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Landau Lifshitz Equations (Frontiers of Research With the Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Landau Lifshitz Equations (Frontiers of Research With the Chinese Academy of Sciences)
This is a comprehensive introduction to Landau Lifshitz equations and Landau Lifshitz Maxwell equations, beginning with the work by Yulin Zhou and Boling Guo in the early 1980s and including most of the work done by this Chinese group led by Zhou and Guo since. The book focuses on aspects such as the existence of weak solutions in multi dimensions,...
Physics And Modeling Of Tera- And Nano-Devices (Selected Topics in Eletronics and Systems)
Physics And Modeling Of Tera- And Nano-Devices (Selected Topics in Eletronics and Systems)
Physics and Modeling of Tera- and Nano-Devices is a compilation of papers by well-respected researchers working in the field of physics and modeling of novel electronic and optoelectronic devices. The topics covered include devices based on carbon nanotubes, generation and detection of terahertz radiation in semiconductor structures including...
The New Art And Science Of Pregnancy And Childbirth: What You Want to Know from Your Obstetrician
The New Art And Science Of Pregnancy And Childbirth: What You Want to Know from Your Obstetrician
Edited by prominent obstetricians in KK Women's and Children's Hospital, the largest maternity hospital in Singapore with about 12,000 babies delivered each year, this book provides a comprehensive and informative look at pregnancy and childcare. It covers topics ranging from pre-pregnancy care, pregnancy care, and actual delivery to baby care. It...
Perspectives Of LHC Physics
Perspectives Of LHC Physics
The Large Hadron Collider (LHC), located at CERN, Geneva, Switzerland, will be the world's largest and highest energy and highest intensity particle accelerator. Here is a timely book with several perspectives on the hoped-for discoveries from the LHC.

This book provides an overview on the techniques that will be crucial for finding new...

Foundations Of Decision-Making Agents: Logic, Probability and Modality
Foundations Of Decision-Making Agents: Logic, Probability and Modality

This self-contained book provides three fundamental and generic approaches (logical, probabilistic, and modal) to representing and reasoning with agent epistemic states, specifically in the context of decision making. Each of these approaches can be applied to the construction of intelligent software agents for making decisions, thereby...

Recent Advances In Data Mining Of Enterprise Data: Algorithms and Applications (Series on Computers and Operations Research)
Recent Advances In Data Mining Of Enterprise Data: Algorithms and Applications (Series on Computers and Operations Research)

The main goal of the new field of data mining is the analysis of large and complex datasets. Some very important datasets may be derived from business and industrial activities. This kind of data is known as enterprise data . The common characteristic of such datasets is that the analyst wishes to analyze them for the purpose of designing a...

Topological Foundations of Electrodynamics (World Scientific Series in Contemporary Chemical Physics)
Topological Foundations of Electrodynamics (World Scientific Series in Contemporary Chemical Physics)
Topological Foundations of Electromagnetism seeks a fundamental understanding of the dynamics of electromagnetism; and marshals the evidence that in certain precisely defined topological conditions, electromagnetic theory (Maxwell's theory) must be extended or generalized in order to provide an explanation and understanding of, until now, unusual...
Success Secrets: Real-Life Stories to Inspire and Motivate
Success Secrets: Real-Life Stories to Inspire and Motivate

This unique book fills a vital gap present in most study and examination guides - it offers inspiration and motivation to make the student want to excel. As such, it is a valuable complement to the author's other book, "Scholars' Secrets". The author shares his personal story about how he overcame poverty and parental abuse,...

Brain-Mind Machinery: Brain-inspired Computing and Mind Opening
Brain-Mind Machinery: Brain-inspired Computing and Mind Opening

Brain and mind continue to be a topic of enormous scientific interest. With the recent advances in measuring instruments such as two-photon laser scanning microscopy and fMRI, the neuronal connectivity and circuitry of how the brain's various regions are hierarchically interconnected and organized are better understood now than ever...

Introduction To Digital Signal Processing: Computer Musically Speaking
Introduction To Digital Signal Processing: Computer Musically Speaking

This book offers an introduction to digital signal processing (DSP) with an emphasis on audio signals and computer music. It covers the mathematical foundations of DSP, important DSP theories including sampling, LTI systems, the z-transform, FIR/IIR filters, classic sound synthesis algorithms, various digital effects, topics in time and...

Advances in Artificial Intelligence for Privacy Protection and Security
Advances in Artificial Intelligence for Privacy Protection and Security

In this book, we aim to collect the most recent advances in artificial intelligence techniques (i.e. neural networks, fuzzy systems, multi-agent systems, genetic algorithms, image analysis, clustering, etc), which are applied to the protection of privacy and security. The symbiosis between these fields leads to a pool of invigorating ideas,...

Steiner Tree Problems In Computer Communication Networks
Steiner Tree Problems In Computer Communication Networks
The Steiner tree problem is one of the most important combinatorial optimization problems. It has a long history that can be traced back to the famous mathematician Fermat (1601 1665). This book studies three significant breakthroughs on the Steiner tree problem that were achieved in the 1990s, and some important applications of Steiner tree...
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