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Jenkins 2: Up and Running: Evolve Your Deployment Pipeline for Next Generation Automation
Jenkins 2: Up and Running: Evolve Your Deployment Pipeline for Next Generation Automation

Design, implement, and execute continuous delivery pipelines with a level of flexibility, control, and ease of maintenance that was not possible with Jenkins before. With this practical book, build administrators, developers, testers, and other professionals will learn how the features in Jenkins 2 let you define pipelines as code,...

Simplifying JavaScript: Writing Modern JavaScript with ES5, ES6, and Beyond
Simplifying JavaScript: Writing Modern JavaScript with ES5, ES6, and Beyond

The best modern JavaScript is simple, readable, and predictable. Learn to write modern JavaScript not by memorizing a list of new syntax, but with practical examples of how syntax changes can make code more expressive. Starting from variable declarations that communicate intention clearly, see how modern principles can improve all...

Craft GraphQL APIs in Elixir with Absinthe: Flexible, Robust Services for Queries, Mutations, and Subscriptions
Craft GraphQL APIs in Elixir with Absinthe: Flexible, Robust Services for Queries, Mutations, and Subscriptions

Your domain is rich and interconnected, and your API should be too. Upgrade your web API to GraphQL, leveraging its flexible queries to empower your users, and its declarative structure to simplify your code. Absinthe is the GraphQL toolkit for Elixir, a functional programming language designed to enable massive concurrency atop...

Handbook of Machine and Computer Vision: The Guide for Developers and Users
Handbook of Machine and Computer Vision: The Guide for Developers and Users

The second edition of this accepted reference work has been updated to reflect the rapid developments in the field and now covers both 2D and 3D imaging.
Written by expert practitioners from leading companies operating in machine vision, this one-stop handbook guides readers through all aspects of image acquisition and image

Whittled Away: Ireland's Vanishing Nature
Whittled Away: Ireland's Vanishing Nature

A look at how and why nature is disappearing in Ireland. It charts how a grim failure to manage the country's natural resources has impoverished Ireland. But it also reveals the possibilities for the future, describing how Ireland can replenish the seas, farm in tune with nature, and develop forests that benefit both people and wildlife....

The Computer: A Very Short Introduction
The Computer: A Very Short Introduction

What is the basic nature of the modern computer? How does it work? How has it been possible to squeeze so much power into increasingly smaller machines? What will the next generations of computers look like? In this Very Short Introduction, Darrel Ince looks at the basic concepts behind all computers, the changes in hardware and...

The New Rules of Green Marketing: Strategies, Tools, and Inspiration for Sustainable Branding
The New Rules of Green Marketing: Strategies, Tools, and Inspiration for Sustainable Branding

Green products have been around since the 1970s, but it's only in recent years that they've become ubiquitous. That's because savvy green marketers are no longer targeting "deep green" consumers with a "save the planet" pitch. Instead, they're promoting the added value their products provide: better health,...

By the Skin of Our Teeth: The Art and Design of Morning Breath
By the Skin of Our Teeth: The Art and Design of Morning Breath

A beautifully designed visual history of Morning Breath, Inc., the Brooklyn-based boutique design studio whose collaborators include renowned musical artists (from Jay Z to the Foo Fighters) as well as such top brands as Vans and Adidas.

In 1996 while working at the in-house design department at Think...

Feature Engineering for Machine Learning: Principles and Techniques for Data Scientists
Feature Engineering for Machine Learning: Principles and Techniques for Data Scientists

Feature engineering is a crucial step in the machine-learning pipeline, yet this topic is rarely examined on its own. With this practical book, you’ll learn techniques for extracting and transforming features—the numeric representations of raw data—into formats for machine-learning models. Each chapter guides you...

Amazon Web Services for Mobile Developers: Building Apps with AWS
Amazon Web Services for Mobile Developers: Building Apps with AWS

A practical, real-world introduction to AWS tools and concepts

Amazon Web Services for Mobile Developers: Building Apps with AWS presents a professional view of cloud computing and AWS for experienced iOS/Android developers and technical/solution architects. Cloud computing is a rapidly expanding ecosystem, and...

Dress and Society: contributions from archaeology
Dress and Society: contributions from archaeology

While traditional studies of dress and jewelry have tended to focus purely on reconstruction or descriptions of style, chronology and typology, the social context of costume is now a major research area in archaeology. This refocusing is largely a result of the close relationship between dress and three currently popular topics: identity,...

Windows Security Monitoring: Scenarios and Patterns
Windows Security Monitoring: Scenarios and Patterns

Dig deep into the Windows auditing subsystem to monitor for malicious activities and enhance Windows system security

Written by a former Microsoft security program manager, DEFCON "Forensics CTF" village author and organizer, and CISSP, this book digs deep into the Windows security auditing subsystem to help you...

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