Software reuse and software quality are increasingly important topics in today's software engineering both for researchers and for practitioners. The design and implementation of tests is especially challenging when tests are conceptualized for different variants and versions of an application. Stefan Baerisch applies a combination of...
At times when the IT manager’s best friend is systems consolidation (which is a euphemism for centralisation), it may come somewhat as a surprise for you that this book investigates decentralisation in the context of content management systems. It may seem quite obvious
that content will and should be managed by the party who...
Despite means of fault prevention such as extensive testing or formal verification,
errors inevitably occur during system operation. To avoid subsequent system failures,
critical distributed systems, therefore, require engineering of means for fault
tolerance. Achieving fault tolerance requires some redundancy, which, unfortunately,...
Die bewegten und unbewegten Bauteile eines Kolbenmotors sind statischen und dynamischen Beanspruchungen ausgesetzt, die den Gesetzen der Mechanik folgen. In diesem Buch werden die einzelnen Motorkomponenten mit den dazugehörenden Berechnungsverfahren vorgestellt. Neben zahlreichen praktischen Auslegungshinweisen erläutert das Buch...
This carefully written textbook is an introduction to the beautiful concepts and results of complex analysis. It is intended for international bachelor and master programmes in Germany and throughout Europe; in the Anglo-American system of university education the content corresponds to a beginning graduate course. The book presents the...
The maintenance of long-living software systems is an essential topic in today’s software engineering practice and research. Software Architecture Restructuring is an important task to adjust these systems to current requirements and to keep them maintainable. Niels Streekmann introduces an approach to Software Architecture...
Generic group algorithms solve computational problems defined over algebraic groups without exploiting properties of a particular representation of group elements. This is modeled by treating the group as a black-box. The fact that a computational problem cannot be solved by a reasonably restricted class of algorithms may be seen as support...
"Growth, mergers, restructuring, innovation - all these important topics of today's companies cannot be implemented without a systematic approach to IT management. This book does not point out unrealistic 'one size fits all' solutions but offers basic systems to solve a broad range of IT problems and challenges. It also presents case...
Near Field Communication (NFC) technology has become increasingly important for ubiquitous computing. Florian Resatsch investigates the optimal strategies for developing and evaluating ubiquitous computing applications based on NFC. He draws on a variety of current theories on ubiquitous computing, human-computer interaction, and technology...
Social entrepreneurship has become a relevant topic in business, society and politics. Public
attention has also been aroused through the increasing presence of social entrepreneurs in
the media and numerous popular science publications. Here we may mention David Bornstein
´s book “How to Change the World: Social...
IT-Controlling und IT-Governance sind wesentliche Erfolgsfaktoren, um den ökonomischen Mehrwert der IT zu erhöhen. Das Werk vermittelt die theoretischen Grundlagen in diesem Bereich und zeigt mit zahlreichen Beispielen, wie es in der Praxis umgesetzt wird.
Quantitative marketing has been gaining importance during the last decade. This is indicated by the growing number of model- and method-oriented studies published in leading journals as well as by the many successful applications of quantitative approaches in pricing, advertising, new product planning, and market segmentation decisions. In...