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Japan’s Asian Diplomacy: Power Transition, Domestic Politics, and Diffusion of Ideas (Critical Studies of the Asia-Pacific)
Japan’s Asian Diplomacy: Power Transition, Domestic Politics, and Diffusion of Ideas (Critical Studies of the Asia-Pacific)

This book provides a comprehensive analysis of Japan’s Asian diplomacy under Prime Minister Shinz? Abe. Under the Kantei-centred policymaking system, Shinz? Abe has implemented assertive foreign policies with a slogan of ‘diplomacy taking a panoramic perspective of the world’. The analyses in...

The 10th International Conference on Computer Engineering and Networks (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 1274)
The 10th International Conference on Computer Engineering and Networks (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 1274)
This book contains a collection of the papers accepted by the CENet2020 – the 10th International Conference on Computer Engineering and Networks held on October 16-18, 2020 in Xi’an, China. The topics focus but are not limited to Internet of Things and Smart Systems, Artificial Intelligence and Applications, Communication System...
Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Harmony Search, Soft Computing and Applications: ICHSA 2020, Istanbul (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing)
Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Harmony Search, Soft Computing and Applications: ICHSA 2020, Istanbul (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing)
This book covers different aspects of real-world applications of optimization algorithms. It provides insights from the Sixth International Conference on Harmony Search, Soft Computing and Applications held at Istanbul University, Turkey, in July 2020. Harmony Search (HS) is one of the most popular metaheuristic algorithms, developed in 2001 by...
Advances in Energy Technology: Proceedings of ICAET 2020 (Advances in Sustainability Science and Technology)
Advances in Energy Technology: Proceedings of ICAET 2020 (Advances in Sustainability Science and Technology)
This book presents best selected papers presented at the International Conference on Advances in Energy Technology (ICAET 2020) organized by Gandhi Institute for Education and Technology (GIET), Bhubaneswar, India, during 17–18 January 2020. The proceeding targets the current research works that may lead to sustainable development of new...
Intelligent Energy Management Technologies: ICAEM 2019 (Algorithms for Intelligent Systems)
Intelligent Energy Management Technologies: ICAEM 2019 (Algorithms for Intelligent Systems)
This book is a collection of best selected high-quality research papers presented at the International Conference on Advances in Energy Management (ICAEM 2019) organized by the Department of Electrical Engineering, Jodhpur Institute of Engineering & Technology (JIET), Jodhpur, India, during 20–21 December 2019. The book...
Design and Development of Aerospace Vehicles and Propulsion Systems: Proceedings of SAROD 2018 (Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering)
Design and Development of Aerospace Vehicles and Propulsion Systems: Proceedings of SAROD 2018 (Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering)
This book presents selected papers presented in the Symposium on Applied Aerodynamics and Design of Aerospace Vehicles (SAROD 2018), which was  jointly organized  by Aeronautical Development Agency (the nodal agency for the design and development of combat aircraft in India),  Gas-Turbine Research Establishment (responsible for...
2050 China: Becoming a Great Modern Socialist Country (Understanding Xi Jinping’s Governance)
2050 China: Becoming a Great Modern Socialist Country (Understanding Xi Jinping’s Governance)
This book is open access under a CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license.

This book is arranged and developed around the theme of “2050 China,” it analyzes the factors and advantages of the Chinese road to socialist modernization, explores and summarizes the development goal and the basic logic of the socialist
Multimodal Composing in K-16 ESL and EFL Education: Multilingual Perspectives
Multimodal Composing in K-16 ESL and EFL Education: Multilingual Perspectives

This book offers a comprehensive view of multimodal composing and literacies in multilingual contexts for ESL and EFL education in United States of America and globally. It illustrates the current state of multimodal composing and literacies, with an emphasis on English learners' language and literacy development. 


Multiple Action-Based Design Approaches to Antibacterials
Multiple Action-Based Design Approaches to Antibacterials
This book covers intentional design aspects for combinations of drugs, single-molecule hybrids with potential or actual multiple actions, pro-drugs which could yield multiple activity outcomes, and future possibilities. The approach of the book is interdisciplinary, and it provides greater understanding of the complex interplay of...
Clinical Neurological Examination and Localization
Clinical Neurological Examination and Localization
Bedside Neurological examination is an important tool in diagnosing neurological disorders .  Despite significant advances in the investigations available for diagnosing neurological disorders bedside neurological examination remains the cornerstone in diagnosing neurological disorders and should  not only  be conducted prior...
Bangladesh in Bondage: Tarique Rahman, SQC, LB, and Other Essays
Bangladesh in Bondage: Tarique Rahman, SQC, LB, and Other Essays

This book brings together a collection of essays about the untenable political status quo in Bangladesh under Sheikh Hasina. Since democratization in the 1990s, Bangladeshi political life has been characterized by fierce battles over the role of religion in society, corruption, and the obstacles to constructing a society with freedom...

Transverse Spin Physics (High Energy Spin Physics)
Transverse Spin Physics (High Energy Spin Physics)
...a useful tool for those who want to know about these new phenomena and understand the physics behind them. -- Prof Franco Bradamante, Universita degli Studi di Trieste, Italy

This book deals with the theory and phenomenology of transverse spin effects in high-energy hadronic physics. Contrary to common past
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