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Mapping Antarctica: A Five Hundred Year Record of Discovery (Springer Praxis Books)
Mapping Antarctica: A Five Hundred Year Record of Discovery (Springer Praxis Books)
Antarctica was to be the greatest discovery of them all! It was never to be a tripping over of a piece of useless land: the Greek philosophers had predicted a polar land- mass of geophysical importance! The question was rather whether or not man could bridge the "torrid equatorial zone" that was thought to separate the...
Swarming Landscapes: The Art of Designing For Climate Adaptation (Advances in Global Change Research)
Swarming Landscapes: The Art of Designing For Climate Adaptation (Advances in Global Change Research)

This book advocates a fresh approach to planning that anticipates, rather than reacts to, the changes in climate currently in process. Today’s spatial planning procedures rely on historical evidence instead of preparing for factors that by definition lie in the future, yet which are relatively uncontroversial: shortages of water, sea...

Project Management for Environmental, Construction and Manufacturing Engineers: A Manual for Putting Theory into Practice
Project Management for Environmental, Construction and Manufacturing Engineers: A Manual for Putting Theory into Practice

As a companion to books on project-management theory, this book illustrates, in a down-to-earth, comprehensive style, how to put that theory into practice. In addition to the many examples that illustrate procedures, the book includes over 25 case studies, each one addressing a specific theme. Key topics, such as project selection,...

Modelling of GPCRs: A Practical Handbook
Modelling of GPCRs: A Practical Handbook

G protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) comprise an important protein family, which is involved in signal transduction in the cell. Besides that a large number of drugs, available on market, address GPCRs. For an efficient and improved development of appropriate drugs, molecular modelling of GPCRs is – in order to understand the...

SPSS for Starters, Part 2 (SpringerBriefs in Statistics)
SPSS for Starters, Part 2 (SpringerBriefs in Statistics)
The small book ‘‘SPSS for Starters’’ issued in 2010 presented 20 chapters of cookbook like step by step data-analyses of clinical research, and was written to help clinical investigators and medical students analyze their data without the help of a statistician. The book served its purpose well enough, since...
Agent-Based Modelling of Socio-Technical Systems (Agent-Based Social Systems)
Agent-Based Modelling of Socio-Technical Systems (Agent-Based Social Systems)

Decision makers in large scale interconnected network systems require simulation models for decision support. The behaviour of these systems is determined by many actors, situated in a dynamic, multi-actor, multi-objective and multi-level environment. How can such systems be modelled and how can the socio-technical complexity be captured?...

Molecular Pharmacognosy
Molecular Pharmacognosy

"Molecular Pharmacognosy” discusses the application of molecular biology in resource science and authentication of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). This book reviews the latest developments in pharmacognosy, introduces a series of new views and insights, presents the hotspots and focus of the field of study on molecular...

Development Cooperation Policy in Forestry from an Analytical Perspective (World Forests)
Development Cooperation Policy in Forestry from an Analytical Perspective (World Forests)

Any reader eager to gain a comprehensive insight into forest development policy, praxis and reality shouldn’t miss this excellent publication. Hard to find a comparable reading where the author is digging as deep into Forest Development Policy. The author discovered numerous highly relevant theories as well as inspiring cases about...

Methods and Procedures for Building Sustainable Farming Systems: Application in the European Context
Methods and Procedures for Building Sustainable Farming Systems: Application in the European Context

Showing how the method of sustainability assessment plays a key role in choosing the best agricultural productive mode, this book guides the reader through the process of selecting, from among the various approaches for building farming systems, the method of decision-making that will result in the most appropriate outcome, given the context....

Automotive Painting Technology: A Monozukuri-Hitozukuri Perspective
Automotive Painting Technology: A Monozukuri-Hitozukuri Perspective

This book offers unique and valuable contributions to the field. It offers breadth and inclusiveness. Most existing works on automotive painting cover only a single aspect of this complex topic, such as the chemistry of paint or paint booth technology. Monozukuri and Hitozukuri are Japanese terms that can be translated as “making...

Mental Well-Being: International Contributions to the Study of Positive Mental Health
Mental Well-Being: International Contributions to the Study of Positive Mental Health

This book provides a new generation of research in which scholars are investigating mental health and human development as not merely the absence of illness or dysfunction, but also the presence of subjective well-being. Subjective well-being is a fundamental facet of the quality of life. The quality of an individual’s life can be...

Models of God and Alternative Ultimate Realities
Models of God and Alternative Ultimate Realities

The envisioned volume is a collection of recent essays about the philosophical exploration, critique and comparison of (a) the major philosophical models of God, gods and other ultimate realities implicit in the world’s philosophical schools and religions, and of (b) the ideas of such models and doing such modeling per se. The...

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