Societies, both ancient and modern, have frequently celebrated and proclaimed their military victories through overt public demonstrations. In the ancient world, however, the most famous examples of this come from a single culture and period - Rome in the final years of the Roman Republic and early Roman Empire - while those from other...
In this volume twelve contributions discuss the relevance, accuracy, potential, and possible alternatives to a literary reading of ancient Jewish writings, especially the Hebrew Bible. Drawing on different academic fields (biblical studies, rabbinic studies, and literary studies) and on various methodologies (literary criticism, rhetorical...
This book began its life as my doctoral dissertation at the University of
Pennsylvania. Many thanks to my mentors: the members of my committee,
Josef Wegner, David P. Silverman, and Miroslav Bárta, who provided
helpful feedback and support at the early stages of my research,
and Salima
As I reflect on the support and encouragement that I have received in
moving me toward the completion of this project, first in its dissertation
form (Greer 2011) and now revised as a book, it brings me great joy to
acknowledge those institutions, mentors, colleagues, friends, and family
who have made this work a reality.
As the medical historian Vivian Nutton writes in his study on Greek
and Roman health systems ‘History is an art of forgetting as well as of
remembrance’.1 Indeed, what is basic to the study of ancient civilizations
is the reconstruction of the written word and, consequently, some consideration
of whether the available...
The Fabric of Cities presents an interdisciplinary collection of articles on urbanism in ancient Mesopotamia, Israel, Greece and Rome, which focuses on the social dimension of cities' topographical features. The contributions of this book offer investigations of neighbourhoods, city gates, streets, temples and palaces drawing on textual...
This book contains a detailed grammatical description of Jibbali (or Shahri), an unwritten Semitic language spoken in the Dhofar region of Oman, along with seventy texts. This is the first ever comprehensive grammar of Jibbali, and the first collection of texts published in over a hundred years. Topics in phonology, all aspects of morphology,...
Mordechai Cogan (Ph.D. University of Pennsylvania) is Professor Emeritus
of Biblical History in the Department of Jewish History, The Hebrew University
of Jerusalem. He has written widely on the relationship of Israel
and Judah with the Mesopotamian empires during the first millennium
b.c.e., and history-writing in the ancient...
In "The Tigre Language of Ginda, Eritrea," David L. Elias documents the dialect of the Tigre language that is spoken in the town of Ginda in eastern Eritrea. While the language of Tigre is spoken by perhaps one million people in Eritrea and Sudan, the population of Ginda is fewer than 50,000 people. Elias describes basic aspects of...
Allied Fighting Effectiveness is a collection of scholarly papers focusing on a variety of different aspects of the major campaigns of North Africa, Sicily and Italy, ranging from operation TORCH to the end of the war in Europe.
Value and Crisis brings together selected essays written by Alfredo Saad-Filho. This book examines the labour theory of value and its implications for the nature of neoliberalism, financialisation, inflation, monetary policy, and the crises of contemporary capitalism.
The Crimean Khanate was often treated as a semi-nomadic, watered-down version of the Golden Horde, or yet another vassal state of the Ottoman Empire. This book revises these views by exploring the Khanate's political and legal systems, which combined well organized and well developed institutions, which were rooted in different traditions...