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Advances In Quantitative Analysis Of Finance And Accounting
Advances In Quantitative Analysis Of Finance And Accounting
Advances in Quantitative Analysis of Finance and Accounting is an annual publication designed to disseminate developments in the quantitative analysis of finance and accounting. The publication is a forum for statistical and quantitative analyses of issues in finance and accounting, as well as applications of quantitative methods to problems in...
Uncertainty and Intelligent Information Systems
Uncertainty and Intelligent Information Systems
Intelligent systems are necessary to handle modern computer-based technologies managing information and knowledge. This book discusses the theories required to help provide solutions to difficult problems in the construction of intelligent systems. Particular attention is paid to situations in which the available information and data may be...
Non-Perturbative Renormalization
Non-Perturbative Renormalization
The notion of renormalization is at the core of several spectacular achievements of contemporary physics, and in the last years powerful techniques have been developed allowing to put renormalization on a firm mathematical basis. This book provides a self-consistent and accessible introduction to the sophisticated tools used in the modern theory of...
Semi-Classical Analysis For Nonlinear Schrodinger Equations
Semi-Classical Analysis For Nonlinear Schrodinger Equations
These lecture notes review recent results on the high-frequency analysis of nonlinear SchrГѓВ¶dinger equations in the presence of an external potential. The book consists of two relatively independent parts: WKB analysis, and caustic crossing. In the first part, the basic linear WKB theory is constructed and then extended to the...
Analytic Solutions Of Functional Equations
Analytic Solutions Of Functional Equations

This book presents a self-contained and unified introduction to the properties of analytic functions. Based on recent research results, it provides many examples of functional equations to show how analytic solutions can be found.

Unlike in other books, analytic functions are treated here as those generated by sequences with...

Sensors and Microsystems: Proceedings of 11th Italian Conference Leece, Italy 8-10 February 2006
Sensors and Microsystems: Proceedings of 11th Italian Conference Leece, Italy 8-10 February 2006
This book contains a selection of the contributions presented and discussed during the 1 1” AISEM (Associazione Italiana Sensori e Microsistemi) National Conference on Sensors and Microsystems, held in Lecce, Italy, on February 8-10, 2006.

The Conference has been organized by the Institute for
Intelligible Universe: An Overview of the Last Thirteen Billion Years
Intelligible Universe: An Overview of the Last Thirteen Billion Years

This interesting book reviews WMAP s main results (2003) and discusses in detail how the accurate qualitative results for the age of the universe and the Hubble constant were anticipated in an article published five years before in Acta Cosmologica, Krakow. In the final chapter on Cosmic Numbers , it is shown that, as a result of the...

Computational Prospects Of Infinity - Part I: Tutorials (Lecture Notes)
Computational Prospects Of Infinity - Part I: Tutorials (Lecture Notes)
This volume presents the written versions of the tutorial lectures given at the Workshop on Computational Prospects of Infinity, held from 18 June to 15 August 2005 at the Institute for Mathematical Sciences, National University of Singapore. It consists of articles by four of the leading experts in recursion theory (computability theory) and set...
Personalization Techniques And Recommender Systems
Personalization Techniques And Recommender Systems

The phenomenal growth of the Internet has resulted in the availability of huge amounts of online information, a situation that is overwhelming to the end-user. To overcome this problem personalization technologies have been extensively employed across several domains to provide assistance in filtering, sorting, classifying and sharing...

Topics in Mathematical Analysis (Series on Analysis, Applications and Computation)
Topics in Mathematical Analysis (Series on Analysis, Applications and Computation)
This volume consists of a series of lecture notes on mathematical analysis. The contributors have been selected on the basis of both their outstanding scientific level and their clarity of exposition. Thus, the present collection is particularly suited to young researchers and graduate students. Through this volume, the editors intend to provide...
The Thermodynamic Universe: Exploring the Limits of Physics
The Thermodynamic Universe: Exploring the Limits of Physics
Particle Physics and High Energy Physics have stagnated since the early 1970s. Now, the underlying principle of reductionism -- so sacred to twentieth-century physics -- is itself being questioned. This book examines these tumultuous developments that are leading to a paradigm shift and a new horizon for Physics.

Presenting the new paradigm...

Mathematical Aspects Of Quantum Computing 2007 (Kinki University Series on Quantum Computing)
Mathematical Aspects Of Quantum Computing 2007 (Kinki University Series on Quantum Computing)
This volume contains lecture notes and poster contributions presented at the summer school “Mathematical Aspects of Quantum Computing”, held from 27 to 29 August, 2007 at Kinki University in Osaka, Japan. The aims of this summer school were to exchange and share ideas among researchers working in various fields of quantum computing...
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