.NET InstantCode: UML with Visio and Visual Studio .NETLearn how Microsoft Visio can be integrated with Visual Studio .Net 2003 to create enterprise level applications, including the features of Visio, such as Unified Modelling Language (UML), Database Modelling, and Object Role Modelling (ORM).
Visio is a diagramming tool that allows you to create drawings and document processes, systems,... |  |  Integrating PHP and XMLLearn how to use SAX, XSLT, and XPath to manipulate XML documents, as well as use of XML-RPC protocol for accessing procedures on a remote computer, and much more.
PHP is a server-side scripting language used to create Web applications. XML is a markup language used to exchange data among Web applications. PHP can be... |  |  Building Applications Using Ant 1.6Learn how to install, download, and run Ant. The book also describes various Ant data types, Ant tasks, Ant listeners and loggers, and Ant future versions.
Developing Applications Using Ant explains the Ant built tool. The book explains the need, design, and benefits... |