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Surrogate Model-Based Engineering Design and Optimization (Springer Tracts in Mechanical Engineering)
Surrogate Model-Based Engineering Design and Optimization (Springer Tracts in Mechanical Engineering)

This book covers some of the most popular methods in design space sampling, ensembling surrogate models, multi-fidelity surrogate model construction, surrogate model selection and validation, surrogate-based robust design optimization, and surrogate-based evolutionary optimization.

Surrogate or metamodels are now...

Housing Policy in Australia: A Case for System Reform
Housing Policy in Australia: A Case for System Reform
This book, the first comprehensive overview of housing policy in Australia in 25 years, investigates the many dimensions of housing affordability and government actions that affect affordability outcomes. It analyses the causes and implications of declining home ownership, rising rates of rental stress and the neglect of...
PET/CT for Inflammatory Diseases: Basic Sciences, Typical Cases, and Review
PET/CT for Inflammatory Diseases: Basic Sciences, Typical Cases, and Review

This comprehensive guide sheds new light on the benefits of FDG PET/CT  in diagnosing inflammatory diseases. Although FDG PET/CT offers an invaluable tool for diagnosing inflammatory diseases, the clinical evidence on its application remains limited.

To remedy this gap, each chapter of this book includes detailed...

Texture Feature Extraction Techniques for Image Recognition (SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology)
Texture Feature Extraction Techniques for Image Recognition (SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology)

The book describes various texture feature extraction approaches and texture analysis applications. It introduces and discusses the importance of texture features, and describes various types of texture features like statistical, structural, signal-processed and model-based. It also covers applications related to texture features,...

ICU Protocols: A Step-wise Approach, Vol I
ICU Protocols: A Step-wise Approach, Vol I

The second edition of this highly successful book includes up-to-date notes on the step-wise management of clinical emergencies encountered in everyday intensive care units (ICU). Each thoroughly revised chapter provides concise information for point-of-care treatment, making it a practical guide clinicians can refer to on...

21st Century Maritime Silk Road: Wave Energy Resource Evaluation (Springer Oceanography)
21st Century Maritime Silk Road: Wave Energy Resource Evaluation (Springer Oceanography)

This book focuses on the evaluation of wave energy in the Maritime Silk Road. Firstly, it compares wave energy and other main energy sources, and then discusses the various disadvantages. It also presents the current research and the difficulties of wave energy evaluation, and systematically analyzes the climatic characteristics of...

Mathematical Modelling, Optimization, Analytic and Numerical Solutions (Industrial and Applied Mathematics)
Mathematical Modelling, Optimization, Analytic and Numerical Solutions (Industrial and Applied Mathematics)

This book discusses a variety of topics related to industrial and applied mathematics, focusing on wavelet theory, sampling theorems, inverse problems and their applications, partial differential equations as a model of real-world problems, computational linguistics, mathematical models and methods for meteorology, earth systems,...

iMEC-APCOMS 2019: Proceedings of the 4th International Manufacturing Engineering Conference and The 5th Asia Pacific Conference on Manufacturing Systems (Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering)
iMEC-APCOMS 2019: Proceedings of the 4th International Manufacturing Engineering Conference and The 5th Asia Pacific Conference on Manufacturing Systems (Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering)
This book presents the proceedings of the 4th International Manufacturing Engineering Conference and 5th Asia Pacific Conference on Manufacturing Systems (iMEC-APCOMS 2019), held in Putrajaya, Malaysia, on 21–22 August 2019. Covering scientific research in the field of manufacturing engineering, with focuses on industrial engineering,...
Design and Development of Heavy Duty Diesel Engines: A Handbook (Energy, Environment, and Sustainability)
Design and Development of Heavy Duty Diesel Engines: A Handbook (Energy, Environment, and Sustainability)

This book is intended to serve as a comprehensive reference on the design and development of diesel engines. It talks about combustion and gas exchange processes with important references to emissions and fuel consumption and descriptions of the design of various parts of an engine, its coolants and lubricants, and emission control...

Recent Advances in Communication Infrastructure: Proceedings of ICPCCI 2019 (Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering)
Recent Advances in Communication Infrastructure: Proceedings of ICPCCI 2019 (Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering)

This book gathers selected research papers presented at the International Conference on Power, Control and Communication Infrastructure 2019 (ICPCCI 2019), organized by the Institute of Infrastructure, Technology, Research and Management (IITRAM), Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India, on July 4–5, 2019. It presents technological...

Model and Design of Improved Current Mode Logic Gates: Differential and Single-ended
Model and Design of Improved Current Mode Logic Gates: Differential and Single-ended

This book presents MOSFET-based current mode logic (CML) topologies, which increase the speed, and lower the transistor count, supply voltage and power consumption. The improved topologies modify the conventional PDN, load, and the current source sections of the basic CML gates.

Electronic system implementation involves...

Optimization in Machine Learning and Applications (Algorithms for Intelligent Systems)
Optimization in Machine Learning and Applications (Algorithms for Intelligent Systems)
This book discusses one of the major applications of artificial intelligence: the use of machine learning to extract useful information from multimodal data. It discusses the optimization methods that help minimize the error in developing patterns and classifications, which further helps improve prediction and decision-making. The book...
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