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An Introduction to the Theory of Formal Languages and Automata
An Introduction to the Theory of Formal Languages and Automata
In the latter half of the 1950’s, Noam Chomsky began to develop mathematical models for the description of natural languages. Two disciplines originated in his work and have grown to maturity. The first of these is the theory of formal grammars, a branch of mathematics which has proven to be of great interest to information and computer...
Spacecraft Attitude Determination and Control (Astrophysics and Space Science Library)
Spacecraft Attitude Determination and Control (Astrophysics and Space Science Library)
Extensive work has been done for many years in the areas of attitude determination, attitude prediction, and attitude control. During this time, it has been difficult to obtain reference material that provided a comprehensive overview of attitude support activities. This lack of reference material has made it difficult for...
Selected Works of A.N. Kolmogorov: Volume III: Information Theory and the Theory of Algorithms
Selected Works of A.N. Kolmogorov: Volume III: Information Theory and the Theory of Algorithms

This volume is the last of three volumes devoted to the work of one of the most prominent 20th century mathematicians. Throughout his mathematical work, A.N. Kolmogorov (1903-1987) showed great creativity and versatility and his wide-ranging studies in many different areas, led to the solution of conceptual and fundamental problems and the...

Euroscepticism: Party Politics, National Identity and European Integration (European Studies 20)
Euroscepticism: Party Politics, National Identity and European Integration (European Studies 20)

The accelerated pace of European integration since the early 1990s has been accompanied by the emergence of increasingly prominent and multiform oppositions to the process. The term Euroscepticism has appeared with growing frequency in a range of political, media, and academic discourses. Yet, the label is applied to a wide range of...

Cyberculture and New Media.
Cyberculture and New Media.
In the extension of digital media from optional means to central site of activity, the domains of language, art, learning, play, film, and politics have been subject to radical reconfigurations as mediating structures. This book examines how this changed relationship has in each case shaped a new form of discourse between self and culture and...
Cell Line Development (Cell Engineering)
Cell Line Development (Cell Engineering)

Mammalian cell lines command an effective monopoly for the production of therapeutic proteins that require post-translational modifications. This unique advantage outweighs the costs associated with mammalian cell culture, which are far grater in terms of development time and manufacturing when compared to microbial culture. The development of...

Ancient Engineers' Inventions: Precursors of the Present (History of Mechanism and Machine Science)
Ancient Engineers' Inventions: Precursors of the Present (History of Mechanism and Machine Science)
This book describes inventions and designs of ancient engineers that are the precursors of the present. The ages mainly range from 300 B.C. to 1600 A.D. with some exceptions from before and after this period.

As for the very ancient ones, the book describes inventions (documented by archaeological finds mainly from Pompei, Ercolano and Stabia)...

Liquid Crystal Display Drivers: Techniques and Circuits
Liquid Crystal Display Drivers: Techniques and Circuits

The origins of this book can be found in the scientific collaboration (officially

started in March 2003) between Francesco Pulvirenti and me. Besides its obvious technical aim, this collaboration has produced eighteen theses for second-level laurea degree in electronic engineering and fifteen theses for first level laurea degree in...

Quantum Causality: Conceptual Issues in the Causal Theory of Quantum Mechanics
Quantum Causality: Conceptual Issues in the Causal Theory of Quantum Mechanics

This is a treatise devoted to the foundations of quantum physics and the role that causality plays in the microscopic world governed by the laws of quantum mechanics. There is no sharp dividing line between physics and philosophy of physics. This is especially true for quantum physics where debate on its interpretation and the status of the...

Ecological Connectivity among Tropical Coastal Ecosystems
Ecological Connectivity among Tropical Coastal Ecosystems

Mangrove forests, seagrass beds, and coral reefs are circumtropical ecosystems that are highly productive, and provide many important biological functions and economic services. These ecosystems cover large surface areas in the shallow tropical coastal seascape but have suffered from serious human degradation, especially in the last few decades....

Drug-related problems in the elderly
Drug-related problems in the elderly

The number of elderly is increasing in the developed part of the world. With increasing age the prevalence of many diseases will increase. This promotes high use of drugs. For all health care professionals, it is essential to be aware of the possible risks and difficulties with drugs in the elderly. In this book, the authors describe these...

Women in Early British and Irish Astronomy: Stars and Satellites
Women in Early British and Irish Astronomy: Stars and Satellites

Careers in astronomy for women (as in other sciences) were a rarity in Britain and Ireland until well into the twentieth century. The book investigates the place of women in astronomy before that era, recounted in the form of biographies of about 25 women born between 1650 and 1900 who in varying capacities contributed to its progress during the...

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