses with Special Emphasis on First Insights Concerning SARS (Birkhýýuser Advances in Infectious Diseases)
Coronaviruses with Special Emphasis on First Insights Concerning SARS (Birkhýýuser Advances in Infectious Diseases)
It is with great pleasure that we introduce the first volume of Birkhäuser Advances in Infectious Diseases.This book series will focus on relevant topics of microbiology and infectious diseases with emphasis (as much as possible) on emerging pathogens and related diseases.The series will also stress the inter-disciplinarity...
Introduction to Computational Biology: An Evolutionary Approach
Introduction to Computational Biology: An Evolutionary Approach
In 1982, the first release of the GenBank sequence database contained 601,438 residues. By 2005, this number had grown beyond and continues to increase exponentially. Far from regarding this as “information overload”, we believe the free availability of so much precise and fundamental data on the ultimate constituents of life to be the...
Chemokine Biology - Basic Research and Clinical Application: Vol. 1: Immunobiology of Chemokines (Progress in Inflammation Research)
Chemokine Biology - Basic Research and Clinical Application: Vol. 1: Immunobiology of Chemokines (Progress in Inflammation Research)

Chemokines play an important role in recruiting inflammatory cells into tissues in response to infection and inflammation. They also play an important role in coordinating the movement of T-cells, B-cells and dentritic cells, necessary to generate an immune response (response to injury, allergens, antigens, invading microorganisms). They...

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