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Fuzzy Relational Calculus: Theory, Applications And Software (Advances in Fuzzy Systems)
Fuzzy Relational Calculus: Theory, Applications And Software (Advances in Fuzzy Systems)

This book examines fuzzy relational calculus theory with applications in various engineering subjects. The scope of the text covers unified and exact methods with algorithms for direct and inverse problem resolution in fuzzy relational calculus. Extensive engineering applications of fuzzy relation compositions and fuzzy linear systems...

Decomposition Methodology For Knowledge Discovery And Data Mining: Theory And Applications
Decomposition Methodology For Knowledge Discovery And Data Mining: Theory And Applications
The book presents an interesting and pleasant introduction to the topic, which can guide the reader to the knowledge of the existing decomposition methods, and to the choice of those most promising for the problems he has to face. -- Zentralblatt MATH

Data Mining is the science and technology of exploring data in
A Guide To Chalcogen-nitrogen Chemistry
A Guide To Chalcogen-nitrogen Chemistry
The quintessential chalcogen-nitrogen compound tetrasulfur tetranitride, S4N4, was first detected by Gregory in 1835 just ten years after the discovery of benzene. Its unusual structure, like that of benzene, was not elucidated for over 100 years. The application of diffraction techniques revealed the unusual cage arrangement with two weak...
Computational Chemistry: Reviews of Current Trends
Computational Chemistry: Reviews of Current Trends
There is no doubt that many of the readers of this book series wonder how the research/computational facilities will look like in the near future. It seems that the efficiency and compactness of the silicon-based computers are almost exhausted, and for significant progress one has to look for alternative solutions. A very...
Handbook of Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision
Handbook of Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision

Dedicated to the memory of the late Professor King Sun Fu (1930-1985), the handbook series, with first edition (1993), second edition (1999) and third edition (2005), provides a comprehensive, concise and balanced coverage of the progress and achievements in the field of pattern recognition and computer vision in the last twenty years. This is a...

Applications Of Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms (Advances in Natural Computation)
Applications Of Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms (Advances in Natural Computation)

This book presents an extensive variety of multi-objective problems across diverse disciplines, along with statistical solutions using multi-objective evolutionary algorithms (MOEAs). The topics discussed serve to promote a wider understanding as well as the use of MOEAs, the aim being to find good solutions for high-dimensional real-world...

Robust Range Image Registration Using Genetic Algorithms And The Surface Interpenetration Measure
Robust Range Image Registration Using Genetic Algorithms And The Surface Interpenetration Measure
This book addresses the range image registration problem for automatic 3D model construction. The focus is on obtaining highly precise alignments between different view pairs of the same object to avoid 3D model distortions; in contrast to most prior work, the view pairs may exhibit relatively little overlap and need not be prealigned. To this end,...
Problems & Solutions In Scientific Computing With C++ And Java Simulations
Problems & Solutions In Scientific Computing With C++ And Java Simulations
Scientific computing is a collection of tools, techniques and theories required to develop and solve mathematical models in science and engineering on a computer. The purpose of this book is to supply a collection of problems together with their detailed solution which will prove to be valuable to students as well as to research workers in the...
Problems & Solutions In Scientific Computing With C++ And Java Simulations
Problems & Solutions In Scientific Computing With C++ And Java Simulations
Scientific computing is a collection of tools, techniques and theories required to develop and solve mathematical models in science and engineering on a computer. This timely book provides the various skills and techniques needed in scientific computing. The topics range in difficulty from elementary to advanced, and all the latest fields in...
Stem Cells: From Benchtop to Bedside
Stem Cells: From Benchtop to Bedside

Stem cell biology has gained tremendous interest in the recent years, driven by the hope of finding cures for several diseases through transplantation medicine. Various types of stem cells have been identified from preimplantation embryos, the fetus, placenta and adult. The isolation of human embryonic stem cells has been considered the...

An Introduction To Black Holes, Information And The String Theory Revolution: The Holographic Universe
An Introduction To Black Holes, Information And The String Theory Revolution: The Holographic Universe
.,." This well-planned, stimulating and sometimes provocative book can be enthusiastically recommended.?

Over the last decade the physics of black holes has been revolutionized by developments that grew out of Jacob Bekenstein s realization that black holes have entropy. Stephen Hawking raised profound issues concerning
Multimedia Databases and Image Communication - Proceedings of the Workshop on MDIC 2004 (Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering)
Multimedia Databases and Image Communication - Proceedings of the Workshop on MDIC 2004 (Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering)

There is a strong need for advances in the fields of image indexing and retrieval and visual query languages for multimedia databases. Image technology is facing both classical and novel problems for the organization and filtering of increasingly large amounts of pictorial data. Novel kinds of problems, such as indexing and high-level...

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