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Automatic Design of Decision-Tree Induction Algorithms (SpringerBriefs in Computer Science)
Automatic Design of Decision-Tree Induction Algorithms (SpringerBriefs in Computer Science)

Presents a detailed study of the major design components that constitute a top-down decision-tree induction algorithm, including aspects such as split criteria, stopping criteria, pruning and the approaches for dealing with missing values. Whereas the strategy still employed nowadays is to use a 'generic' decision-tree induction...

The Bloomsbury Companion to Socrates (Bloomsbury Companions)
The Bloomsbury Companion to Socrates (Bloomsbury Companions)

Socrates, the largely enigmatic Greek thinker, is universally considered to have laid the foundations of western philosophy. His philosophy, available to us through the early dialogues of Plato and the writings of his contemporaries, has had a remarkably enduring influence on virtually every area of philosophical enterprise .


Angst bewältigen: Selbsthilfe bei Panik und Agoraphobie - Den Rückfall vermeiden - Fallbeispiele und konkrete Tipps (German Edition)
Angst bewältigen: Selbsthilfe bei Panik und Agoraphobie - Den Rückfall vermeiden - Fallbeispiele und konkrete Tipps (German Edition)

Angst und Panik bewältigen

Panikartige Ängste sind enorm verbreitet. Die Angstzustände sind verbunden mit meist heftigen körperlichen Reaktionen, wie Schwindel, Herzklopfen oder Schweißausbrüchen. Sie quälen und schränken Betroffene zusehends ein. Angstpatientinnen und -patienten...

Radio: Eine Einführung (German Edition)
Radio: Eine Einführung (German Edition)

Das Buch ist als Einführung konzipiert, die einen umfassenden und interdisziplinären Überblick zum Phänomen Radio bietet. Radio ist das älteste der elektronischen Medien, vermag in der Nutzungsdauer mit dem Fernsehen zu konkurrieren, gleichwohl kommt es über die Rolle eines ´Nebenher´-Mediums selten...

Das kleine Buch der Zahlen: Vom Abzählen bis zur Kryptographie (German Edition)
Das kleine Buch der Zahlen: Vom Abzählen bis zur Kryptographie (German Edition)

Seit Jahrhunderten sind Menschen fasziniert von Zahlen. Zahlen sind jedem vertraut und bilden ein wesentliches Fundament für unser Verständnis der Welt. Und doch ist uns das Zahlensystem nicht „einfach so“ gegeben, sondern es hat sich über Jahrtausende entwickelt. Trotz aller Fortschritte kann auch heute noch jedes...

Evolution in Four Dimensions: Genetic, Epigenetic, Behavioral, and Symbolic Variation in the History of Life (Life and Mind: Philosophical Issues in Biology and Psychology)
Evolution in Four Dimensions: Genetic, Epigenetic, Behavioral, and Symbolic Variation in the History of Life (Life and Mind: Philosophical Issues in Biology and Psychology)

This new edition of the widely read Evolution in Four Dimensions has been revised to reflect the spate of new discoveries in biology since the book was first published in 2005, offering corrections, an updated bibliography, and a substantial new chapter. Eva Jablonka and Marion Lamb's pioneering argument proposes that there is more...

Trimming, Miniaturization and Ideality via Convolution Technique of TRIZ: A Guide to Lean and High-level Inventive Design (SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology)
Trimming, Miniaturization and Ideality via Convolution Technique of TRIZ: A Guide to Lean and High-level Inventive Design (SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology)

The book is a valuable research tool-kit for innovators, amateur & professionals alike. Additionally, College & University faculties on Engineering, who organize yearly workshops internationally will find hundreds of novel themes to choose from. Some teachers might just secretly buy this book to introduce out-of-box brain-teasers in...

Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology of Mercury
Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology of Mercury

The book that looks at mercury's impact on the planet today

Recent research by the EPA has concluded that one in six women of childbearing age have unsafe levels of mercury in their bodies, which puts 630,000 newborn babies each year at risk of neurological impairment. Mercury poses severe risks to the health of animals and...

Beginning Software Engineering
Beginning Software Engineering

A complete introduction to building robust and reliable software

Beginning Software Engineering demystifies the software engineering methodologies and techniques that professional developers use to design and build robust, efficient, and consistently reliable software. Free of jargon and assuming no previous

Plato and the Divided Self
Plato and the Divided Self

Plato's account of the tripartite soul is a memorable feature of dialogues like the Republic, Phaedrus and Timaeus: it is one of his most famous and influential yet least understood theories. It presents human nature as both essentially multiple and diverse - and yet somehow also one - divided into a fully human 'rational' part, a...

Classification and Data Mining (Studies in Classification, Data Analysis, and Knowledge Organization)
Classification and Data Mining (Studies in Classification, Data Analysis, and Knowledge Organization)

This volume contains both methodological papers showing new original methods, and papers on applications illustrating how new domain-specific knowledge can be made available from data by clever use of data analysis methods. The volume is subdivided in three parts: Classification and Data Analysis; Data Mining; and Applications. The selection...

Partial Differential Equation Analysis in Biomedical Engineering: Case Studies with Matlab
Partial Differential Equation Analysis in Biomedical Engineering: Case Studies with Matlab

Aimed at graduates and researchers, and requiring only a basic knowledge of multi-variable calculus, this introduction to computer-based partial differential equation (PDE) modeling provides readers with the practical methods necessary to develop and use PDE mathematical models in biomedical engineering. Taking an applied approach, rather...

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