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Titan: Exploring an Earthlike World (Series on Atmospheric, Oceanic and Planetary Physics)
Titan: Exploring an Earthlike World (Series on Atmospheric, Oceanic and Planetary Physics)
Titan: Exploring an Earthlike World presents the most comprehensive description in book form of what is currently known about Titan, the largest satellite of the planet Saturn and arguably the most intriguing and mysterious world in the Solar System. Because of its resemblance to our own planet, Titan is often described as a frozen primitive Earth...
Principles And Advanced Methods In Medical Imaging And Image Analysis
Principles And Advanced Methods In Medical Imaging And Image Analysis
Computerized medical imaging and image analysis have been the central focus in diagnostic radiology. They provide revolutionalizing tools for the visualization of physiology as well as the understanding and quantitative measurement of physiological parameters. This book offers in-depth knowledge of medical imaging instrumentation and techniques as...
Invitation to Noncummutative Geometry
Invitation to Noncummutative Geometry
This is the first existing volume that collects lectures on this important and fast developing subject in mathematics. The lectures are given by leading experts in the field and the range of topics is kept as broad as possible by including both the algebraic and the differential aspects of noncommutative geometry as well as recent applications to...
Principles of Artificial Neural Networks (Advanced Series in Circuits and Systems)
Principles of Artificial Neural Networks (Advanced Series in Circuits and Systems)
Artificial neural networks are, as their name indicates, computational networks which attempt to simulate, in a gross manner, the networks of nerve cell (neurons) of the biological (human or animal) central nervous system. This simulation is a gross cell-by-cell (neuron-by-neuron, element-by-element) simulation. It borrows from the...
Advances in Quantitative Analysis of Finance and Accounting
Advances in Quantitative Analysis of Finance and Accounting
Advances in Quantitative Analysis of Finance and Accounting is an annual publication designed to disseminate recent developments in the quantitative analysis of finance and accounting. The publication is a forum for statistical and quantitative analyses of issues in finance and accounting as well as applications of quantitative methods to problems...
Fundamental Forces of Nature: The Story of Gauge Fields
Fundamental Forces of Nature: The Story of Gauge Fields
In this book I want to tell the story of gauge fields, the messengers that transmit signals among elementary particles, enabling them to interact. They work in the quantum realm of quarks, the deepest level of the structure of matter we have reached so far.

The basic interaction at this level percolates upwards, through hierarchies of
50 Math and Science Games for Leadership
50 Math and Science Games for Leadership

Did you like Math or Science in school? Have you played games that stimulated your thought processes for Math and Science? Trying to be creative in your Math, Science or leadership class? Can leadership be taught? Is leadership an Art or a Science or Math? Seeking to impact your training program with creative games? A primer for leadership...

Cardiac Perfusion and Pumping Engineering (Clinically-Oriented Biomedical Engineering)
Cardiac Perfusion and Pumping Engineering (Clinically-Oriented Biomedical Engineering)

Cardiac pumping is dependent on cardiac perfusion. Hence, it is only natural that we address both cardiac perfusion and pumping in this book. We have gone one step further in also considering assisted perfusion by coronary bypass surgery and myocardial regeneration by means of stem cells transformed into implantable cardiomyocytes. The book...

The Iterated Prisoners' Dilemma: 20 Years on (Advances in Natural Computation)
The Iterated Prisoners' Dilemma: 20 Years on (Advances in Natural Computation)
In 1984, Robert Axelrod reported the results of two iterated prisoner's dilemma (IPD) competitions [Axelrod (1984)]. The booked was to be a catalyst for much of the research in this area since that time. It is unlikely that you would write a scientific paper about IPD, without citing Axelrod's 1984 book. The book is even more remarkable in that it...
Advances in Coding Theory and Crytography (Series on Coding Theory and Cryptology)
Advances in Coding Theory and Crytography (Series on Coding Theory and Cryptology)

Due to the increasing importance of digital communications, the area of research in coding theory and cryptography is broad and fast developing. In this book there are presented some of the latest research developments in the area. The book grew as a combination of two research conferences organized in the area: the Vlora Conference in Coding...

A FAREWELL TO ENTROPY: Statistical Thermodynamics Based on Information
A FAREWELL TO ENTROPY: Statistical Thermodynamics Based on Information
The principal message of this book is that thermodynamics and statistical mechanics will benefit from replacing the unfortunate, misleading and mysterious term entropy with a more familiar, meaningful and appropriate term such as information, missing information or uncertainty. This replacement would facilitate the interpretation of the driving...
Artificial Cells: Biotechnology, Nanomedicine, Regenerative Medicine, Blood Substitutes, Bioencapsulation, and Cell/Stem Cell Therapy
Artificial Cells: Biotechnology, Nanomedicine, Regenerative Medicine, Blood Substitutes, Bioencapsulation, and Cell/Stem Cell Therapy

This is the first book that provides a comprehensive review of the entire area of artificial cells. The author, a pioneer of the field, invented the first artificial cells some 50 years ago and has continued to carry out active research in this field. Since then, there have been explosive research activities around the world on artificial...

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