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Wings of Fire: An Autobiography of APJ Abdul Kalam
Wings of Fire: An Autobiography of APJ Abdul Kalam
Autobiography of an Indian scientist.

Bharat Ratna Dr. Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam born October 15, 1931, Tamil Nadu, India, usually referred to as Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam^, was the eleventh President of India, serving from 2002 to 2007.[2] Due to his unconventional working style, he is also popularly known as the People's
Adventures in Problem Solving
Adventures in Problem Solving

What is "problem solving"? The grat mathematican David Hilberd said that, in essence, probles are the life blood of mathematics, and Paul Halmos added a rider: that the complementary activity - theory building - provides the soul of the subject.

The Big and the Small - From Microcosm to the Macrocosm: The Facinating Link Between Particle Physics and Cosmology
The Big and the Small - From Microcosm to the Macrocosm: The Facinating Link Between Particle Physics and Cosmology
This book is the second part of the two-volume set entitled The Big and the Small. The first volume, Journey into the Microcosm: The Story of Elementary Particles, dealt essentially with the small, i.e., elementary particles. The present volume first takes the reader to the other extreme, the big or the cosmos, and then wraps up...
Let Us C
Let Us C
It is mid 2004. World has left begind the DOTCOM bust, 9/11 tragedy, the economic downturn, etc. and moved on. Countless Indians have relentlessly worked for close two decades to successfully establish "India" as a software brand. At times I take secret pleasure in seeing that a book that I have been part of, has contributed in its own...
Photoshop CS3 in Simple Steps
Photoshop CS3 in Simple Steps
Over time, Photoshop has proved itself as a leading image editing software. The latest version, Photoshop CS3, explores various new features related to layer styles and effects. Photoshop CS3 provides new ways to effectively integrate your print designs and several tasks such as color correction in an old photograph or applying a mask to a...
EJB 3.0 in Simple Steps
EJB 3.0 in Simple Steps

EJB 3.0 in Simple Steps is a precise and complete book that helps you to  understand different concepts and methologies involved in the development  of a scalable and distributed enterprise application using EJB 3.0.  The book is supported by its unique style and numerous examples explained through simple steps,  throughout...

Java Server Programming Java EE 5 (J2EE 1.5) Black Book
Java Server Programming Java EE 5 (J2EE 1.5) Black Book
Many bookstores offer numerous choices of books on Java Server Programming; however, most of these books are intricate and complex to grasp. So, what are your chances of picking up the right one? If this question has been troubling you, be rest assured now! This book, Java Server Programming: Java EE 5 (J2EE 1.5) Black Book, Platinum Edition, is a...
JDBC, Servlets and JSP Black Book
JDBC, Servlets and JSP Black Book
This is a unique book for self learning and getting expertization in java database and Web technologies as JDBC, Servlet, JSP, JSTL and JSF. This book is not only useful for self updating readers but also useful for the readers who already known the concepts and get more indept knowledge on the topic this book is titled. This book gives complete...
AJAX Black Book
AJAX Black Book
This book, AJAX Black Book, discusses what Ajax is and what it means to Web developers, as well as the technologies behind Ajax applications. Working through this book, you'll discover how Ajax gives web developers the ability to build applications that are more interactive, more dynamic, more exciting and enjoyable for their users. This book shows...
CorelDRAW X4 in Simple Steps
CorelDRAW X4 in Simple Steps
CorelDRAW is the best known vector graphics software that helps you to create interactive designs for printing, publishing and advertising. CorelDRAW X4 is the latest and improved version of CorelDRAW. Smart Interface, new tools and enhanced compatibility are some reasons why CorelDRAW X4 is the market leader.

CorelDRAW X4 in simple Steps...

HTML 4.0 in Simple Steps
HTML 4.0 in Simple Steps
HTML 4.0 in Simple Steps helps you learn HTML 4.0 in the easiest possible way. An easy to understand style, lots of examples to support the given concepts and use of practical approach in presentation are some of the key features that make the book unique in itself. Content in this book is presented in such a way that it will be equally helpful to...
C in Depth
C in Depth
In the third edition of the book C in depth , the authors explain the basics of the programming language while maintaining the integrity and clarity of the programs. The book can be utilized by both beginners and advanced level programmers as a self-evaluation and learning source. There are more than 310 programs with explanations to illustrate...
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