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Identity and Data Security for Web Development: Best Practices
Identity and Data Security for Web Development: Best Practices

Developers, designers, engineers, and creators can no longer afford to pass responsibility for identity and data security onto others. Web developers who don’t understand how to obscure data in transmission, for instance, can open security flaws on a site without realizing it. With this practical guide, you’ll learn how...

Programming Rust
Programming Rust

This practical book introduces systems programmers to Rust, the new and cutting-edge language. You’ll learn how Rust offers the rare and valuable combination of statically verified memory safety and low-level control—imagine C++, but without dangling pointers, null pointer dereferences, leaks, or buffer overruns.

Pyside GUI Application Development - Second Edition
Pyside GUI Application Development - Second Edition

Develop more dynamic and robust GUI applications using PySide, an open source cross-platform UI framework

About This Book

  • Designed for beginners to help you get started with GUI application development
  • Develop your own applications by creating customized widgets and dialogs
  • ...
Scala High Performance Programming
Scala High Performance Programming

Key Features Get the first book to explore Scala performance techniques in depth! Real-world inspired use cases illustrate and support the techniques studied and the language features This book is written by Vincent Theron and Michael Diamant, software engineers with several years of experience in the high-frequency trading and programmatic...

D3.js By Example
D3.js By Example

Key Features

  • Learn to use the facilities provided by D3.js to create data-driven visualizations
  • Explore the concepts of D3.js through examples that enable you to quickly create visualizations including charts, network diagrams, and maps
  • Get practical examples of visualizations using...
Learning Unix for OS X: Going Deep With the Terminal and Shell
Learning Unix for OS X: Going Deep With the Terminal and Shell

Think your Mac is powerful now? This practical guide shows you how to get much more from your system by tapping into Unix, the robust operating system concealed beneath OS X’s beautiful user interface. OS X puts more than a thousand Unix commands at your fingertips—for finding and managing files, remotely accessing your...

JavaScript Concurrency
JavaScript Concurrency

About This Book

  • Apply the core principles of concurrency to both browser and server side development
  • Explore the latest tools and techniques at the forefront of concurrent programming, including JavaScript promises, web workers, and generators
  • Learn how concurrent and parallel programming...
Understand Data Mining
Understand Data Mining

Data mining is definitely not a piece of cake. There are those who spend years in the specialization of this particular field in order to operate businesses smoothly. Are you looking for a data mining course? You too, have the ability and the means to learn all the tricks that go into data mining. This book has been specifically written for...

Microsoft Access 2016: The Complete Guide
Microsoft Access 2016: The Complete Guide

Microsoft has made many strides with the Access program since its invention. Over the years it has risen has one of the most dominant database programs with user-friendly features. Access 2013 is a part of the Office 2012 and so have similar commands and features as that of Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel. Information can easily be shared...

Foundations for Analytics with Python
Foundations for Analytics with Python

If you’re like many of Excel’s 750 million users, you want to do more with your data—like repeating similar analyses over hundreds of files, or combining data in many files for analysis at one time. This practical guide shows ambitious non-programmers how to automate and scale the processing and analysis of data in...

C# 6.0 in a Nutshell: The Definitive Reference
C# 6.0 in a Nutshell: The Definitive Reference

When you have questions about C# 6.0 or the .NET CLR and its core Framework assemblies, this bestselling guide has the answers you need. C# has become a language of unusual flexibility and breadth since its premiere in 2000, but this continual growth means there’s still much more to learn.

Organized around concepts...

Designing Efficient BPM Applications: A Process-Based Guide for Beginners
Designing Efficient BPM Applications: A Process-Based Guide for Beginners

Looking for efficiency gains in your business? If you’re a business analyst, this practical guide will show you how to design effective business process management (BPM) applications. Every business uses business processes—these everyday tasks help you gain and retain customers, stay profitable, and keep your operations...

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