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Chancen und Risiken von Rohstoffinvestments: Eine quantitative Analyse von Rohstoffen als Anlageklasse (German Edition)
Chancen und Risiken von Rohstoffinvestments: Eine quantitative Analyse von Rohstoffen als Anlageklasse (German Edition)

Aufgrund zunehmender Korrelationen zwischen traditionellen Anlageklassen, eines historisch niedrigen Zinsniveaus und hoch volatiler Aktienkurse rückten alternative Investments in den letzten Jahren zunehmend in den Fokus von Investoren. Timo Klett führt eine umfassende Analyse von Rohstoffinvestments durch, indem er die Renditen...

Web Based Project Coaching: Requirements, Design, Implementation and Evaluation of Online Coaching Services (Informationsmanagement und Computer Aided Team)
Web Based Project Coaching: Requirements, Design, Implementation and Evaluation of Online Coaching Services (Informationsmanagement und Computer Aided Team)

The traditional project coaching takes place mostly in a number of face-to-face coaching sessions. However, under conditions of time pressure in IT projects, a physical presence of coaches could form a bottleneck. These facts led to the idea of using Internet technologies to support  the project coaching. The benefits of the web based...

Automobillogistik: Stand und Zukunftstrends (German Edition)
Automobillogistik: Stand und Zukunftstrends (German Edition)
Mit diesem Herausgeberwerk starten wir ein neues Buchprojekt, das ein „Spin-off“ des Klassikers „Logistik der Zukunft – Logistics for the Future“ (sechste Auflage 2012) bildet. Für die Anwendung der Zukunftsforschung in der Logistik ist die Automobilwirtschaft eine besonders interessante Branche. So...
Trusts in Deutschland: Zivilrecht - Steuerrecht (German Edition)
Trusts in Deutschland: Zivilrecht - Steuerrecht (German Edition)

Der Leitfaden zum Trust erläutert alle wichtigen Besonderheiten dieser alternativen Variante zur Steueroptimierung durch eine Stiftung.

Firms in Open Source Software Development: Managing Innovation Beyond Firm Boundaries
Firms in Open Source Software Development: Managing Innovation Beyond Firm Boundaries

In open innovation scenarios, firms are able to profit from technological developments that take place beyond the legal boundaries. However, in the absence of contract-based vertical command chains, such as in the case of open source software (OSS), it is difficult for firms to obtain control over the innovation project's trajectory. In...

E-Services: Opportunities and Threats
E-Services: Opportunities and Threats
This volume presents the best papers of the special issue "E-Services" of the Journal of Value Chain Management. In association with Marketing Center Muenster (University of Muenster, Germany) and the Center for Services Marketing and Management (Florida Atlantic University, USA), the volume provides a thorough introduction and...
Mobile Image Communication Using JPEG2000
Mobile Image Communication Using JPEG2000
This thesis is concerned with image communication considering all stages from the beginning to the very end. In order to appropriately handle large raster imagery, the fundamental goal is to reduce the influence of the most limiting factors in mobile environments. In a clear departure from the traditional strategies, this goal is reached by...
Democratic and Authoritarian Political Systems in Twenty-First-Century World Society, vol. 1: Differentiation, Inclusion, Responsiveness (Global Studies & Theory of Society)
Democratic and Authoritarian Political Systems in Twenty-First-Century World Society, vol. 1: Differentiation, Inclusion, Responsiveness (Global Studies & Theory of Society)
What seemed unthinkable after the end of the Cold War and the triumph of liberalism has become reality today: the democratic world society of the 21st century is threatened by illiberal and autocratic political models. The state is no longer an instrument of a dominating stratum trying to control society. It must include individuals, produce...
A functional pattern system for object-oriented design (Schriftenreihe Forschungsergebnisse zur Informatik)
A functional pattern system for object-oriented design (Schriftenreihe Forschungsergebnisse zur Informatik)
A number of people directly or indirectly influenced my work and I amgrateful for their contributions.

Norbert Ihrig made my early years in school a worthwhile experience and without him my way would have been much harder.

Gregor Snelting proposed an interesting master thesis to me and, thus, opened
Development and Performance Evaluation of an Adaptive MAC Protocol for MC-CDMA Wireless LANs with QoS Support
Development and Performance Evaluation of an Adaptive MAC Protocol for MC-CDMA Wireless LANs with QoS Support
Amobile adhoc network, is a system of autonomous mobile terminals connected by wireless links. Being independent of any infrastructure, these networks have the ability to be deployed easily, fast and cost efficient. The objective of this thesis is to exploit the advantages of the application of Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) in the lower...
Policy-based contracting in semantic web service markets
Policy-based contracting in semantic web service markets
Web services generalize the idea of the Web beyond the exchange of simple Web pages in order to enable the provision of a broad range of different services. By com- posing Web services, cross-organizational and collaborative business processes can be realized in a highly dynamic and flexible way, which is particularly important if...
Coupled Model Transformations for QoS Enabled Component-Based Software Design
Coupled Model Transformations for QoS Enabled Component-Based Software Design

Performance-aware Component-based Software-Development A characteristic of an engineering discipline is the ability to predict the impact of design decisions. For example, in civil engineering accurate predictions of the impact of adding an additional ?oor on a construction’s statics are available. Having a similar ability in software...

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