 |  |  |  |  Ethics in the Gospel of John (Biblical Interpretation Series)
"In Ethics in the Gospel of John Sookgoo Shin seeks to challenge the dominant scholarly view of John's ethics as an ineffective and unhelpful companion for moral formation. In order to demonstrate the relevance of John's ethics, Shin argues that the development of discipleship in John's Gospel should be understood as moral... |
 The School of Doubt (Brill Studies in Skepticism)
The School of Doubt conducts a parallel philological and philosophical examination
of Cicero’s Academica, a work on Hellenistic epistemology written in
the first half of 45 bce. The treatise has a unique history, insofar as fragments
of two different versions are extant: the second of a two-volume first edition,
a dialogue... |  |  |  |  |
 |  |  The Practical Use of Fracture MechanicsThis book is about the use of fracture mechanics for the solution of practical problems; academic rigor is not at issue and dealt with only in as far as it improves insight and understanding; it often concerns secondary errors in engineering. Knowledge of (ignorance of) such basic input as loads and stresses in practical cases may cause errors far... |  |  Negation and Speculation Detection (Natural Language Processing)
Negation and speculation detection is an emerging topic that has attracted the attention of many researchers, and there is clearly a lack of relevant textbooks and survey texts. This book aims to define negation and speculation from a natural language processing perspective, to explain the need for processing these phenomena, to summarise... |
 |  |  Japanese Mood and Modality in Systemic Functional Linguistics (Not in series)
This book is an anthology of four papers that offers a cross-linguistic and inter-
disciplinary exploration of modality within systemic functional linguistics (SFL).
Drawing upon the broad SFL notion of modality that refers to the intermediate
degrees between the positive and negative poles, the individual papers probe into
the... |  |  |
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